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Jamie Jameson

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About Jamie Jameson

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In the depths of Grozovy Pass.
  • Interests
    Video games, video games, digital modeling, video games, cats.

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  • Bio
    I really do enjoy zombies.
  1. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Currently attempting to get some footage and an ID. EDIT: Screw it, don't care any more. You guys don't care and neither does my buddy.
  2. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Who might you be referring to? Kevin or me?
  3. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    I don't like doing this. I'm doing this so the community can enjoy the game without people ruining immersive experience. It's best for both of us really.
  4. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    He never had a rep. He's power crazy and he says he has OCD and has to own the Skype call so HE can kick people. He's got this crazy idea that he can be trusted more.
  5. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Agreed. We were on US 1244 once, and he TP'd everyone to the field north of Elektro, and I aborted to stay out of it. Everyone died and he hid the bodies.
  6. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Did you guys join it?
  7. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Weird to say, but he lives 2 states away.
  8. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    He is currently playing on DayZFallujah, hosted by bTd. He hacks on this one all the time. It used to be populated, but the rep is gone now. IP:
  9. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    This here, is my best friend. Or maybe it's David. David is his friend who he controls all the time.
  10. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Did the game have Hobo-Jesus, Ghost, and JackAZ or Tobias/Battlefield 3 in it?
  11. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Well, he's been doing it for a couple of weeks, and honestly it's pretty annoying.
  12. Jamie Jameson

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    He won't listen to me. He just recently told me he had a "GLOBAL BAN" script. He found this post. He might rebel. EDIT: Basically, he's threatening to Global Ban me because he bought me the game.
  13. My best friend, Ethical Infiltrator, Kevin(DayZ name), Ethical Infiltrator(Steam name), bejaarde is his original steam name. What should I do? I honestly don't want him GB'd but he's ruining my experience. I want to play legitly, and it's bothering me that I accept it. If this does follow through, I can find out his BattlEye ID when he joins the game. He uses a bypass and stuff and whatever the f**k that stuff is. I would like some information or some replies to see what you guys think. EDIT: Currently trying to find his ID in-game. EDIT: Screw it, I don't care. You guys don't care, and neither does anyone else. So, I'll continue with my life and play alone.
  14. Jamie Jameson

    Taking control of a city/town

    You're not alone my friend. I completely agree. I don't mind little updates that add weapons, vehicles, and other such things like that. But not BUILD A HOUSE or FARMING. That's not what this game is. Like I said, you are not alone.