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About dacoroner

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    On the Coast
  1. I have a feeling that a lot of the people playing right now won't be playing too long. It's too harsh for some, too boring for others. Forget Day Z for a moment and look at Arma, it's not really a good deathmatch game due to the way the engine works. Close quarters fights are sloppy due to clipping issues with buildings and scenery and most weapons are so accurate that the majority of the firefights are resolved at 200+ meters. Sniping is only fun when you have targets that aren't all other snipers. That engine in a game with no concern for gear or longevity is fine, add in some incentive to keep alive and combat can get pretty frustrating. Throw in warping zombies and you may want to put your fist through your monitor :) I think I've been killed twice, maybe three times by another player and I've killed two players. I probably have about 60 hours in the game, maybe 50 if you ignore "waiting for server response" time. Once you get away from the coast you don't run into many players at all except at a few hot spots. If you have a friend or two with you and you don't bunch up you can effectively eliminate all risk from the game by sending one guy in to fetch supplies while the rest of you spread out to cover him and hold his valuable gear. Even with only two players all you need to do is have one of you stay back with a CZ and your buddy can just about make any run into any town without needing any ammo. If you dislike "bandits" just get your rifle, find a nice vantage point and use the new players running on the road as your bait.
  2. dacoroner

    Stuff changes the way you play

    The risk of losing everything is a huge part of what makes this mod what it is, without that sense of loss when you die you may as well play . The funny thing is that once you're away from the coast all you have to do is avoid the airfield and your risk of death drops to next to nil.