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About DriftingJoint

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  1. DriftingJoint

    Moved steam to new hdd

    Fixed my problem on my own, thanks for the suggestions. If anyone gets a similar issue later in life, message me.
  2. DriftingJoint

    Moved steam to new hdd

    Copy steam folder, go to new hard drive, paste steam folder. Every single other of my 50+ games work perfectly on first run. Dayz doesn't.
  3. DriftingJoint

    Moved steam to new hdd

    All that did is break my game totally. Thanks.
  4. DriftingJoint

    Moved steam to new hdd

    Done it, still loads up with missing files.
  5. DriftingJoint

    Moved steam to new hdd

    As title says, I moved my steam to a new 1tb hdd as my other was getting full. Now when I try to run combined ops to get on Dayz, I'm getting world chernarus missing. I can't figure out which files to edit my new steam/arma 2 path into. I tried the few cmd ones but no luck.
  6. What did these hackers ACTUALLY DO?
  7. Wow really? What did they get away with?
  8. So what was the hacking and when will the server be back up?
  9. Why was the server locked? It said due to hackers? What happened?
  10. Correct, I'll load in now and check if I see anyone.
  11. I just aborted in the treeline outside, the textures are all messed up and I can't see the walls and the tower looks strange, but couldn't hear anyone on direct comms/see anyone from outside in the trees by the road. Also can't see any of your guys names in the server menu.
  12. I'm on seattle freeside 2, I'm at green mountain but I can't see any of you guys? What gives?
  13. Are you open now? I have like half my inventory I want to trade.
  14. DriftingJoint

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Don't know if this is just specific to the server we're playing on, or if it has been mentioned before but every person we kill and I mean they're 100% dead, before being able to disconnect like what usually happens, their bodies appear for 0.2 seconds and then disappear. Playing on US 40.
  15. DriftingJoint

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    I don't understand where the whole "it gives an unfair advantage" argument comes from. If you're on a 3rd person enabled server, you have it with everyone else, therefor it's not at all an advantage. If you don't like it, play on a first person only server and no one has the "unfair advantage" you speak of. Either way, it's in no way an advantage or unfair, since everyone can use it on the server with it enabled. Removing simple options like this will hurt the popularity of the game more than help it. You think people are sitting there right now watching the Dayz forums saying, if they remove third person I will play this game for sure? Of course not. If you remove it, people WILL stop playing. Me personally, I play third person servers and so do 8 of my friends I play with. If it were to be removed, I would stop playing because first person in this game gives me a headache and it feels like I'm playing on a railway track, the movement is so clunky and in your face, the animations are terrible for movement and it's just bad imo. That's my opinion and that's why I respect that some people dislike third person also. Keep it how it is, options never hinder a game's growth, lack of options does.