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Knight Wing

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Posts posted by Knight Wing

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMLypqX5APE&feature=player_embedded

    Scuba and I raid some poor guy named Bren and after looting everything we placed cans and had a lovely chem and flare party. A few hours later he logged in and was accusing hackers of turning everything in his tents to cans and other garbage. This is on one of the private servers over at http://www.survivedayz.com, so the encounters of hackers is almost zero.

    -Knight Wing

  2. Username/Handle: Knight Wing

    - Age:21

    - Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Looking for a new group to play DayZ with

    - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: Around 4 hours a night and weekends a bit more

    - Do you Teamspeak?: Yes

    - Do you have a microphone?:Yes

    - Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Yes but I don't shoot new players.

    - Anything else you would like to add?: Look forward to playing with you guys

  3. I have been playing Dayz for a while now and I am interested in making or join a new squad of players to have fun with. Looking to have the squad be friendly and fun most of all. I am 21 and while the squad wont have an age minimum some digression maybe used in selecting the members if they are too immature to play with.

    *You must have a mic

    *The chat program has been decided yet but skype or teamspeak might be the choice so far

    *Must Speak English

    Feel free to message me or reply to the tread

    -Knight Wing
