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About tasteycakes

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    shoot 1st ask questions later ^.^
  1. tasteycakes

    Anyone have a small team going?

    I am up for joining up. I work a lot being holidays an all but I am always up for teaming up with someone when I get on Dayz. Tasteycakes is my steam username.
  2. tasteycakes

    New Server, Fresh spawns. :D

    Just tried out your server. Liking it so far. It was just myself and another guy. I will remember his name when I see it again but can't remember it atm. He helped me get all started up which was a surprise. Been awhile since I got into a dayz server even with just one guy that was that nice. In game name is the same as forum name btw. Friendly unless provoked and lone wolf atm. Be on your server a lot more is all I can say. :) Looking to group up as well once the server starts picking up more people.
  3. I would love the info as well. :)
  4. tasteycakes

    Admin abuse on Atlanta 94

    There is nothing wrong with them doing what they did lol as much as you might not approve Tandwan. The admin was a fault here.
  5. tasteycakes

    See Players on Map

    Some servers allow the map locating on their servers. If you actually see someone in game or they shoot near you they will pop up on the map. Man usually means zombie or dead body and anything else usually means another person.
  6. Just waiting for the forum to allow me to post and I'll post my info.
  7. tasteycakes

    Sniper got what he deserved.

    Both global and direct chat are white so you have to pay attention for those too lol
  8. Mk that's all I needed to know. I didn't get an steam invite so I added you myself. I'll make my way towards the coast then. :)
  9. This sounds pretty cool. Never role played a game before but I can learn. Quick question about no guns. Would this mean I would have to get rid of any I have on me at the moment? Steam id is Tasteycakes
  10. Great video man. That was really good editing.
  11. tasteycakes

    Map and GPS

    I'm pretty sure it depends on the server admins to show others on the map. Man=zombie and survivor/anything else= people
  12. tasteycakes

    Post your Steam name!

    steam Id is either melissadotcom or Tasteycakes. Have mic as well.
  13. tasteycakes

    Do you like 1.7.1?

    It is not at all impossible to get a character going. People have to actually sneak around as soon as they start. Its supposed to be hard. Learn from your mistakes and you will do fine.
  14. tasteycakes

    Do you like 1.7.1?

    I honestly love the patch. I notice on the main server I play on there is more co op then before and less worry about people shooting on site. The zombies aren't at all hard to get around. You can easily hide and be stealthily. I have only pulled a couple that I honestly didn't see before I stopped sneaking about. Just takes some practice and you will be fine getting around them. Sure it still needs a bit of fixes but I love what Rocket has done so far.
  15. tasteycakes

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    You seem pretty upset though with me making a few jokes in good humor in relation to how ridiculous this entire topic is. Way to live up to the expectation. I didn't even realize right away that both of those posts were yours honestly lol. I wasn't trying to be an exception just stating my opinion. I didn't agree with your posts so I basically gave them a thumbs down. Who cares honestly its a few points and this is my 1st time posting on the forums at all lol. Have a good day and enjoy the game. :)