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Everything posted by thecoopster97

  1. thecoopster97

    First time killing stories?

    I'm in a town somewhere near Elektro, but not sure what it's called. I see a hero with a FAL and his friend with nothing in the distance, but they don't spot me. I don't have any weapons so don't do anything. I run into the oft-seen orange-red brick house and find an m1911. It only has one mag but I find another with 4 rounds later on a corpse. I find another orange-red brick house but don't go in immediately because I know those 2 players are in the town. I look through the window, and sure enough, they're in there. I shoot the guy with the FAL, using only 4 round to kill him. He's dead, on the floor. Apparently his friend got a revolver at some point, because when I go into the building, he returns fire. Remember, I only have 1 mag of m1911 ammo, so I hit him several times but can't kill him. He doesn't land a shot so I run off to find more ammo. Later, my friend who has been watching me this whole time tells me there is .45 acp on the floor in the building I killed the guys in. I cautiously go in but nobody's there. The FAL, as I expected it to be, is gone. I pick up a revolver and the ammo and set out to kill the dude and take his gun. I soon see agro running far away, but I can't see who they're chasing. Next I see another guy in a small cabin, so I shoot at him and I think I hit him twice. He hides in the corner, so I go to finish him off. I shoot him, but there's so much aggro I couldn't hit him more than once again. I only have 2 rounds and leave him for the zeds. I start running, wondering where the hell the fal guy is but before I can get too far I'm snuck up on by a hatchet-guy. I hit him with both rounds but I'm out of bullets :( I'm done for, and mr. hatchet-guy kills me. That's Karma I guess.
  2. thecoopster97

    Never Seen This Yet WTF LOL

  3. Now here's a story. Tonight it was my first time in a higher population server (28 players.) I was going to go to Stary from Cherno. Right when I spawn in I hear flies. It was just an empty corpse. It's kinda scary though. Anyway I start going up to Stary and when I'm about a 4th of the way there, I turn around. Officer Friendly just spawned behind me. This is the first time I've seen a survivor, what do I do? Stare him down. He has m14. I have M4A1 CCO. Should I kill him? He's staring at me. I have a coyote and he doesn't. What if he tries to take it? Switch gun to full auto. Ugh, I don't want a grenade. Okay I'm gonna kill him, I want that bastard's gun. It's on auto. Fire. He almost hits me. Keep shooting. He's still alive? He only fired like 3 times! Empty mag. What do I do?! Pull out M1911. Shoot him in the torso. Empty mag. What? He just walks past me like nothing happened and disappears. He didn't hit me. I leave the server cuz I'm pretty sure he's a hacker because 1. He spawned in about 15 feet from me, which isn't very likely to happen in the middle of the woods. and 2. I shot him several times. So, Officer Friendly, if you're reading this, you're a dick. Sincerely, the dude who shot you literally 10 times because you were 10 feet away.
  4. thecoopster97

    My first human contact in Dayz

    I wasn't asking for sympathy. No need to be a douche.