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About OeterB

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  1. No, we accused your clan of hacking in weapons (see above), and for using said weapons. Has always been the case.
  2. No, carecup, you said every thing could be explained by disconnecting. Yet, over ten members have put in 100s of hours in DayZ, and never had those script issues come up. And Zombie, because you don't understand what it means doesn't mean a thing. You have proof. Not my fault you don't understand them.
  3. All in a clan. All playing together. Don't really care; ban remains unless told specifically by Rocket. Cheers, though. :)
  4. Cheers, Bushman. Thank you for posting direct links to view the words from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Regardless, we have logs of multiple TDS players kicked for using CreateItem / CreateVehicle /suspect scripts (so, one could be creating them and handing the to others), TDS have always had a problem with our clan (and seemingly sought out our server), so we'll leave the ban in place unless Rocket instructs us otherwise.
  5. You used hacked guns. You freely admitted to this. This is one of the main reasons you have been banned. Using hacked guns, whether you knew they were part of the game or not, are not allowed. Not power tripping, banning you for just cause. And, no, you said, and I quote, "Are you unbanning us or are we reporting you on the DayZ forums and having you removed from hive." Both you and Scotty told us we'd be removed from the hive if we didn't unban you. That is a threat. Anyway, we're done here until Rocket contacts us. Enjoy.
  6. Don't believe we have to show you any proof. If Rocket wants it, we'll happily pass it on. As for you, nah. Also, our server's not empty. But, cheers anyway. And, again, not all that concerned about the chopper. If we want to fly one that badly, we'll load a private server on the editor in ARMAII and fly jets, too. And, AGAIN, we were happy to unban you and Matty, since you were only carrying a hacked gun and not recorded withany script logs, for you boys to get your gear. You declined, then threatened to 'report us'. Scary, wasn't it? Pretty sure 98% of people side with us for banning you for using hacked guns, whether you scripted them in (which there is proof of at least one of you were doing) or not. Also, AGAIN, as I've said several times, it was intense and fun having you guys on the server. We didn't care that you'd found the chopper (other than we wanting to track you down and kill it/you). It's part of the game. Ego has nothing to do with; you guys cheated, you guys got banned. In the end, whether you knew it or not, using a hacked gun is against the rules. Simple. Whether you know it or not, it's against the rules. I may (if I was a complete moron) not know it's okay to murder someone; if I murder someone, and do not know it's not allowed, does that mean I don't get punished? The amusing thing is your entire clan's reputation is almost destroyed by you using hacked guns and one of your members continually using createitem and createvehicle scripts. Mattyboi was fine with what we decided, agreed that what we had done was right, and thanked us for looking into it all fairly. Nobody would have known this whole thing, except you decided to post it to the world for all to see. So, nicely done, TDS. You may call yourself fair and cheat-free, but you've openly stated otherwise now.
  7. Firstly, this has nothing to do with you guys banning us 3-4 years ago in BF2. In fact, in the end, it is solely 3point's decision, as he is the admin/owner of the server, and he was not in the clan back then, nor does he know the incident. So, thanks, but nothing to do with that. Secondly, thanks for trying to bring us down, but, you know, when you play on a US server, and you're Australian based, and we're Australian based, and everyone's playing with high pings, of course it's going to be hard to kill each other. Learn about how the Internet works, maybe? As for our AIM members being kicked for 'scripts', both script numbers were given on TeamSpeak. One was for Alt+F4'ing while loading in. The other was for an incorrect login as admin. Lastly, just think about this hypothetical. Someone installs a macro on my computer, unbeknownst to me. I then play BF2 on your server (which I'd never do, coz I can't be bothered installing the game). I get banned from your server for using a macro. I didn't know it wasn't allowed. I didn't knowingly use it. But I still did wrong, and you're within your right to ban me. Your guys were using hacked in guns. Whether you knew or not, you were using them. Our admin was well within his right to ban you for using your weapons. With all this said, he even offered for you to be unbanned for you to get whatever legitimate items you had and take them to another server. You declined. I quote this post from someone in the other thread: Suck it up, find one of 4000 other servers to play on. Enjoy.
  8. Carecup, every one has a right to their opinion. They're more than welcome to have their say and it is not pointless. Don't see how they're butthurt, but whatever. Either way, Mentalfreakk/MattyBoi has spoken to us about this, and we've resolved the issue to satisfaction. If you don't like this any further, please take it up with him. Side note, I appreciate your second account, with you masking as devnull2012, was amusing. A completely independent, third-party person, who has only ever taken the time to post one thing, in this discussion. All the best. :)
  9. Just an update that, having spoken to one of their clan leaders, we've sorted out this issue amicably and all has been resolve. Considering this has blown out to be one of the hottest topics in the DayZ forums, the mods may wish to lock it.
  10. Out of interest, exactly how many servers are there? All around the world?
  11. The owner/server admin of US1548 will be coming to post specifics on this tomorrow. But I thought I'd come post a few things. The individuals we banned are all part of a clan, TDS, hence why they were all banned. Upon taking this action, we instantly gave them the option to come discuss it with us. And, as such, we've spoken to their leader and one of the members on TeamSpeak (approximately 10-15minutes after they were banned, for a good hour). We were told by their leader that they were all together, and all legit, and told that we had "nothing" to ban them over. A number of the individuals banned above, one in particular, had been kicked repeatedly by Battleye for "createitem" and "createvehicle" scripts, plus a number of others. Upon discovering them in possession of a large number of illegitimate items, banning was the appropriate action in our view. With regards to some of the comments above: Did they kill any of our clan's members? No. If they did, who cares, it's part of the game. Did they take our chopper? Yes, but we don't really care. We were planning on blowing it up in Cherno, anyway, for pretty fireworks. They took that 24-48 hours earlier. We did not ban them when they took it. Why would we? Again, part of the game. We banned them when, finding their camp/killing them, we discovered them with hacked weapons (some in tents, some on their person, all of which, after banning them, we promptly threw on the ground and restarted the server to remove them). Checking the logs, there were numerous suspect scripts being used. All of which our server admin will highlight soon. Never heard of the individual who posted, so he is not a friend of the admin? Yes, some were in tents. But at least one (a camo'd machine gun) was on The_Joker_001 (who freely admitted on our TeamSpeak he was using it, with the excuse "I did not know it was a hacked gun..." despite you guys having played DayZ for quite some time, now... I learned what guns were in the game within days... there's a DayZ wiki for a reason, no?), and we were told that others were using such weapons, again, with the excuse "We didn't know. We found them in someone's camp on this server!" (Our server had been offline for 3 weeks, and it's very rarely populated, and hasn't been since we put it back online). Also, we were constantly told on TeamSpeak when discussing the issue we had no proof. Logs are proof. Pretty sure we don't need to run around recording EVERYTHING that happens with pictures or videos, do we? Also, I must point out the greatest piece of defence I've ever heard: Scotty said freely on TeamSpeak, "I've been running with these guys for about 5 days now, I know none of them are hacking!" and when pointing out the number of suspect logs, in between interjections of "That happens when you disconnect!" we were told that the individual with the most createitem script reports was "the nicest guy ever, and he's about 65. There's no way he'd know anything about scripting." Everything we pointed out, we were told "that just happens when you disconnect." We were also threatened "So, are you going to unban us, or do we have to go post on the DayZ forums and have you removed from the hive?" So, you know, interesting... Either way, happy gaming all. Our admin will be by to post in regards to this.