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Everything posted by Kigrax

  1. I'm 18, have voip, -5 EST time zone. Looking for a mature, geared up pure pvp/pk clan or group. My steam is ninjarcher.
  2. 1. First Name: Kigrax 2. Age: 18 3. Country: USA 4. Favorite Weapon, AND Favorite Role: DMR, forward sniper 5. Skype Name: resubian1 6. Would You Like To Take Place In Raids?: Yep I'm an expert gamer and have many years of experience with shooters. Hit me up
  3. You seem to lead a pretty empty life, friend.
  4. @Aussie congrats @LEGION I don't kill new spawns or generally stay near the coast at all, no.
  5. I have no gear because I died recently. I couldn't care less if the dayz forum community would agree with my skill level, I'm simply letting anyone reading my advertisement know what I judge it to be. If you think this is a "trap" I'm willing to meet you under your conditions.
  6. @Aggressive I added you. I'm an expert because I have many years of very consistent fps/tps experience. I can pubstomp on any game I play. Just like lots of other experienced pubstars
  7. Kigrax

    Just lost 2 nvg's/rangefinder

    ^this. I was under the same impression
  8. Kigrax

    many players are quitting

    Amen as usual Rocket
  9. Kigrax

    How much would you pay?

    Assuming the game would have at least a medium population for at least a year, I'd pay up to $100 or so. The experience is just that valuable to me; perma-death pvp that doesn't involve grinding, luck, or over-complicated mechanics. You're rewarded for taking risks, not reading text books on battle strategies or killing 1000 slimes an hour.
  10. NO crosses the line b/w realism and fun. traveling/searching is the most tedious mechanic, don't expand upon that if you're looking for more hardcore gameplay
  11. Kigrax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    god bless you for new zombies, Rocket
  12. Kigrax

    So many tears

    Yeah everyone would have a lot more fun if you high experienced players went back to killing noobs in cherno and gtfo Berez.. oh wait, Covalent is autistic?
  13. All the crying about gamma correction is ridiculous. If I can't see at night without NVGs I'll simply stop playing at night. No amount of changes you can implement are going to force me to play at night and move either in pitch blackness or flare to flare; both are suicidal, especially given that zombies teleport every two seconds, glitch through solid surfaces, never tire and run as fast as me. That's all there is too it, cry all you want. I'll just keep capping the whining kids who do nothing but look for NVGs at NW airfield, but in the daytime.
  14. Kigrax

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    @Rocket you're saying pvp is not meant to be a major part of the game?
  15. Literally. I've played every shooter you can think of along with most of the other free mainstream and underground games out there and DayZ offers an experience unlike any of them. I'm not a roleplayer at all, but I'm also not a casual. I could hop on any of the last 6 CoD's and go 100-0 if I wanted, but not one kill or the sum of them all is anywhere near as satisfying as a kill in DayZ. Nowhere else can I actually hunt another human being and permanently kill them, either from a shadow or laying in a bush in the dead of night. We've all had a quadra-nade or a 6-man spray on whatever shooters we play, but nothing feels as good as makaroving three winny users from a bush. DayZ is beautiful for not *forcing* a non roleplayer into awkward situations or interactions for the sake of realism, but instead making me *want* to wade through the survival process in order to get satisfying kills. If this was a game where I had to level some mundane collection skill so that I could trade for goods that other people took the time to grind out the skill level for, I wouldn't play it despite the amazing combat. Instead, you give me a reasonable amount of survival work to do that leads to organic encounters with my targets and loot I actually don't mind looking for. So bravo, and thanks to Rocket and the rest of the dev team, for my new favorite gaming experience.
  16. I don't wanna play a survival sim, I wanna play an apocalypse sim. For me, 99% of that is hunting down carebares and elites alike. Bye
  17. Kigrax

    What's your preferable server settings?

    VOIP Off, prevents language barried problems; non-english often don't know it's f*cking global and 12 year olds don't care. 3D On, Tags OFF, Xhair On
  18. The only thing that happened to me is the long hourglass thing. I got shot to death, respawned with it, let it finish in about 5 minutes, then couldn't stand up or move but I could shoot my invisible gun. I've tried switching servers but nothing helps.
  19. Kigrax

    ACE Mod?

    I've done a little searching for this but I'm a bit confused as to what it is and how it interacts with DayZ. Some of the things I've heard about it include it changing the inventory UI and allowing you to aim your guns a different way; different models etc. Can someone enlighten me? thanks
  20. Kigrax

    ACE Mod?

    Alright, thanks a bunch. Are there any worthwhile mods that are compatible with DayZ then?
  21. I've tried googling and searching. I need all the specific info. Thanks!
  22. Kigrax

    What Modifies Runspeed?

    Thanks for the info so far but sometimes I can run faster without double timing than my friend who is. And are you certain you crouch walk faster with a main weapon out?
  23. Kigrax

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    Dude please standalone and polish this game I would pay out the ass for it
  24. @Rocket oh god yes how soon? Do you mean you're fixing the crazy zombie zig zag? Also side note is there any way I can donate money to the game?
  25. Kigrax

    What Modifies Runspeed?

    I always run in a group of 3 and our movespeeds are all over the place, completely disconnected from hunger thirst weight even double time.