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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. When I die, I can't get back into the game, everytime I log in (I see charater view) I get kicked by this #41 script restriction. All servers do that. I found here that I can install older beta patch and then reinstall the newest again. This helps, but once I die, I get this error again and can't log back in (until I reintall all over). Anyone knows permanent solution for this?
  2. I believe you that it doesn't work. I'm just trying to figure out what happened. They looked like friends, possibly on TS too, it is not likely that one killed the other, both were sprinting at the time too. Some 4th guy somewhere? I didn't hear any gunshots but my M107. Also if someone dropped one of them, why he let me live, I was sitting ducks when I looted the body. Anyway, it's a shame the engine can't process body penetration.
  3. As I said, there were two of them - one with a ghillie and the other without. Also two different names appeared in the death messages at the same time. One body disappeared though leaving only the buzzing sound. That actually happened more than few times - body disappearing after a kill.
  4. Oh, well. And I though I've got so damn lucky shot. :D
  5. I think the engine could easily handle it. It handles wall penetration, why not bodies? Also the physics behind it could be simple - no direction or speed change, just fly until second or third body is hit, or a floor/building/whatever is hit.
  6. All the fucking beans to Tool but stick to the topic, please ;) :D ---- If it is not possible then, I think that one guy must have ALT+F4ed, but what about that second buzzing sound?? It shouldn't be there when I log out, should it? Another thing which comes to mind, that they were kind of scripters - the body I could loot had a radio item on it, which is not in the game currently, is it? But on the other hand, he could took it from somebody else like I took it from him (I threw it away few hours later, it was useless). Also, he had an AKM, which is not what I would script in if I was a hacker.
  7. Oh no, there were two from the beginning, one had a wookie costume and the other did not. Yes, it is. Oh, really? And couldn't it be some kind of delay between server, me, and the two guys? I don't know, just thinking loud. Because there is the thing - I saw instantly two bodies falling down at the exact same time and two death messages at the same time. And then two buzzing sounds. On the other hand, only one body was there and only one kill in the debug monitor. It really surprises me that a military sim game which has a very reallistic ballistics, richocets and all that can't process shooting through a body with a .50 cal.
  8. Mysteriously, I haven't find any video or story where one kills two guys with a single shot. I thought it could be quite normal and not that rare - shit happens. Did anyone happened to do that? Because I did.. I think. Sadly I have no video of it - my laptop barely runs DayZ. Two guys ran past me not noticing me (although I was standing in front of a forest). I heard heart beating (checking if it was ingame or my own heart) so I figured they were bandits. They were running from the deerstand behind the wall of NWAF to the barracks. I couldn't get a good shot at them until they left and ran along towards the two hangars north. I took a better position and scoped with my M107. They were kind of zig-zagging so I fired once one of them ran into the scope center. After recovering myself from the recoil of this beast I saw two bodies falling down. Two kills confirmed by the death messages. But, the debug monitor showed only one kill. When I got to them I heard two fly buzzing sound sources, but one of the bodies disappeared (this happens when someone ALT+F4s after death, right?) So, I have two questions: 1) Did anybody managed to do something like this? Even by luck like me? (video would be cool) 2) Does the debug monitor capture only one kill when this happens?
  9. Server: FR 263 Time: about 11am GMT+2 Player: Sgt. McTavish I was hiding in the bush and saw a bandit (Sgt. McTavish) about 100m away. I shot my DMR and hit him (blood spurted). Just after that he started running in place (I supposed it was a lag) so I made sure putting another 3 rounds in his back (DMR). He than relocated (lag was over I thought) and appeared crouching about ten meters away from his original position turning around (possibly searching for me), still alive. I fired another round first which he still survives, so I put another 2 or 3 rounds in his chest and back. Nothing happened! So I figured he hacked immortality or something and rather disconnected. I didn't want to die beacuse of cheaters. Here http://arma2.swec.se/game/data/6532175 you can see my (redhead) and his (Sgt. McTavish) play time. I'm still not sure that it was a hack, maybe a really bad lag, but he was turning around searching for me after the lag stopped, so there. But surviving more than 5 DMR rounds to the chest/back is just not possible.
