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Everything posted by Forgewolf

  1. Forgewolf

    Crossbow Quiver

    : )... And hopefully.. They will be a bit more common than say a pistol or what not.. It's Russia! And a Russia Forest Terrain.. there has to be more hunting equipment.. than military equipment lying around anyways. If the Crossbows Bolts were reusable and you could carry like a MAX of 50.. that'd be awesome. *Shots Zombie in the head. Goes to the Zombie.. Picks up bolt* I think each Bolt should have three uses.. so 50 bolts would be actually 150 shots if you managed to pick each one up.
  2. Forgewolf

    Vehicles should be tougher to total.

    Even after a year of a Zombie like infection.. There is bound to be 100's or maybe even 1,000 of working vehicles.. I wish a few vehicles would actually start out usable.
  3. If I wanted to play solely PvP.. I would pick up games like Battlefield 3, CoD, GoW or Halo. There has to be more to this game than just, "Let's go kill players" Even if realistic.
  4. I agree that High-End loot should remain rare.. But also the locations in where said High -End loot spawn should be increased.. Why is all the good stuff concentrated in one area? Seriously? You should be able to find High-End loot in at least three different places on the map..
  5. Forgewolf

    Gotta love stairs.

    This one time.. I ran up stairs.. while my friend ran down stairs.. He bounced off me and fell off the stairs and broke his leg. I have a funny screenshot of him after I through him down stairs when he was knocked out.
  6. Forgewolf

    takin a shit in the standalone

    We should be allowed to take shits.. I'd love to kill a player and shit down their neck.. Just like Duke Nukem would.
  7. Forgewolf

    Start with no backpack?

    If we took starting with a backpack away.. Imagine how much harder the game would be xD
  8. Aww.. Sad Panda.. Is your clan well-equipped? I have a M4A1 CCO SD. But have no ammo for it. I could be of great use with that weapon. ; )
  9. Are you the same group that flies the Helicopter around, breaks people's legs and kidnaps them via helicopter? :P.. I saw a youtube video and about like six people were doing this on a chopper, wearing Ghillie suits.. It was hilarious.
  10. Forgewolf

    [Elysium] Department Of Defence

    Sounds interesting. What's the total member count? Active member count?
  11. Forgewolf

    Infected Doctor...

    I've never seen a medical zombie either. Been to plenty of medical structures too.
  12. Forgewolf

    Hackers are our friend

    I wish I stumbled across one of these boxes : P.. Mainly for just a bigger backpack and a suit.
  13. It'll grow and be bigger later on.. Just like Minecraft.
  14. You have my beans good sir! I agree with you on the Alice pack and Fragile Vehicles even more so.
  15. Forgewolf

    DayZ Clan?

    Him and I get dropped often.. Although it doesn't occur in Ventrilo. It'd be best to have alternative means of communication. Another curious thing. Do you have extra gear besides the stuff you use. Having a small stockpile of extra goods at the beginning of a clan setup is always a plus.
  16. I wouldn't mind some sort of Quest system sort of thing.. Instead of calling them quests.. Could call them "Rumors" and when you find or hear about a Rumor.. there is a chance at finding some good stuff maybe? Eventually.. Going around.. Killing zombies and players.. it has to get boring.. there should be more things to do in standalone to enable this game to thrive.
  17. Forgewolf

    DayZ Clan?

    Another thing. My friend and I use the chatting system from Steam. Do you know if this supports more than just two players? Because so far.. out of three chat systems I've used.. Skype, Ventrilo and Steam.. Steam is the best.
  18. Forgewolf

    DayZ Clan?

    No stealing from the Armory? What if some random player steals from the armory? How are you going to know if a member or a non-member took it? :P
  19. Oh no, I mean 80 rounds.. Four clips of 20 rounds each.. Sorry about the confusion. I would need a tent for 80 mags xD
  20. I have no DMR Gun saddly : (.. I've just been holding onto this ammo in hopes of finding said weapon to use them.. I'm willing to depart with my 80 rounds if I can get something I can use.
  21. I have a Jerry Can... I need ammo for my M4A1 CCO SD or a M4A1 or M16A4 and I'd throw you my M4A1 CCO SD with the Jerry Can
  22. Well I do have a M4A1 CCO SD with no ammo I also have 120 rounds of Stanag 5.56x45mm... But its not the right kind for the gun I listed above. I also have 80 rounds of DMR ammo
  23. Forgewolf

    [TRADE] Looking for an M4A1 CCO SD

    I have a M4A1 CCO SD.. But I need ammo either for it or a M4A1 or M16A4, because I have ammo for that weapon.. I'll even through in DMR ammo.. I need a bigger backpack too.
  24. What kind of Ammo does the MK 48 Mod use?