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Everything posted by Malvarik
People just dont do role playing anymore
Malvarik replied to meat pie's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If you want good roleplay go to DayzRP.com! -
So i just want to let everyone know this story is 100% true. I had a crew of about 6 people who decided to make our base in the east. We had a considerable amount of bloodbags and one of our friends was about 200 from hero. I have my gun hovered over him so i see his name in the crosshair. About halfway through the blood bag it changed to "Survivor". I thought nothing of this because i thought that since hes turning hero that this was just a kind of glitch. Then when he finishes the blood bag my friend says "oh shit guys i was disconnected". We look towards where he was giving the blood bag and expect to see him gone. He is still there though and his name is replaced with "survivor".We said that he didn't leave and then he says he did. After checking we realized he was not in the lobby.His former body then stands up and takes off running into the forest toward the sea. We chased after his body titled "survivor" and yelled for it to stop but it would not.One of my friends started shooting but it just swerved alot. We realized it was heading straight for the beach where our pbx was. One of our other members then rolls up in his car and kills the survivor thing with only one bullet. What caused his body to gain new life? Was it a warning to leave? We were later shot at by a sniper. Did it predict that we would be attacked?
Guess the Person's play style above you :)
Malvarik replied to a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Boxy0127 loves to run into the middle of a shootout in cherno and fire his lee enfield at random people and zombies -
The reason why people are hostile in DayZ is because of what i like to call the Chain Effect. You see when the first bandits started killing on sight and just killing for fun they set off a chain reaction. Their victims learned to not trust anyone and that they would be better off to just kill on sight. It has come to an point now where most survivors think that everyone is out to kill them. There are exceptions though., Some have developed an tolerance to these killers and continue to trust those who might kill them.
Hello everyone today im going to tell you how the magic f the Dew saved my life. me and 2 of my friends were on an overwatch server in Zelenogorsk. While there we decided to hit up the supermarket. i'm usually on point so i run in first. There is nothing in the front so i go to check behind the last shelf. Sitting there all by itslef is a mountain dew. " drink dude or we're all gonna die!" i didn't believe any of that stuff so i decided to wait for a special occassion. We gear up and my friend finds another drink(Mountain Green i think). He kept on saying that my drink is bad luck and that his is good luck and how im going to die and he will live. he was so wrong. about 5 minutes after we left some dmr shots ring out from our right. On of my friends then gets shot once through the heart and then he is dead. My other friend who thought he was so lucky with his Mountain Green then decided to flank the sniper. He took a bullet to the head. I knew i had to wait for the sniper so i layed down and sure enough he came sprinting towards me. I open fire and hit him but he hits me first. The you are dead screen pops up and i log out to do some stuff. Later on when i got back online I respawn back in the supermarket with all my stuff where i picked up the Mountain dew. You see my brethren, the Dew is good, the Dew is life.
Why i am still scared of green mountain
Malvarik replied to Einstein (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
One time me and some of my friends were rolling around in a suv blasting music and just messing around. We decided to drive through Green Mountain because we thought there might be someone there that would want a ride. As we drove slowly past the gate my friend stopped and yelled to the bushes. "Hey guy you need a lift??" Then a man with the face of a zombie slow walked to our car and got it without saying a word. we kept asking him f he wanted a weapon or food or water but he wouldn't talk at all. He just kept staring with those blank eyes at my friend. We kept on driving and after a restart we never saw him again. One of the things i don't get is why he was there. He had nothing at all. why not just head to a city? -
I've had this one dayz dream that happened a couple times. i would be sprinting from the forest to the coast and i knew something was behind me. I could feel it closing in and i knew if didn't abort i wouldn't make it. i kept trying and trying to abort because i felt that it was about to get me. ( Both times i successfully got away).Still creeped me out though.
