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About Sir BBQ

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    Stoke-on-Trent, England
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    I like cookies an DayZ. Nuff' said.
  1. Sir BBQ

    Humanity Bug

    This was on an Official Hive might I add
  2. Sir BBQ

    Humanity Bug

    I logged in about 30 minutes ago and had my Hero skin as normal. However after spending about 20 minutes in Elektro I run into a bandit, but he was wearing a full bandit costume (one that looks like a mummy), not just the headscarf. I decide to kill this guy and I suddenly turn into a survivor despite the guy I killed was a bandit. I also can't use the insert key to check my humanity or bring the debug monitor up. I have no idea how much I have lost, it could have completely reset my humanity to 0 for all I know. I'm wondering if there's either a fix for this or a way for me to check how much humanity I have lost.
  3. Sir BBQ

    Script restriction #67?

    No, you won't.
  4. Sir BBQ

    Trading FN FAL + 2 mags

    M4A1 HOLO SD with 3 mags.
  5. Sir BBQ

    Nasakinai's Immersion Ideas

    Very nice man, I like the idea about having Anti-Material Rifles having to be prone to fire. Not so fond of the classes though.
  6. Sir BBQ

    There's a difference between "Bandits" and "Snipers"

    Yup. But 90% of the Snipers in DayZ tend to be bandits since they get the advantage of not being seen and distance between the sniper and the survivor. Not once have I seen a Sniper on the hills above Elektro that hasn't at least shot at me while I'm unarmed and pose no threat.
  7. Sir BBQ

    Lower Tier Rifle!

    I'm sure a shot to the temple or a sensitive part of the head would kill a person with a .22
  8. Sir BBQ

    Grounded the little turd

    Good man, grounded for 2 months and banned from the PC is a bit too harsh though mate xD
  9. Sir BBQ

    Trading an AS50 for a DMR

    Alright then, thanks anyway mate.
  10. Sir BBQ

    Trading an AS50 for a DMR

    If you're interested please reply to this thread or PM me. I'm currently near the hills north of Elektro. I know this sounds like a stupid deal but the AS50 is too big and kind of annoying because of zeroing. And the Mil-Dot System on the DMR is amazing, so the decision is clear :) Cheers. EDIT: Already traded now, thanks to sorryforshooting, props to him for being a nice guy.
  11. Yes, the Hero Skin stays until you reach -2500 Humanity on all your characters. Although, some say that it greatly increases your chance to not be shot on sight. Isn't true.
  12. Nice work mate. Being a bandit is great, much easier to reap the rewards of other players >:) Got myself and AS50 and an L85 and it's awesome. Although I'm literally dying to get myself a DMR, love the mil dot system of it. Have fun murdering the helpless!
  13. Sir BBQ

    Can't loot body

    ^This. Weapons that have been scripted into the game must not have a script to make kills with the weapons to count as Murders. Sometimes just get into a good position and you'll be able to loot it easily.
  14. Sir BBQ


    *Cough* Dead Island *Cough* Sounds like a great idea!
  15. Sir BBQ

    DayZ CampTracker

    There's a "Save Old Camping Tent/ Vehicle" function for a reason I believe.