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Everything posted by brpw

  1. Anyone interested in trading for my M24? Looking for my beloved ghillie/DMR combo!
  2. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    Nickeragua is a good trader :) Thanks for the simple and easy trade!
  3. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    Awesome :) PM me with a server/location and let's make the trade!
  4. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    If you have a spare ghillie suit (my friend also needs one), I will be happy to accept. And if I'm being ULTRA cheeky, a GPS wouldn't go amiss!
  5. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    Ahh no problem man. I do have some RF's, but I won't be much of a sniper without 'em! :(
  6. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    Things I'm willing to trade: 1 M24 (with 3-4 clips) M4A3 CCO (with several clips) Potentially my M14 AIM. Any of those interest you?
  7. brpw

    Trade an M24 sniper for a ghillie + DMR

    What do you need bud? :)
  8. Alright forum, The name's Ben, and Im from the UK - got ARMA 2/DayZ 2 days ago, so I'm a massive freshie. Looking for some people to play regularly with - I work from home, so time isn't really an issue most of the time. Whether you're an organized clan or individuals who are looking for a team also, get in touch! As i've said, Im pretty new - but not new to gaming; so expect me to know what Im doing(ish), but don't expect miracles. I've watched plenty of gameplay and streams to know the basics (i.e how zombies move, how to use things etc etc). Shoot me a reply on here with your Skype name (or if you have a vent/teamspeak server and would prefer we use that, shoot me those details). Since Im from the UK, the US guys on here might not want to play 5-8 hours behind me. Sup to you!