Why i am still scared of green mountain
Malvarik replied to Einstein (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Here's a little fan story explaining Green Mountain i made: Stay away from green Mountain, it has been said that a curse was set down upon that land many a year ago before the zombie outbreak. Before The Tower stood there was an old woman's house that rested on that very spot. Many feared her because some said chanting could be heard from her house in the middle of the night and different colored fumes would arise from her chimney. They all believed she was a practitioner of black magic.The last man who stepped foot into her house was never seen again. Some say he still is there and can be seen standing on the railing of the tower trying to escape Green Mountain. One day the government of Chernarus decided where her house was they could build a facility for making new biological weapons and disguise it as a radio tower. When they arrived at her house the old women stepped out and greeted the captain. When told she had to evacuate the premises she refused. The captain wasn't just going to go tell his boss that he let an old woman drive him off so he raised his weapon and asked again. The old woman still refused. The Captain shot one bullet through her stomach and she fell to the floor. As she died the old woman she beckoned the captain to hear her last words. They were "Omnes moriemur". No one knew it meant " You will all die.". One by one the soldiers of that unit experienced symptoms of depression and one by one killed themselves. The last to die was the captain and by his body a tape recording was found. On the tape recording he confessed his guilt and let out a sigh.Then he said "Wait who are you?" "OH MY GOD ITS YOU!!!". Then a loud screech was heard and a gunshot. All that was heard on the tape recorder before it ended was the footsteps of a women on wood floors.On the day of the virus outbreak scientist were laboring inside the labs underneath green mountain. They were all getting ready for the officer in charge to watch the injecting of serum 2A-9B into a local. When he arrived they got on with the experiment. After they injected him they watched as he died and rose again as a monster without a heart beat.Luckily his restraints were strong enough to withstand his strength. Then something amazing happened. His chains unhooked themselves and he was released. No one made it out of the lab except for around 10-15 scientist who were than executed above ground because of their bite marks. On a full moon's night you can still hear them clawing to get their way out and screeching for someone to help them. Soon after the experiment patient zero escaped and the infection started. -
Once in a server far far away me and my friends were in elektro getting supplies. I was shot by an unknown assailant so i had to respawn. After i died i received news of a sniper killing people above elektro.(BTW this is overwatch mod). i respawned in Cap Golova and made my way to counter sniper hill. After about 10 minutes of running to where he was i heard shots and quickly ducked behind some trees. After ducking behind the trees there was a restart and i got back into the game. At this point i slowly walked to where the sniper was hidden and waited for him with my taser. In my taser i had only one cartridge so i knew i had to make it count. He turned around and i thought for sure he saw me but he didnt. he then walked out of the tree to get a better shot at a bambi running to the firestation. My friend said to me over TS, "Take the shot if you can" and i shot him in the back with a taser. He was then knocked unconscious and i took an AKM out of his bag. Right as i got it out my friend got there and we turned on full auto and filled the bandit's back with bullets. IT was soooooo satisfying. We then immediately got shot 5 minutes later XD. Also there was the time where these 2 guys were on the cherno tower sniping bambis. After some discussion they said they would let me up there with them. when i got to the platform right underneath the top of the tower i looked up to see one of them pointing his rifle at me. i decided not to stay still and just as i sidestepped he shot an bullet that landed next to me. He then tried to get a better shot at me and ended up falling off the edge and smashing his body right next to me. I then look up again to see his friend (who probably thought i killed him). he too tried to shoot at me without success. He then sidestepped by accident and landed next to his buddy. His last words were " Oh fuck!". I got some good gear that day.
- 31 replies
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Dude they are lucky a DayzRP GM didnt see this or they would be banned on the spot XD. Funny video though!
How do i live a sad life?
No i just love writing
Stay away from green Mountain, it has been said that a curse was set down upon that land many a year ago before the zombie outbreak. Before The Tower stood there was an old woman's house that rested on that very spot. Many feared her because some said chanting could be heard from her house in the middle of the night and different colored fumes would arise from her chimney. They all believed she was a practitioner of black magic.The last man who stepped foot into her house was never seen again. Some say he still is there and can be seen standing on the railing of the tower trying to escape Green Mountain. One day the government of Chernarus decided where her house was they could build a facility for making new biological weapons and disguise it as a radio tower. When they arrived at her house the old women stepped out and greeted the captain. When told she had to evacuate the premises she refused. The captain wasn't just going to go tell his boss that he let an old woman drive him off so he raised his weapon and asked again. The old woman still refused. The Captain shot one bullet through her stomach and she fell to the floor. As she died the old woman she beckoned the captain to hear her last words. They were "Omnes moriemur". No one knew it meant " You will all die.". One by one the soldiers of that unit experienced symptoms of depression and one by one killed themselves. The last to die was the captain and by his body a tape recording was found. On the tape recording he confessed his guilt and let out a sigh.Then he said "Wait who are you?" "OH MY GOD ITS YOU!!!". Then a loud screech was heard and a gunshot. All that was heard on the tape recorder before it ended was the footsteps of a women on wood floors.On the day of the virus outbreak scientist were laboring inside the labs underneath green mountain. They were all getting ready for the officer in charge to watch the injecting of serum 2A-9B into a local. When he arrived they got on with the experiment. After they injected him they watched as he died and rose again as a monster without a heart beat.Luckily his restraints were strong enough to withstand his strength. Then something amazing happened. His chains unhooked themselves and he was released. No one made it out of the lab except for around 10-15 scientist who were than executed above ground because of their bite marks. On a full moon's night you can still hear them clawing to get their way out and screeching for someone to help them. Soon after the experiment patient zero escaped and the infection started.
