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DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. And think! It's been around since 2001! The editor is pretty much exactly the same as it was back in 2001 in OFP. It's finally good to see ArmA in the spotlight. People playing DayZ will eventually try out vanilla ArmA and see how great it is.
  2. Nicholas

    Server US 2239 All Welcome!

    You're just asking for trouble by posting your server information.
  3. Nicholas

    why are so many children playing this game?

    The game doesn't encourage anything. Everyone makes their own decisions.
  4. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Gotta love when people start twisting your words around. He's grasping for air now. The only path he can take leads under the troll bridge. Bravo.
  5. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Where the heck did you get that statistic?
  6. There is nothing that anyone here can help with. The only thing I can do is guide you in the right direction. You should probably read the support section of the BattlEye website.
  7. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    I'll admit I bought those weapons and upgrades on BF3 and I do for most games. It's because I simply don't have the time to level all the way up to 50 or whatever and unlock all the weapons I want. I think I'm still only about level 15 on BF3. I play it every once in a while, but not often.
  8. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    This is just getting hilarious. Like I said, if you're getting so upset over what is happening in a virtual environment, a game, maybe you should take a step back and go for a walk or something. Stop playing for a few days or play a different game for a while.
  9. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    But this method of "battling" the hackers will do nothing. Just sit back and let the server admins handle it. Letting hackers hack is not taking it like a bitch. I hate hackers, I'm not going to step down to their level and hack them. Then I'd hate myself. There is only so much you can do. If there is a will, there is a way.
  10. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    You're comparing a real world event to a virtual event that has no impact on your life. You can't stop playing a game for a few days, weeks, or months? Are the hackers in your house forcing you to play DayZ with them?
  11. Sure it might be creepy, but this method of survival is effective. Sometimes I try to help someone if I see that they are in desperate need of help. Learning the behavior of other players really helps me out as well, because I can better anticipate what their next move may be.
  12. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    I understand the OP was making a suggestion and I disagree with him/her. What I'm saying is that complaining about something won't get you anywhere. Hacking the hackers won't help either. If it is so upsetting to you, simply don't play.
  13. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    At this point it seems all you're doing is complaining about the issue. I can see why it would upset you, but complaining and whining won't get you anywhere. Hacking the hackers won't solve anything either. As I said, why bother continue playing the game if it is upsetting you? Why would you do something that makes you unhappy?
  14. I have not come into contact with any nice players since I've been playing these past two months. I usually hide in the forest and search deer stands often. I rarely head into towns, usually only if I am desperate and need food badly. Most recently, I was killed on site by another player in a factory. We were both coming around the corner and he managed to shoot me dead before I could say anything. I only carry a hatchet as a weapon. Occasionally I'll carry a pistol as well, but it's rare. All I ever need is a hatchet and binoculars for observing. I like to stalk people and watch what they do.
  15. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    I'm well aware of how difficult it is to get any sort of legit vehicle. If all you want to do is fly a helicopter, maybe you should try another game?
  16. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Adding "counter-hacks" is not going to "level the playing field". Your just stepping down to the same level as the hackers if that happens. There would be no purpose in playing the game if anyone could spawn in weapons and various items. Also, Rocket has made it clear that the hackers cannot ban someone else by forcing them to run scripts.
  17. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Just because it happens does not mean you have to react. Simply leave the server. Don't get attached to your gear. If it makes you mad when you spend hours collecting great loot only to be killed, then maybe you shouldn't be playing at all? Just step back and take a look at the big picture. I'm sure you'll have plenty more time to get that loot back. It'll be a different experience each time. It's only a game in the end.
  18. Nicholas

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    The best way to beat them is to simply ignore them and not acknowledge their actions. Of course ban them when their hacks are detected, but hackers get their "high" from the reactions of the other players. The best thing to do when a hack happens is to not say anything. Just leave the server. Usually server admins scan their logs at the end of each day and ban anyone caught using hacks. You think hacking as it is now ruins the game? Adding in "counter hacks" that anyone could use would really, really ruin the game. I like to think of hackers as bullies. The same ideas about dealing with bullies can be applied to hackers. Don't show your emotion and don't bully back.