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Everything posted by RabidDiabetic

  1. RabidDiabetic

    Returning to Dayz

    I actually remember seeing BSB when I was playing the first time around. You already addressed another concern I had though with everyone going private server I feel like it will be hard to find a high population server. I guess I'll see if I can find a server I like and worst case scenario go back to impatiently waiting for the full release. Thanks for your response.
  2. RabidDiabetic

    Eastern Time Zone group

    I'll start with my experience so far with this game (in general). Ok so when I first got this game I was in awe and for the most part still am. My buddy and I started playing at the same time and instantly he was saying he wanted to be a bandit. I said I was going to try to keep my survivor skin but I would back him up in a fight if it happened. In the week we played I found all the players we were stalking and killing were bandits. I left the survivor killing to him if he wanted to do it and I helped him stalk and kill bandits. I found that I much prefer bandit hunting over murdering survivors. After about a week of playing he already quit because he doesn't want to lost everything to hackers. That's where I've been, here's where I'm going. I'm looking for a group of players preferably of a similar timezone (GMT-5,EST) to SURVIVE with. I want to group up with other players with a goal in mind of building a survivor colony of sorts. A base where we can allow other survivors and heroes to restock and chill. I will actively engage in combat with bandits, you don't have to. I enjoy PvP but I only want to kill bandits. I don't currently have a home server and was actually killed by a bandit very recently so I'm basically a fresh spawn on this life. If you think this is something you want to do just reply to me on the thread and we'll get in contact. If you are already doing something like this please let me know and I would be more than happy to join you (please be on similar time). Thanks, Josh
  3. RabidDiabetic

    Eastern Time Zone group

    Alright sounds good, when I get home from work this evening I'll add you.
  4. RabidDiabetic

    Eastern Time Zone group

    Sorry I missed this yesterday. That's cool, I was 16 not all that long ago lol. Do you guys usually Skype or use TS?
  5. RabidDiabetic

    Team of survivors and/or bandits

    I'll add you when I get home just in case but I usually play later in the evening GMT-5 which would mean like midnight to 4am your time give or take. If you are on late that works though. My skype has something like j.cramer but I can't remember it exactly. I'll add you in a bit.
  6. RabidDiabetic

    Team of survivors and/or bandits

    Ahh, I'm GMT-5 so that could make it pretty difficult. Ty anyways and good luck
  7. RabidDiabetic

    Team of survivors and/or bandits

    I am interested but what timezone are you?
  8. RabidDiabetic

    Eastern Time Zone group

    Forgot to mention I have skype, team speak, and a mic.
  9. Ok so I saw this happen twice yesterday on two different servers. I'll be sneaking from village to village in the woods and while looking at the villages from a distance I'll see a random zombie running. All the forum reading I've done has said a zombie will ONLY run if a player is near but there isn't. I scan the entire area and there is not a single person. Does this happen to anyone else? Was I mis-informed and they will sometimes run without another player near? Thanks in advance!
  10. RabidDiabetic


    Words... Can't... Express Pardon my emotion but omg this mod is everything I have been looking for. I have only been playing 1 day, and I spent most of that time dying but I am just in awe of this game. The depth of it is amazing. I've never played a game with this much of a psychological aspect and that's exactly what every other zombie game has been missing (and more on most you know what I mean.) I'm a huge zombie fan (I was watching 28 days later yesterday when my buddy texted me about this game) and this mod feels like it was made for people like me. I'm the nutjob who thinks about how well it would work on zombies when I buy guns. Basically this is just a post for praise. If the gentlemen who created this mod ever read this you have my deepest gratitude. 5hrs down, hundreds to go. See you all on z day.
  11. RabidDiabetic


    Yeah I'm starting to get it now. Although I kinda benefit because I started playing just before stand alone was announced so I'll use this time to learn and once the stand alone is here fingers crossed hacking gets a major fix.
  12. - Username/Handle: Vrael - Age: 22 - Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: For a skilled group of players who know how to kick back (drunk DayZ as mentioned is quickly becoming a favorite activity) - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: Weekdays 3-6hrs a night, weekends can vary but I can burn 12hrs on this game on a Saturday pretty easily - Do you Teamspeak?: I have it, I have rarely used it but I have it - Do you have a microphone?: Yes - Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Before, during, and after. PvP is a lifestyle - Anything else you would like to add?: Newer player so still lacking some knowledge of the game but hardcore gamer and Z-day enthusiast so this game feels like it was made for me. If I can't be online I'm thinking about what to try when I get online. Hoping to find a like-minded group of gamers to chat with and game with. PS I'll have my buddy apply when I talk to him after work. ty
  13. Are you accepting newer players? This sounds like a clan my buddy and I would be very interested in but we have only been playing for 4 days. We've been gaming cooperatively for over 10 years and have a few pretty impressive gaming feats in our history. We are learning fast and once we really get the hang of it we are a force to be reckoned with. More skilled players at our side could lead to some very intense situations. Let me know if still being in the learning stage would be a big deal, if not I'll apply shortly.
  14. So last night while playing I did what I would consider my first "bandit" type of play. I usually play on smaller population servers while I learn and to avoid being a target for hackers but last night I went to a higher population server to see what I could find. I'm in the church in what I think was Electro (only been playing 4 days I get confused) looting with the door wide open. As soon as I finish looting and head for the door another survivor walk in carrying an 870. He looks right at me, stops for only a moment and walks right by me, I watch him the whole time with my sights right on him. He starts to go through the loot piles I just went through and pays no more attention to me. I've got a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other as this is my first time since I started playing that I've had this opportunity. The demon (in form of my buddy on skype) screams "SHOOT HIM!" and that's exactly what I did. I put about 10 AK shots right into him on full auto, he drops. I loot him and find only a can of food and a pepsi worth taking. Now the decision that would take it beyond simply looking out for myself. I hide his body. The deed is done and no proof. I move on, with a slight smile at the corner of my mouth. What will my future hold, more murders or simply kill to survive, we shall see.
  15. RabidDiabetic