What's your best kill in Day Z?
Malvarik replied to andrewmont's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
well i have four that are all equally great. 1. my buddies and i were in elektro and gearing up. later on we got to the power plant and met up with two other people. One of them tried tro kill us so we shot him and his friend followed us to the fire station. I decided to not let him in so just as he got to the doors i turned around and closed them. When i closed them they squished the guy and killed him instantly. i just stood there in shock because i had just killed him with the power of doors. 2.This was one of my first times playing dayz so i had a hunger for killing. i met up with a guy in elektro who had a crossbow (which i loved) but i had no weapon. After searching all i found was a pistol with no mags. i then walked up behind him and told him to drop all his weapons. He then dropped his gear and started walking towards the church entrance like i told him to. i picked up his cross bow and he then asked me 'why are you doing this?" i responded "to survive". 3.me and about 3 of my friends had acquired some really good gear and a chopper so we decided to scan the woods for people. We then saw a car driving through a road then into a field. We hovered in front of him and opened ire. He got out and mad a mad dash for the woods. After 2 minutes of scanning me and my friend parachuted in. Right when we landed i heard a shot wiz past me and i quickly spun around and fired 3 shots from my m4 into his chest. he then stood there for a second then fell over and died. 4.this one was actually not really my fault. After convincing two really geared guys on top of the cherno tower to let me up i finally started climbing. when i got to the platform right under the roof i looked up to see an m4 staring right at me. i went straight to the wall so they wouldn't get a shot at me. one of them leaned over and shot at me then fell right over the side of the tower. his friend then thought i killed him so he leaned over the tower to kill me. he then fell off and landed about 2 feet away from me. I got so much good loot. -
What will be the first thing that you will do in SA?
Malvarik posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So my question is what will you do when you first play SA? Will you start killing people, getting new clothes, checking out new places,etc? i myself will be starting a series (will be announced later on). -
One time i chased a man down referring to him as my nickels and telling him that i needed to protect him. he just ran and i kept yelling "come back my nickels". Soon i chased him down and as he begged for mercy i hit him in the back with my ax and killed him. Then later i enjoyed a nice can of beans while sitting next to his body. Good times....good times.
Role Play Series Application! DayZ.
Malvarik replied to Tresterling100's topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
Is this still going on? -
Role Play Series Application! DayZ.
Malvarik replied to Tresterling100's topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? yea ]2. Do you have a Skype account? yea (Zombifiedgamer1) 3.. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group This is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use Yes 4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by. Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not) Jack "Chopper" Reed 5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? Before the infection happened Jack worked as a lumber jack in the fields of chernarus. For over 10 years he was a lumberjack and he loved it. His friends were great and he had a loving family that he got to see every day. There was his son Timmy(jack called him Tim Tim', his wife Elsa, and their daughter Elizabeth. Then one day chaos erupted. Everyone was in the woods doing their ordinary work when someone let out a high pitch scream. Jack and some others ran over to the scream and these people were eating a man! they were fucking EATING him. Jack had only one thing on his mind. He had to get to his family. He got in his pickup and ax and drove all the way to his house in Stary Sobor. As he entered the town he could hear gunshots all around and people were being chased down by those freaks. He pulled into his driveway and glanced over and saw old Mrs.Maybell eating her son-in-law. How could this happen??!!! She was the nicest lady in the whole block. Jack then ran straight to his door and noticed something else. His door was ajar. He slowly pushed it open and then it struck something. he slipped through and looked down and shrieked in terror at what he saw. His poor wife Elsa was laying there in a pool of blood. "She cant be dead!!!!" he shrieked. He checked her pulse and she was indeed gone.he had to get the kids and get out of dodge. As he walked down the hallway he heard a crunching sound coming from Elizabeth's room. Slowly he opened the door and saw the most horrific thing that would scar him for his entire life. His own Tim Tim was EATING his own sister! What the fuck was going on?! "This had to be a dream" he muttered to himself frantically He slumped down to his knees and Tim Tim slowly turned around . the blood on his lips slowly hit the pink carpeted floor(Elizabeth always loved pink). He let out a growl and lunged at jack. He couldn't kill his own son! That's when he heard the voice in his head"this isn't your son' it said.He kicked the monster back and wiped away a tear. The voice was right, It wasn't his Tim Tim anymore. With one clean swing he lopped off his head and ended its life."Didn't that feel good Jack?," the voice said. "yes it did' he responded to himself. After that jack slowly became insane day by day. The more of those things he killed the more of the voice he heard. it felt good to be wit the voice. The voice was his friend. Then he met them.His name was Markus and he had a group with them. He knew that if he went with them he would end up killing someone due to his declining mental health. He didn't care though, he finally found people. So now he travels with Markus and his trusty ax, wherever they go though, he slowly becomes more and more insane due to the horrors he has seen.Everyday he hears that voice in his head and tries to push it out but he just cant.The sensible part of him is still there though, and everyday it convinces him to not attack his friends. Someday though that part of his mind will be lost too. 6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered My mic has okay quality. I will be getting a new one soon though. -
DayZ Role-Play Group: Now Recruiting!
Malvarik replied to NerdyOtter's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
[1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? yea ]2. Do you have a Skype account? yea (Zombifiedgamer1) 3. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group this is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use Yes 4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by. Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not)? Jack "Chopper" Reed 5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? Before the infection happened Jack worked as a lumber jack in the fields of chernarus. For over 10 years he was a lumberjack and he loved it. His friends were great and he had a loving family that he got to see every day. There was his son Timmy(jack called him Tim Tim', his wife Elsa, and their daughter Elizabeth. Then one day chaos erupted. Everyone was in the woods doing their ordinary work when someone let out a high pitch scream. Jack and some others ran over to the scream and these people were eating a man! they were fucking EATING him. Jack had only one thing on his mind. He had to get to his family. He got in his pickup and ax and drove all the way to his house in Stary Sobor. As he entered the town he could hear gunshots all around and people were being chased down by those freaks. He pulled into his driveway and glanced over and saw old Mrs.Maybell eating her son-in-law. How could this happen??!!! She was the nicest lady in the whole block. Jack then ran straight to his door and noticed something else. His door was ajar. He slowly pushed it open and then it struck something. he slipped through and looked down and shrieked in terror at what he saw. His poor wife Elsa was laying there in a pool of blood. "She cant be dead!!!!" he shrieked. He checked her pulse and she was indeed gone.he had to get the kids and get out of dodge. As he walked down the hallway he heard a crunching sound coming from Elizabeth's room. Slowly he opened the door and saw the most horrific thing that would scar him for his entire life. His own Tim Tim was EATING his own sister! What the fuck was going on?! "This had to be a dream" he muttered to himself frantically He slumped down to his knees and Tim Tim slowly turned around . the blood on his lips slowly hit the pink carpeted floor(Elizabeth always loved pink). He let out a growl and lunged at jack. He couldn't kill his own son! That's when he heard the voice in his head"this isn't your son' it said.He kicked the monster back and wiped away a tear. The voice was right, It wasn't his Tim Tim anymore. With one clean swing he lopped off his head and ended its life."Didn't that feel good Jack?," the voice said. "yes it did' he responded to himself. After that jack slowly became insane day by day. The more of those things he killed the more of the voice he heard. it felt good to be wit the voice. The voice was his friend. Then he met them.His name was Markus and he had a group with them. He knew that if he went with them he would end up killing someone due to his declining mental health. He didn't care though, he finally found people. So now he travels with Markus and his trusty ax, wherever they go though, he slowly becomes more and more insane due to the horrors he has seen.Everyday he hears that voice in his head and tries to push it out but he just cant.The sensible part of him is still there though, and everyday it convinces him to not attack his friends. Someday though that part of his mind will be lost too. 6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered My mic has okay quality. I will be getting a new one soon though. -
Where do I hide all these vehicles!
Malvarik replied to RabidDiabetic's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Best place to hide it is green mountain -
its all about dat elektro
So today i finally did it. i became a hero after helping countless people in elektro. After getting hero i realized it felt good to help people. I walked out of the church and ran all around elektro screaming, "does anyone need medical aid?!" i actually helped quite a few and they were all genuinely grateful. Then i came across this one kid in the supermarket who i had healed to get my hero skin. I asked him if he need a blood bag or anything and he asked me "hey do you have a spare map i can have?" i said "umm i only have one .....but you can have it." He responded ' wow thanks dude!." as i was walking out the supermarket doors i hear him say from behind me 'You know, its rare that i meet someone as nice as you on Dayz." After he told me that i decided i will now help those in need wherever i go.
I go into the city and get as much stuff as i can and then head straight north. i also try to get alot of food for the trip
At my high school we can form a club so i decided that i would make one for the best game ever.....DayZ!. In order to make one we need a name for the club,planned projects that club members will do,and i need to explain how it will benefit the school. I also need a purpose of the club. Please post your response to each question. thank you for your time and please only post serious comments.