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About Xao

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    Manchester UK
  1. Should've made the title less focused on humanity and more on the group play aspect, was just a suggestion to for helping tone down KoS play and promote some degree of team play. Being a lone wolf in the apololypse would have mentally damaging repacussions, yet playing a bandit in a group would actually lessen the burden on the mind as you would still have someone to unload emotions on. Wasn't meant to be a crippling condtion just occasional delusion of someone being near them.
  2. Never said it was just for the bandits......Just they would be more vulnerable to it as you know, commiting mass murder, has repercussions on ones psychological state of mind.
  3. Wouldn't even have to be seeing a player just shadows moving in the corner of your vision and the noise of footstps making you jumpy on edge, constantly thinking somene is watching trying to get you.
  4. I'd quite like to see mental illness like schizophrenia in the game. Anyone can get it just the lower the humanity and the less human interaction you have with others the more likely you are to go sideways. In game possibilities could be seeing player ghosts in shadows and hearing noises that are not really there. Would be possibly a good counter the mass amount of qq posts about banditry having no negatives. My only problem with it would be the implemtation and what would trigger it, as i said it should not be only for low humanity as a complete lack of human interaction when playing solo would also most likely cause some form of pschological damage over a prolonged period of time. Would also make people have an incentive to play with others for the sake of their characters minds, rather than be a jumpy schizo murderer. Would also like to see humanity reset upon death as you are technically a different person when you respawn and it gives people the option everytime they play to try a differnt playstyle without having "turban" kos syndrome when they spawn again. Any comment postive or negative would be appreciated as it is something i think could work just need some parameters of causes, affects and other possibilities.
  5. I'd quite like to see mental illness like schizophrenia in the game. Anyone can get it just the lower the humanity and the less human interaction you have with others the more likely you are to go mental. In game possibilities could be seeing player ghosts in shadows and hearing noises that are not really there. Would also love to see a full on breakdown where you lose the ability to use any weapon bar an axe and enter a berserker rage where you get a speed and damage buff with the ability to shrug of minor flesh wounds. But in all honesty the second option is a bit more doom 3 to be considered, would just love to see pschopaths running about towns axe in hand trying to sate their bloodlust.
  6. Xao

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I agree "Unable to quarantine subject change" could be that there was/is a research facility under the mountain and caused the z infection to spread after losing control, but that would make it too much like umbrella corp in Resident Evil. For those who wants to see what a scud nuke does to GM. Lets just say its an evil evil place. Kudos to whoever made the vid from this thread you deserve some beans
  7. Xao

    Day Z Urban Legends

    No the Morse code bit, meh it reads. We are no longer alive STOP This message will play every hour if operators are no longer responsive STOPMESSAGE Unable to quarantine subject change STOPMESSAGE. After that you can hear what sounds like a z roaring. Also all the co-ords are correct for the deer stands except 023/107
  8. Xao

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Does anyone want the translation of the radio message or do you want it to remain a mystery?
  9. Xao

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Need all more hackers doing this rather than the shitty nuke/gayfest they love. I actually condone this.
  10. Opinions like this damages the modding scene, I've been a long time forum lurker but this post finally made me make an account. Firstly I've been a modder for about 15 years modding the Total War series of games and for the previous 3 titles the games developer has made the communities ability to mod their games a lot more difficult due to the fact they (Sega) believe they have been giving away free content they could be selling DLC. They have just had a modding summit in which the community had to tried to persuade them not to shun us and make their games unmoddable. Their arguments is basically came down to money and short term gains ie DLC sales and games with lifespans of about six months. Our counter arguments came down to games lifespan infinitely expanded and increased long term sales due to the fact people buy games for mods. I even used DayZ as an example of how when supported the modding community can generate them huge amounts of increased sales. A result has yet to be announced. Opinions like yours will further damage modders credibility in the eyes of games producers, as they are in the end a business and out to make money and if fans are not interested in paying they don't give a ****. Secondly get off you only bought ARMA for the mod high horse, it doesn't matter you bought ARMA for it's engine regardless and therefore paid for that. The mod work that has been done to that is Rockets works and he can do with it as he wishes, so if he wants to charge you for it he can do so, its a supply and demand market after all (and by god there is the demand for this game). Attitudes like the op are detrimental to PC gaming as modding is the last bastion we have otherwise we might as well all go console and lap up the crap they throw up at us. Finally i would like to thank BI for being a fantastic developer who actually promote modding and have reaped the benefits, and to Rocket for showing what modding is capable of and having the stomach to deal with the millions of whine posts i imagine he recieves daily. I would actually pay full price for this game as i have never had such vivid exciting memeroies from any game (and yes i bought ARMA only for DayZ but im planning on playing while i am internetless in a months time).