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Everything posted by Forgewolf

  1. Forgewolf

    DZ - Battle Royale

  2. Liking this.. Just needs more in detail explanation
  3. Forgewolf

    Whats your ideal server population?

    I try to go for the lowest populated server.. So I dislike anything over 30.
  4. How about a Halloween release? We don't need it to be announced.. perhaps they don't want everyone buying it and trying to download it at the same time.
  5. Forgewolf

    Degrading Backpacks: Stuff Falls Out

    Mmm.. nah.. Worrying about my backpack degrading.. as well with everything else might just be too much to deal with.. At that point.. I don't think I'd even try to play.. I'd just run around and be the town drunk.
  6. Forgewolf

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    I'm fine with vehicles not being in Day Z at the start. I enjoy a good hike
  7. Forgewolf

    Bandits loosing style?

    If bandits played by the rules.. wouldn't that mean they are not bandits?
  8. Forgewolf

    Shooting open doors in SA..

    I think we should be able to lock some doors to prevent people from getting inside.. And the only ways they can get inside are: #1: Shoot/Break window and crawl in.. Attracts zombies #2: Shoot the lock. Attracts zombies #3: Use a tool to open.. Hard to find I am for this idea..
  9. Forgewolf

    Dean says...

    Don't care because this : P
  10. Forgewolf

    NPCs, Quests

    NPCs would be good for an Offline mode
  11. Forgewolf

    Different foods

    Peanut butter! They have a life expectancy of 2-5 years.
  12. Forgewolf

    make time more real for player task

    I can definitely agree that we need a more realistic food meter. Consuming liquids should be needed more often than actual food.
  13. Forgewolf

    Halloween Release

    We are closer to Day Z Standalone than ever before.. This much we do know
  14. Forgewolf

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    : D... Halloween release has just gotten more plausible now.
  15. Forgewolf

    Radio use for once

  16. Forgewolf

    Item suggestions

    Yes to all!
  17. You know.. they could always add AI Military/Civilians/Bandits into the Single Player experience. Turn it more into a Survival Role Playing game?
  18. I actually like the idea of starting out having a goal.. Not to just collect gear, but to find and treat the condition my character is suffering from.
  19. Forgewolf

    So how many NVGS...

    Never found a legit pair of NVGs.. Only ever got one.. and it was a mod box at a gas station..
  20. Forgewolf

    Character Customization

  21. Forgewolf

    Character Customization

    I'd play as a midget so it'd be hard to spot and shoot me ; )
  22. Forgewolf

    Name Tag Stickers and Viewing People's Journals

    I'd definitely wear one just to lighten up the dark mood