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Everything posted by Kipale

  1. Kipale

    This is getting annoying

    I still haven't got my character reseted.. not even once.. Pretty odd.
  2. Kipale

    Who else miss

    I miss them alot! I spend so many hours just trying to look for them in mod, it was so interesting to loot them and see what you can get. I hope they add some kind of random stashes/chopper crashes in standalone too.
  3. Kipale

    Where are you finding the Mosin?

    Check out the school / office building.. I found 2 at same building today.
  4. Kipale

    Sniper Rifles

    This works
  5. Kipale

    New Magnum Locations?

    Rocket just said on twitter that theyr fixing loot for magnum on next patch.
  6. Kipale

    New Magnum Locations?

    I think magnum is bugged and currently not spawning.. only ammo for it.
  7. It's awesome your listening community and fixing stuff fast as posibble. I like it! :thumbsup:
  8. I don't know.. If blood transfusion gets more complicated, why not to die in the forrest and just run back to your gear with full blood?
  9. Kipale

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Why? I just feel like going to bathroom right when im getting shot at so i exit my game..
  10. Kipale

    I love my new dual monitors.

    You need a map? Filthy casuals.
  11. Kipale

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    Nope... Doesn't look like that inventory belongs to dayz at all..
  12. I hope they allow all those guns soon as posibble so it makes looting far more interesting..
  13. If you get killed and press exit instantly ur body will disappear, i confirmed this with my friends... I do it because other people did it to me many times..
  14. Lol. You can tell it's low if your game is grey.
  15. Kipale

    Guns too Over powered at moment !

    I shot my friend on chest by mistake with m4, he didn't get one shotted B)
  16. Kipale


    Weird. My thirst meter disappeard when i drank enough from pump after that i could play like 30-40mins without drinking anything..
  17. Kipale

    Low FPS for few seconds after 0.29?

    Me and my friend had same.. Must be new bug that they got from fixing some other bug :lol:
  18. Kipale


    Players spawn relatively hungry and thirsty. For example, lets say players start at 30% food/drink. First warning message pops when your food or drink level drops to ~20%. Most important one! That green message saying "your thirst/hunger is quenched", shows when players food/drink level gets just above critical value. So when you get this message, in reality, you are only on ~25% of your total "stomach capacity". If you keep drinking and eating after you get the "your thirst/hunger is quenched" message, you can still consume a lot, until you get another green message "Your stomach is full", "You feel well-fed" or similiar. That means you are at 100% of food capacity and you start to regenerate blood/heal.Once you reach this, you also have a LOT of time when you dont have to deal with food/drink and no messages pop up for at least 1,5 hours.
  19. Kipale

    DayZ Standalone download issues!!!!!!!

    How terrible.
  20. Kipale

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    Yeah revolver. I hope they would add couple more guns to make looting more interesting.. I thought they had ak-74 and double barrel models ready..
  21. Kipale

    Items falling through floor + Performance

    Under 30 fps is disgusting.. I have +30 fps everywhere else than cherno and i think it's because the big new city is near that..
  22. Can anyone confirm that utes is even on the map?
  23. About everything still needs polishing... Overall game is really fun, biggest disappointment for me is lack of different guns.. I'm getting sick of finding only m4s and same pistols at military bases. I think it will need vehicles, tents and more different guns soon as posibble or it will get boring in about week. I know it's alpha but just giving my opinion.
  24. Kipale

    When will we see the sun?

    I'm playing on EU server atm which has day time :thumbsup: