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Everything posted by archmelleck

  1. This is a server hosted by BareLabelGaming and ZooYorkGaming in conjunction to make the perfect origins server out there! Come join for a nice atmosphere, many vehicle and house supplies, dropped military grade weapon spawn chance. #AOW server good for North America all around. Servers Info: 5 hour day/ 5 hour night Dropped percentage of finding military grade weapons (MORE SURVIVAL) House building supplies more COMMON Admins are actually above 12 and are mature (no admin abuse) FRESH DATABASE 350+ Vehicles including Helicopters/Planes Two big clans ZYG and =X= (Friendly heroes) IP: Port: 2302
  2. Little Bump forgot to add, that full moon nights happen more often than normal :)
  3. Awesome server needs more players and is completely fresh, almost no houses yet, zombies are not 99.99% bleed for once and has a great player community!
  4. ChernoChampions IP: Port: 3340 ServerLocation: US-Washington DC (Good for American and European players) Server is UP AND RUNNING! _____________________________________________________________________ New to the server: 24/7 Day Custom DEBUG monitor added! Heli lifting Auto-Refuel Vodnik and BlackHawkadded! ______________________________________________________________________ Server Includes: - Custom towns - Custom Osprey (MV22) - Custom loading screen that tells you the rules - New Backpacks - ChernoChampions #2 will be hosted soon on the map Taviana - M107 is BANNED - NEAF has added barracks and firehouse - Active Admins - Gotcha and Silent warrior anti-hack - 24/7 Daytime - Server needs more regular players! - Realistic Loadout (Bandages/Compass/Painkillers/Morphine) - 10 Helicopters/ 1 Osprey/ 1 An-2/ 115 Land vehicles - Server admins never ignore you and will always answer your question ______________________________________________________________________ RULES - Don't act like a child - Do not Whine if killed - Do not offend players/admins - Do not accept hacked weapons ban will apply - Hacked weapons/vehicles will be caught by both anti-hacks - If a hacker destroys everything and kills everyone rollback will happen so do not try to stop the rollback ______________________________________________________________________ Owner: Cedric/ steam: 38th LCpl Cedric Admin/Coder: Archy/ steam: ArchMelleck Admin: Ghostllama Admin: Kevin *Slot Open* *Slot Open* ______________________________________________________________________ Server name: ChernoChampionsHive - Public 24/7 Day ( [Custom AntiHack|Weapons|Vehicles] [VETERAN|3DP=ON|CH=ON|NP=OFF] ______________________________________________________________________ Pictures: New Kamenka Buildings Custom City: Loot City
  5. Oh really? so you make an account the day he made this, and everytime you write a comment ONLY on this forum you get off.
  6. Server is no longer Whitelisted, if i may ask where did you find that this server is whitelisted?
  7. Im looking for a new bandit skin for my server and i have many choices so look through this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Infantry and help me decide! None of the german ones though they are banned!
  8. So only OA players just so other players know
  9. Thats an awesome skin but i would like to add a skin that can equip a backpack, so only OA models can do that, and im renting from Dayz.st but im thinking of making my own mod, adding a bunch of new things