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Everything posted by de4dcert

  1. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  2. For when the beans run out!
  3. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  4. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  5. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  6. Yes I can assure you its about to kick off very soon, working on the material I have now its just insane how things are turning out. I will give you a little idea:
  7. Role playing is great fun and I think can be a killer addition to DayZ and there is more to come as I try different skins :)
  8. de4dcert

    RESET - TRP Return - S02E05

    Thanks Lieutenant! :D
  9. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  10. I cant be 100% sure but the comments started coming in quite quickly all of a sudden and this video was sitting there a couple of days so let loose. Its all good nothing wrong with a good story about any zombie but getting Dr Ivan was the next logical step for me on that mod of a mod and a lot of people are confused as to what he looks like. Since the latest update he is not as rare as he was and a slightly higher chance of the special loot, I know what this loot is but i am not going to spoil it until someone or myself finds it. Right now i'm so back into Chernarus its just not funny... its awesome to be back home!
  11. de4dcert

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Animated gifs are back!
  12. Yes I got some msgs the day before saying oh you killed him already. I was like why? No that's a hazmat zombie. People already infected under the suit but its not Dr Ivan. So I went online and just got really lucky but powers out of my control stopped me from the finish. He's real tough. Now after finding the source it was because a bigger youtuber that has got the wrong guy now everyone is confused. But at least I set the record straight here. Regarding Gilbert I don't think it's going to be the last time you see him.
  13. de4dcert

    Zombie Crowding System

    A ZCS may already be something going forward / already talked about but zombies obviously mindlessly chase you on instinct for living flesh. But that's one or two. When the shit hits the fan and you have a group as others follow it starts to build up on you and bust down the door. Or even push heavier objects because of the weight building up. I just wondered on the thoughts of zombies bunching up, even more so if you make enough noise. It creates a pressure moment, do you get out of there another way or your last hope is the spare rounds the group has plus some skilful hatchet swinging. It must be a whole other technical mechanic. Good to have? Can it be pulled off?
  14. de4dcert

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    I really enjoyed it. There are a few developers who do a nice hour length inside look and package it with the special addition on release hehe but it's great to see one during development on a high profile title. The technical aspects really interest me.
  15. de4dcert


    DayZRP community focused play.
  16. de4dcert


    Thanks :)
  17. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  18. As long as you are around the coast where it is there are a lot of boats on the coast you can get in if you cant fly there. Heat pack will be handy too.
  19. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos

  20. de4dcert

    Day Z Videos
