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About x3point14x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sure lets just disregard the logs, maybe if you sit in the closet with your fingers in your ears for long enough they will go away
  2. Not my fault if your illiterate mate, Think i'll start bottling all these tears for later
  3. I was actually hoping to leave you guys at least a small shred of your dignity, but if you insist. I'm not going to take the time to filter out every script restriction that you guys have tripped but here's a few tripped by Hotblack: 10:21:49 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115) of player #7 [TdS] Hotblack 11:49:05 BattlEye Server: Player #1 Hotblack - GUID: c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115 (unverified) 9:26:16 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 17:58:27 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #195 9:26:51 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #195 8:15:44 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #40 16:33:03 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 7:37:49 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #62 6:16:31 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #40 22:04:48 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #195 2:56:24 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #61 8:15:44 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #40 13:00:30 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #180 18:03:29 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 31.08.2012 08:15:44: Hotblack ( c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115 - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 31.08.2012 08:15:44: Hotblack ( c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115 - #40 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 01.09.2012 06:16:31: Hotblack ( c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115 - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 01.09.2012 06:16:31: Hotblack ( c70621b5ee6ef42ed9e77887fb3e6115 - #40 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 10:45:19 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Hacked items in tents) 10:45:19 Player Hotblack kicked off by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Hacked items in tents) Seems that BattlEye isn't too keen on your friend Hotblack now doesn't it? (Must be a conspiracy). I'm sure the fact your tents were filled with hacked items were pure coincidence too. I think you need to take some time to reconsider your moral values (Surely your conscience told you using hacked items was wrong?) You and your clan can take your dirty hacks elsewhere, as your not welcome on my server
  4. Firstly, I'll direct you to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/86174-banned-from-us-1548-for-having-hacked-items-in-tents/page__st__20 where this matter is already being discussed. Secondly, I think your taking the whole BF2 days far too seriously (I've never actually played Bf2 in a clan myself). You banned one or two of our players from a BF2 server (Does anyone even play this anymore?) from what I can tell, a long time ago? Having a Hissy fit on these forums after being caught using hacked in items (pared with the script detentions to match) isn't going to solve anything. You will NOT be unbanned, no matter how hard you kick and scream and quite frankly, your tears are delicious :) (It serves you right for spawning in and using hacked items) I don't see why you feel the need to slander the name of my clan who had nothing to do with your banning at all (I pay and run the server myself, in no way assisted or directed by our clan leaders) Last but not least, all of the items in our tents are legit (I'm very strict with our guys about destroying accidentally duped items) and I've gotta say I feel bad for you having to become so desperate. You cheated, you got caught and as a result you were banned. Why don't you just find another server and move on with your life?
  5. x3point14x

    Banned from Us 1548 for having hacked items in tents.

    I feel that what I've done is completely within my right as an admin. I refuse to let a hacker bully his way into being unbanned. I trust my server logs over the word of players found to have hacked items on their possession. (Your name came up on the BattlEye script detection too) I've spoken to Mattyboi (or mentalfreak) over TeamSpeak and explained my viewpoint on the whole situation and he agreed that what I had done to be the correct thing to do. If you are so sure that Rocket would not want me to keep you banned in this situation, kindly have him tell me himself (or at least provide some actual evidence posted by Rocket himself) At the end of the day, using the hacked items is not what you are banned for (Even though I'm strongly against using hacked/duplicated items) It's the script detection paired with the evidence of hacked items that has resulted in your ban
  6. x3point14x

    Banned from Us 1548 for having hacked items in tents.

    I'm the admin of US 1548 and I thought id throw in my two cents. The whole issue with the TdS members arose when we found and raided their campsite. After a brief but victorious battle with 2 of their members, we found an began to raid their tents. To our surprise we found several items that were not in the DayZ loot tables (AS50TWS, g36c SD various variations of weapons with scopes/camos not found legitimately in DayZ) As I was unsure of who exactly had spawned in these items I banned every known member of TdS (As listed above) until I could check the logs and clear specific names/find out where the items originated. We invited the members of TdS into our TS server to discuss what was going on while I inspected the logs for anything suss (They had already admitted to using the hacked items but claimed they had stole them from another tent on our server) After inspection of the logs I found that several of their members had been kicked multiple times by the BattlEye script detection (vehicle create restrictions, item create restrictions and trying to log in as admin alongside several others) Their explanation of these kicks by battleeye were all "This happens when you log out on a vehicle" (I can agree to a certain extent that certain script restrictions can be caused by logging out at bad times but not the ones they were tripping) After carefully explaining to the TdS members that I chose to take the server logs word over their own (Somehow I doubt a hacker would openly admit spawning in items to a server admin) and that they would remain banned, TdS decided to tell us to unban them or to face "having our server taken off the hive for having no reason to ban them" (I still believe my server logs) Being a reasonable guy I even offered to unban their leader for a short period of time so that they could take their legit items (we had already thrown all the hacked items on the floor followed by a restart) and take them to one of the many other servers (some of which accept hackers with open arms) Which takes us to now, I still feel that what I've done is completely within my right as a server admin (We don't want hackers or players who associate with hackers ruining the integrity of our server). If I get official word that what I did was wrong, I'll be happy to reconsider