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Everything posted by Kipale

  1. Same problem here, 7 days no chopper, seen +10 other vehicles tho.
  2. I think, i have few of those in my tents aswell, i find as50 tws on like every clan camp.. It should be really removed somehow, u can see wookie suit guys in 1km even they sit in middle of bush.. Takes all fun from sniping. Soldier clothing is just misc item. I hope they add more skins / clothing for dayz.
  3. Dunno about you guys but i'm tired of using wookie suit :D
  4. I think it's really cool. Infact i'm using hero skin atm, that pic is few days old.
  5. Yep, it's all legit. Shame i lost my m4 holo sd, but i still got few soldier clothings at my camp.(stole them from some clan tents.) edit: I don't really care what stuff is hacked or not, i just take what is in tents what i find. Since u can't get banned for that..
  6. Yeah, it's worth it to buy those cheap expansion for better character quality ;)
  7. Kipale

    character deleted

    Don't join private hive servers
  8. Kipale

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    Youtube for hacks, u serious?
  9. Kipale

    One Hit Zombie

    Yesterday in market zombie hitted me and i lost about 10k blood and broken bones :S
  10. Kipale

    Has DayZ died down quite abit?

    It's definedly not dead, it might look people are gone but theyr are playing different maps and private hives.
  11. Indeed, quite hilarious find 4 Fn fals on same crash site.
  12. Kipale

    DayZ - One of the biggest camps ever recorded?

    And server? i even subbed you :P
  13. I have -150000 humanity, how i can get rid of them fast as posibble?
  14. Kipale

    Alt Tabbing Out= Death

    It happend to me today. I alt tabbed inside bush and one min later i was dead, no idea what happend.
  15. Kipale

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    Meh, you wont probably like this but there was way to abuse blood transfusion. Spam middle mouse + w on injured mate and you will get 250 humanity each tick. That way is posibble get 100k humanity in 5mins.
  16. Hey. Today we were at our camp with few cars, we noticed someone was logging to our server, few minutes later all cars from our camp was gone... so that guy was a hacker and teleported them. What we should do now? How we can get them back?
  17. I could be intrested, me and my bro have camp with full of weapons waiting to murder people.. We have been playing over a month. Where are you from?
  18. Kipale

    Kiddings me?

    I try to stay calm... I don't want to rage a game what is in alpha phase but.... Damn this makes me mad. All tents and cars on our server... Gone after todays restart. WHY! Why they have to disappear magically on restart. FFS and this is not first time!!! :(
  19. Kipale

    Kiddings me?

    Thank you guys so much! After 3 restarts tents and cars spawned again! :lol: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  20. Kipale

    M107 TWS

    It is hacked weapon but you can use it. U wont get banned.
  21. Kipale

    Vilayer or HFB

    I had no problems with Vilayer, maybe little slow response time on tickets but thats understandable
  22. Kipale

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    Isn't 60 seconds too long? 10-20 sounds fair.