    Randomly running zombies

    That would be the information I wasn't able to find anywhere else. So basically it aggro'd me somehow from a distance and quit. I was a good 200m out one of the times and when I had the high ground probably about 100m.
  16. RabidDiabetic

    Randomly running zombies

    First off, if that's your pic you're creepy. Second there was absolutely not a player nearby. One of the two times the zombie was in an open field and ran about 30m in one direction and I had the high ground looking down and there was no player nearby.
  17. RabidDiabetic

    Day of a n00b, You might find this funny ;-)

    My first spawn will probably be the most memorable I have. I spawn on the beach looking at a few broken cars, ATV, a few working cars, and a bike. I take the bike as I have no idea what I'm doing but don't want to draw too much attention. Speed off down the road. See some boxes on the beach a ways down from where I started. Check boxes and find they are FULL of stuff, great stuff, EVERY stuff. Not knowing what's going on and thinking I'm the luckiest SOB every I salivate over a G36C silenced and grab a silenced pistol as well as ammo, an upgraded pack, food, soda, compass, map, gps and all that. I killed a lot of zombies because I didn't know the importance of ammo at that point. Ended up getting lost and dying of broken legs after an unfortunate slip up involving a rooftop. Being the experienced player that I am now after 3 days of play I now know that what I experienced was clearly someone hacking. Very interesting start to the game though.
  18. RabidDiabetic

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Last thing I wanted to hear, I can figure out this kind of thing but my buddy doesn't know memory from hard drive so if it doesn't work right for him I'm screwed lol
  19. RabidDiabetic

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I'll be launching it through DayZ Commander which I downloaded it from. DayZ Commander has it pretty much fool proof doesn't it? Not that I don't know how to do that if needed but I just shouldn't need to.
  20. RabidDiabetic

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Ok so mixed reviews. I am getting a bit annoyed with how long it's taking me to stock up on supplies so I might have to give Lingor a try. I love the game as is but perhaps a slightly faster pace would do well. Is Lingor as large as Chernarus?
  21. RabidDiabetic

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Ok so I just started playing a few days ago and I'm enjoying it a lot. Surfing the forums while I'm at work (shhhh) and I've been seeing a lot of stuff about the Lingor map. I get what it is so I don't need an explanation of that, what I don't get is the major difference between that and Chernarus. I heard more supplies, harder to kill zombies, and less hack/script/duping. I'm interested in those details for the the tldr folks... TLDR: For a new player am I better off staying in Chernarus or switching to Lingor before I get used to Chernarus. Thanks P.S. I did search for a similar thread before posting this so I apologize if I missed one
  22. I mean you could absolutely use it in a totally fair and even more challenging manner as others have pointed out I'm just pointing out that the ability to exploit it majorly is clearly there. I'll be honest the reason I see the exploitation so obviously is because that's how I think. I've always looked at games as how can I get the end result fastest even if it costs me real money. This game gives me a totally different feeling though and I'm excited to play the game and dread getting to the point where I have everything I need and have to look around and say "what now?" I hope you resist the urge to exploit the second account because I think it will ruin the game for you in the long run. However using it in place of tents given their current state seems absolutely legitimate. Enjoy
  23. RabidDiabetic

    Buying a New Laptop

    Honestly man it's a LOT easier than you might think. I started last year when I went to upgrade my video card and power supply. I brought them up to the geek squad guy and was like "how much would be it and how long would it take to install these in my PC?" and he tells me 5-8 days and $150. As a gamer you must know what 5-8 days means, a freakin eternity is correct. So I said screw it, bought the stuff and went home. 2 hours and a few youtube videos later I had my PC running with the new stuff installed. I honestly think you should give that another thought as you are going to get a lot more power at a much better price. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking? If by some dumb luck I'm not terribly far away I could give you a hand. Not a bad unit, HDD only 5400rpm is the only con I see at a glance but you can buy an external SSD. My problem with laptops is never at the time of purchase but in 1 year when technology jumps way ahead you can upgrade almost nothing. When my gfx card is obsolete in a year I can just swap that out on my PC and I'm good to go. Just my 2 cents
  24. The way see it given my limited playtime is like this. It's like a personal bank. You say he has to worry about playing the game twice now basically, but really he has a main character and an expendable one. I hear getting into Cherno can be a very risky task, but can be very rewarding. Your classic high risk/high reward scenario. Now take away the risk. You leave your good stuff with a character that is fully mobile and you take another one to Cherno for a no risk run at supplies. If you use it like a tent and don't move it from one spot and you are truly just using it in place of tent storage then fine. But if you hop in a car to go pick up your other account that just spawned at the beach that's a different matter. You CAN take all risk out of the game by having a safe character at all times and you still have to only maintain that character because the other is expendable. Now you can say you only want to use it for this or that and you aren't going to exploit it but from a point of view wider than what YOU say you will use it for makes it cheap. Like I said it's not cheating but certainly exploiting an advantage you weren't meant to have by playing the game with one account as intended. You are paying to give yourself an advantage. You CAN view it as: However you would be forcing yourself to play that way when in reality only one of the accounts NEEDS to live, the other can be let die if he has nothing of value. I'm not saying this is how everyone will use it I'm just pointing out that it can be used this way in which case it's still not cheating but a game-breaker for sure.