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Everything posted by BCaused

  1. BCaused

    Third person vs First person view

    Now that is your opinion, To be honest I quite like third person because playing to much in any game that is first person like BF3 for example hurts my eyes + I like having the option. I think if they were to make things such as walls higher in cities that would eliminate all the problems with urban warfare, As for the people who prone in grass It is quite easy to spot and kill someone who is prone because they are restricting their movement the only problem with this is the % of players who have Ghillie suits but tbh they are quite rare so it wouldn't happen often.
  2. BCaused

    Need a DMR and a L85 TWS!!!

    You playing public?
  3. Nice to see another squad joining, Maybe we will not be the only squad that actually uses a tag :L
  4. He needs to get home from work before he can whitelist you.
  5. Awwww I hope you still have it when we enter :D
  6. Yes, that was a bad day for us, If I just had of hit Weasel from afar the first time it would have been fine. But we are not very mad infact we usually laugh about it and add it to our other fails.Although the friendly fire was quite embarrassing and we pretty much have all our gear back except the rangefinder :D Edit: And my M9SD D:
  7. BCaused

    Humanity Indicator

    I think there should be different stages to both humanity sets E.G You get the normal bandit skin at -5000 then say at about -15000 you get the heartbeat and around -30000 you could get the old bandit skin? (I loved that skin looked so cool) and similiar changes for hero's
  8. BCaused

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    I hear alot of people complain about the current sniper system, honestly I think it is fine CZ550 is ok I guess I don't really like it. M24 is a pretty good sniper aswell same with DMR. SVD camo is amazing but the ammo is so rare. But the snipers I hate are the damn 50.cal's they are to easy to use with a zeroing of up to 1400m (Gotta be very lucky to see that far xD) and they take absolutely no skill at all, just a thing of aim,zero,shoot,reload and find a different spot
  9. BCaused

    Build Discussion

    I quite like the HUD, just wish there was a way for me to see my humanity.And the bots will be amazing! :D And as for the new weapons I think that is amazing! DayZ doesn't have much AR's and the G36 has to be one of my favorite, Don't get me started on the M40A3 :3
  10. And then you get douchebags who go around the entire map destroying every fuel source.
  11. BCaused

    Extreme FPS problems

    Sula, where is your X-mas hat? D:
  12. BCaused

    DayZ Bounty Hunters

    lol I should get whitelisted on this server :D
  13. BCaused

    Rules of Engagment

    You shoot bandits.That is pretty sad.
  14. BCaused

    DayZ Bounty Hunters

    sfscriv It seems you have gathered a great pile of hate in your banditry days. I have great respect for you bro, I have also gathered the same type of hate in my old server but sadly I abandoned it because it is usually empty :( Bandits unite!
  15. BCaused

    Best encounters with hackers

    I have met alot of hackers.... funnily enough alot of the times they miss me or suck etc and they become friendly with me xD One time a group of ghillies teleported the entire server to one spot and shot everyone somehow I managed to survive and I tried to run they brought me back and asked where I was going and I started chatting to them, eventually after all my random blabbing I managed to make them laugh and they godmoded me and spawned me stuff, gotta admit it was pretty funny although they were pretty terrible. I eventually taught them how to play the game properly and stop scripting and they liked it playing normally etc.
  16. I think a rare-ish chance of finding a syringe in the hospital could be cool, If you were ever low on blood had no buddy's and could not find a cow you could inject yourself with blood. It would also be cool if they degraded and became infected and you needed to find a new one.
  17. Could you check my post again. I made a silly little mistake on my GUID :P
  18. -Name [RSB] Blood -Location Ireland -GUID 3d40a834f9339d97b61761c867ecc829
  19. BCaused

    Day 145

    Dayum dude, you are elderly xD Nah but all things aside if you just run around and hide and do not take any risks it must get pretty boring at some stage,We all have our achievements but that must be a pretty boring life :/ Atm my character is 32 days old and I am constantly in fights etc
  20. BCaused

    Better hidden Tents

    Yup,Tents are curse to me....honestly I put my camps all over the bloody map.Go to them the next day.Gone
  21. BCaused

    [BC] Bad Company Recruitment

    Sounds cool,Shame I am only 15 :(
  22. BCaused

    Am I a bandit or survivor?

    It is courage to admit that you are a bandit that separates you from those petty survivors