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About 2hi4me2cu

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  1. The very first time I played DayZ (after spending god knows how long installing) - I found myself in Chen at midnight in the pitch black (both in my room AND in the map) I spent probably about 2 hours absolutely sh*tting myself crawling around the same farm house for about two hours in the dark, listening to the sound of zed nearby and trying to figure out what to do (also didnt know i could go 3rd person lol) before I stumbled into a zombie who made me bleed, then i ran into a group of zed who finished me off.
  2. 2hi4me2cu

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I was killing for food the other day @ Namalsk - My guy was literally starving to death. NONE OF THE DEAD HAD FOOD! Arg!
  3. I recently got back into DayZ after becoming seriously fed up with hackers and shelving it for a month or two. I Never really liked Chenarus for some reason, moved over to Lingor which was cool until the hackers migrated there too. Now im playing Namalsk which I am finding fun, still some hackers but I have found that choosing servers with active admins helps (read a thread on whitelisting today as well, so going to sign up to a couple of those) Since my return, there are quite a few more maps available, my question is - What is your favorite and why? Thanks!
  4. But every time I play, spend a few hours gathering items and buddying up. I get hacked to death. Every time. No, I dont want to play in a server with less than 10 people on it. Gonna play something else, I doubt ill be missed, you hacking f*cks. /rant.
  5. Hi... I had been playing this server and now its password protected! How do I get in??? :) -2hi
  6. Im from London. I have entered that IP into the server search but nothing comes up? What am i doing wrong!! lol
  7. I cant find this server, and I want to find it, how do i find it! :D Im using DayZcommander..
  8. Hi, I am reasonably new to DayZ and had a bit of an uneducated whinge yesterday getting killed by 2 hackers (I now know about this stuff! :( ) I want to play tonight and read up on Lingor and private hive servers. I just wanted to get a few pointers on where the best hack-free place to play would be with the most players. Im based in the EU. Thanks in advance!
  9. 2hi4me2cu

    One server ruins hours of gameplay :/

    Sure I understand what you are saying and to a degree I agree. Being new to the game but having years of online gaming experience, I didnt realise that a non server admin could actually kill the entire server. On the other side is it not a good thing to out a server that will most likely ruin many hours of gameplay?
  10. 2hi4me2cu

    One server ruins hours of gameplay :/

    You can fo imo. He had one of those military trucks next to it which I thought was loot from the truck. If you interpret the thread correctly you will see this is my first experience of this. How was i supposed to know?
  11. 2hi4me2cu

    One server ruins hours of gameplay :/

    Hm. I get it now. Did some research. I wondered how people kept finding me in the fcking middle of nowhere.. Shame as the games got potential, and now i feel like i just wasted £24 quid buying it as I dont want to play with cheaters :/
  12. 2hi4me2cu

    One server ruins hours of gameplay :/

    What do you mean hackers? Imo i dont think i lagged thru the floor, seemed more like someone teleported me to death. Can hackers do this? And kill an entire server population? Edit - Im REALLY new to DayZ so dont expect me to know all the things you do.
  13. So i log in this evening after a long day. Low and behold a few hundred meters in front of me is a bandit looting a corpse and a box full of all guns and all ammo. I noticed he was logged into the box ran up as fast as i could and axed him in the face. Amazing, bandit dead and i have an amazing sniper rifle, pistol and tools. Fast forward a couple of hours and im in the forest checking my map and i lag thru the floor, into ocean and die. ffs. So I respawn and spend a few more hours gathering items. I manage to scavenge a scoped AK 2 pairs of NV goggles (was going to try win a friend with a gift lol) and some other things. it got dark and i had FINALLY hiked to cherno, suddenly everyone in the server suicided. double ffs. I have spent a considerable amount of time and some horrible murders learning the ropes of DayZ, this just took the p*ss, and if i want to play some more i have to start AGAIN. Game coule be more amazing than it is imo. Server IP is - - Not going back. Sure they will lose sleep over it obv. C*nts.