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Everything posted by bladedcross

  1. I was recently manipulated while playing on a private hive that was running the Panthera Map. I was cruising around in the desert when I came across a fuel truck. Being my first real experience with the map, I had never seen one before, and announced that it was sitting there if anyone wanted to take it. Sure enough, someone replied asking that I bring it up to the northern airfield to refuel a Littlebird helicopter up there. I figured what the hell, since I was in need of an adventure, and the ride over let me get a chance to see a lot of the map that I had not yet explored. So after my best IRT Dangerous Roads impression and 20 minutes later, I roll into the airfield and drive up beside the helicopter. BOOM Suddenly, the helicopter goes up in flames. My truck goes up in flames. I somehow get flung out of the truck and wake up from unconsciousness with a little under 4k blood left. Bullets are cracking just inches above my head, but miraculously, whoever has set up this ambush has shitty aim. I jump up, book it down the airfield and around one of the hangers, and peek out to spray a clip of M4 fire in the direction in which I /thought/ the gunfire was coming from. However, since I have no idea where it really was coming from, I patch up and take off. Run around a wall, swim across a small river and flee up into the forested hills before me, quickly going into escape and evade mode. And the whole time I was laughing my ass off. I certainly got the adventure I was looking for, and better yet, I had survived it. I was cracking up in side chat, yet the two people I was bringing the truck to both decline setting an ambush and instead blame it on the other guy. Whether they take credit for it or not, I give them mad props. In retrospect it may have been a shitty thing to do, but lately I've just been running and gunning without really worrying about staying alive. I don't think I've proned past a city of zombies in weeks. Better yet, somehow I was able to make it across the hill, found an old bicycle, and after a few days I finally biked back down to the desert. The UAZ I had been driving before I found the fuel truck was still there, still stocked with the weapons I had loaded it up with! So it all worked out in the end, but... If you're going to try to ambush a guy who's doing you a favor, at /least/ make sure you kill him. Otherwise you just look like a jackass.
  2. bladedcross

    What has happened?

    Same here, and I felt that this was back when people still played the game seriously - i.e. When people talked instead of shoot on sight, when the best guns were winchesters, and when you needed to use flares to get around at night, since not everyone had a pair of nvg's on them. It wasn't until the mod got really popular that the life expectancy shot down to 30-40 minutes. Around the same time the game got much less social and became a global deathmatch with duped weapons.
  3. I was on Day 45 not too long ago. Mostly a solo player, so I would just hang out in the north around my tent and raid the airfields and berezino. Had some pretty decent gear, nvgs, M4A1, etc. Then I logged in one night and found myself back on the beach with absolutely no gear (not even the basic flashlight and bandage they give to a fresh spawn). Spent about 5 minutes in the dark before I got attacked by a zombie and started bleeding, so I logged out. I logged on the next day in the daytime, saw I still had my ghille suit and that my stats hadn't been reset, but unfortunately bled out before I could make it into town to get a bandage. Moral of the story - It's hard to have a record when the game can randomly glitch out and destroy your character.
  4. Just happened to me as well. Logged into my server pretty late at night, only 2-3 on the server, and got the death message before even loading in. No biggie, but when I respawned on the coast, I maintained all of my original stats (days alive, bandits killed, etc), and lost all of my gear. Didn't even spawn with default gear like the backpack, flastlight, and so on. I aborted hoping it was just a bug that would auto-correct itself with a server restart, but nope. Log on the next day in the day-time and see that I still have my guille suit... Here we go again, I guess.