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About 3361

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. So, a couple of dayz (pun intended) ago, I lost all my tents in a server restart. So, yesterday I started again by killing myself, and only going on high-population servers. I die like 3 times in Cherno, but manage to get all my gear back each time (an M9SD, and a m14 AIM). Then I find 2 tents, and an alice backpack with lots of medical and food supplies. Then I ran for the hills, and didn't look back until I reached some far north-west area (will not give exact locations) where my old base used to be. I set up camp there again. Then, I noticed the server I was on, only had around 10 players online anymore, so I decided to change server. Got on a server with about 25 people (the highest one I could find with the filter I'm using), and look at that! A HUGE camp. I pretty much have everything in the game now... So... yeah. If it hadn't been for that server restart where I lost all my stuff, I wouldn't have found this :) And I don't feel sorry for robbing this camp, since this camp had items which were not in DayZ, so think they might have been hackers, or got items from hackers (or "script-kiddies", if you will). The hacked items were left on the ground in the forest, and will probably BeGone (awesome free fps game, click the link) before anyone find it. Non-hacked items which I didn't want/didn't have space for, I left in the tents. That they may keep, I'm not an complete a$$hole Going to bed now, good night :)
  2. Lol... maybe, depends. got some other dude that wants to trade an l85 aws with me, if he doesn't show up, maybe we can make a deal? :D
  3. No. Honestly, I don't like most people. I'm a IRL loner (got no problem with "hanging out" with people over the internet, but I like to have the ability to just push a button, and be totally alone). He annoys the crap out of me, I just don't have the heart to tell him.
  4. Well, yeah... I don't mind giving him 10$, I wouldn't give more for it, but to me 10$ is not that much... And he's saved my ass a couple of times here in DayZ, so... yeah.
  5. Hahaha! Yes! They're so great! Sarcasm mode off. Well, I've known him since second grade, and most people don't seem to like him. Kinda sad really.
  6. Well, you have to work for the money... so, I did kinda work for it. And, well, yes, I agree. You shouldn't be able to get everything just because you have money. But it's not like my friend used any time, or skills to get this sniper either. He found it on some dead guy in the hangars in Balota. He didn't have to work for the sniper, I had to work for the money. And he was just going to throw the sniper away anyways. If I hadn't bought it, he wouldn't have waited for me to get there and get it from him. I don't dupe, don't know how to, and don't care for it. Duping is kinda like cheating, is it not? I don't cheat. Anyways, he probably wouldn't have given it away to me free, even if he had 10 of 'em.
  7. Do you guys not understand that: Extra cash + wanting something = you buy it Do you guys not understand that?
  8. 3361

    Selling: The legendary MOUNTAIN DEW.

    I found 2 Mountain Dews in one day once, and I find Mountain Dews very often compared to AS50's and vehicles.
  9. I'm kinda surprised over you guys' reaction to me paying money for a virtual item. Like, pretty much anyone I know have done it, except my parents and grandparents. I have much more fun with items in the virtual world, than with items in the real world. I get the point that I could always get the sniper for free, just go to a few heli crash sites. Well, guess what? Never found an as50 there, and I'd rather just buy it. I might find one later, but I didn't want it later, I wanted it now. I know the economy is bad, and a lot of people are struggling. You wouldn't waste your money on something virtual, or something that you could get for free then. But I'm not struggling at the moment. so I'll waste my money... and at the same time, my friends who need money, gets some.
  10. lol, that was funny :P but no, my friend's not like him. He's not greedy, and he doesn't try to scam people. Well, yes he tries to scam people, but not me. I was the one that suggested that if he gave me the sniper, I'd give him 10$.
  11. Edit: Lol, logged onto the server with all my tents, and they were all gone. Sorry, got no AS50 to trade :P Hi, a few days ago I bought an as50 from my friend for 10$... Then I realized that I suck at sniping :S Now, I think I have somewhere between 10 and 12 full as50 mags, I know one is almost empty, but at least 10 full. I also have a few m107 mags. I won't just give it away, or give you a good deal. I gave 10$ for this gun. The weapons I already have: mk 48 mod 0 Lee Enfield m4a3 cco m4a1 cco sd m4a1 Remington 870 PDW G17 Now, I almost have everything I want of weapons, but I do kinda want an M9SD, but that's not worth 10$ in my eyes. I don't know how good the bizon pp-19 SD is, it's extremely rare, so it has to be kinda good. Since I don't know how good it is, I don't know what it's worth, and probably won't trade a as50 for it. Maybe if I got a bizon and M9SD. I want a L85A2 AWS, but I think it might be worth a bit more than an as50, at least in my eyes. Not that I've ever used one. I would also probably take almost any vehicle (no boats, maybe a bike lol) for it, but it really depends on what server it is on. A server with 3dp and crosshair on, nameplates off. Needs to have newest version of arma 2, and dayz. Preferably Scandinavian, but German, Dutch, Finnish, Netherlands, or any servers from around there would be fine. US servers are usually too many players on, and I got quite high ping on them. Other than that, there's not that much I want... except maybe a ghillie suit, and a tent or two (can't seem to find any). And Night vision goggles! If you have some of this (or something else), just comment, and maybe we can make a deal? :D
  12. 3361

    Selling a M24+M9SD for some good gun

    I already have an MK 48 Mod 0, so no thanks :) I kinda want the silenced M9 though, but I gave a friend 10$ for the as50 with 11 mags, the M9SD isn't worth 10$ lol :P
  13. Edit: No one? :'( Well, too bad for me, lol. I'll just have to walk tomorrow then, good night :) Hi, I was hoping someone could perhaps give me a ride to Cherno a bit later? From Lopatino preferably... I was planning on going to the NW airfield, get some stuff, go back to my base and fill my tent up, then go down to Cherno and try to find a new tent. But it's quite late here in Norway now (11:45PM), and I have school tomorrow. So, I don't have time to walk all the way down to Cherno. And if I find a tent quite fast, it would be nice to get a ride back to Lopatino, but that's not necessary, since I can walk up myself tomorrow. I'll be heading out from my base to Lopatino now, then I'll be going to the NW airfield, then back to Lopatino, then to my base, and if someone's replied and can take me to Cherno, I'll head down to Lopatino to be picked up :) It will take some time before I'm ready, will probably be spending some time at the NW airfield :)
  14. 3361

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    You're welcome to have your opinion, but I do disagree with it. I want to have this game very realistic, maybe not too realistic, if it was too realistic it wouldn't be fun. I don't see the need for knowing who I killed, or who killed me. I don't need vengeance, I just want some loot :) If you're a competitive person, I can see why'd you want to know who you got killed by, and who you kill. But I'm not like that, I just want a decent amount of realism. It would be okay for me if it was like an option for the server host to activate/deactivate it, and I could just find server which had that disabled, and you could play on servers which had it activated.
  15. 3361

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    In real life, you wouldn't know who killed you either. Well, in real life you wouldn't re-spawn, but I kinda like that feature in this game lol. I don't think people should know when we die, where we die, how we died, and who/what killed us.