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About sjkiller

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    On the Coast
  1. i have an idea .... you pay a server and play with this guys and i know you have realy fun make that pls its simple i pay the server and when i pay the server i administrate the server and make that what i think is the right and when a people say too mee mouther fucker than is he out of all from my servers and this is now still my last post in this topic and nobody play on my server with hacket items i can ban for this that is my own server and i dont lets play guys with hacked items its verry simple i think pay server and make what you will guys
  2. he will you kidding mee ? this guys say that too mee and another member from sj in the ts and this guys play with an as 50 tws and now is enough all speaking from rules than please accept the rules (players come and playing with hacked items ) read the rules for that and accept the german rules fur usk +16 and now is enough this is here a stupid post from 3 angry teens not more and now have fun and stop the flaming lg killer
  3. therux i think is bether you stop this flam.. you can read the reasons for ban and accept this now have fun bb
  4. you are dont unbaned bye a admin banns after restart delete automatical!!!
  5. when some one tell mee mouther fucker is he not alone baned from my ts server than is he baned from all my servers ok and the game is in germany +16 and guys are 15 tell us in the ts and the guys live in germany ok and now is enough i pay the server and not another guys not you and not another players me alone pay this and i dont lets play this guys on my server for hacking weapons insult mee and not old enough and now is this discusion over for mee bye bye
  6. the same reasen at the last post robey proms and therux
  7. ok guys only for you again the reasons for ban you 1.hacked weapons (as50 tws is hacked weapon) 2.you ar 14 and 15 years old 3.insult mee thats enough reasons too ban you guys i have an idea you rent a own server and make what ever you will guys have fun guys lg killer
  8. a lot of members from sj clan hear that and you have hacked weapons you find or hacked is your fold not my dont play with hacked weapons !!!!! and now is enough play on another servers and all is fine and i thing guys its the best for you and for the sj clan and please stop crying for this acept this and all is fine lg killer
  9. he guys you forgot a lot from you guys say too mee mouther fucker and so all time i see you on my own server i bann you and you are not old enough too play this game , and the next is guys you play with hacked weapons and now is enough with this flaming please played the game on another servers and not on mine server have fun lg killer