  10. I have this too. It is random though. I have a selected server where I usually play. Sometimes I connect just fine, but sometimes it hits 9999 ping and I am forever stuck on "LOADING" screen, which I have to CTRL+SHIFT+ESC from
  11. "I did not do it for pure entertainment but simply because when you see people all you need to do is kill them, in these days in DayZ you cannot trust no one but all you can do is kill them" They were like 300 m away, they couldn't be any harm to you, they didn't even know about you, you killed them anyway. You killed them for entertainment. You killed them for this poor boasting video of yours. You are an asshole just as you said. And now you want us to like and subscribe.. well 3 dislikes, 1 like on the video says it all.
  12. I will say a little story. I was already killed like 3 times that day and I respawned at west side of Cherno, so I decided to go there and loot the church and red/orange buildings. So I went and about 200 meters away from the city I hear gun shots. Someone was killing zeds around him. I proned trying not to be seen. The problem was he could actually see me pretty well because the grass was not rendering that far (I too saw him with no grass around). I realised he was shooting zeds along the direct way to me. He was running in crouch along the shore so I turn my back and started to ran away because I realised I was his target the whole time. He could saw I had the small backpack and no weapon in my hand. When I started running he shot me in back. And another story just from the next respawn: I saw through buldings a guy going along the road, I hit the deck (had no gun again) but somehow he managed to spot me. I was ignoring him and tried to make it to another building which was the other direction. Still one eye on him after a moment of hessitation he started walking towards me.. with a HATCHET! He clearly must have saw I had absolutely nothing, he still tried to chop my head off. I started running around trying to get some zeds on me so he would stop following me. It was successful but a little while later he found me again while I was bandaging from his damn hatchet. Died again. That day I was killed about 5 times in one hour because I didn't have a weapon and no gear. But! I was still worth killing. I don't understand that, I was no threat to either of them nor I had anything valuable which must have been clear on the first sight. Good to mention they didn't try to contact me in the chat. I wanted to but I realised it was the sure thing - they wanted to kill me; I still couldn't do it, 'cause I was busy running.
  13. I will too say my story. I was already killed like 3 times and I respawned at west side of Cherno, so I decided to go there and loot the church and red/orange buildings. So I went and about 200 meters away from the city I hear gun shots. Someone was killing zeds around him. I proned trying not to be seen. The problem was he could actually see me pretty well because the grass was not rendering that far (I too saw him with no grass around). I realised he was shooting zeds along the direct way to me. He was running in crouch along the shore so I turn my back and started to ran away because I realised I was his target the whole time. He could saw I had the small backpack and no weapon in my hand. When I started running he shot me in back. And another story just from the next respawn: I saw through buldings a guy going along the road I hit the deck (had no gun again) but somehow he managed to spot me. I was ignoring him and tried to make it to another building which was the other direction. Still one eye on him after a moment of hessitation he started walking towards me.. with a HATCHET! He clearly must have saw I had absolutely nothing, he still tried to chop my head off. I started running around trying to get some zeds on me so he would stop following me. It was successful but a little while later he found me again while I was bandaging from his damn hatchet. Died again. That day I was killed about 5 times in one hour because I didn't have a weapon. But! I was still worth killing. I don't understand that, I was no threat to either of them nor I had anything valuable which must have been clear on the first sight. EDIT: good to mention they didn't try to contact me in the chat. I wanted to but I realised it was the sure thing - they wanted to kill me; too bad I couldn't, 'cause I was busy running.
  14. Helicopters at crash sites are static objects, they are not interactable nor repairable. As said loot is around the heli.
  15. card: laptop integrated ATI Radeon HD 6490M server: i was only at EU17 today when: immediately; at the cost after I have died it was significantly worse than in the north - but still pretty bad there too) it's constant In my opinion, it is not related to graphics.. I played OK before the update (on mid-low settings) now it's unplayable even on the lowest settings.