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Everything posted by Oliva

  1. Oliva

    many players are quitting

    @Rocket post ^^^^^ that shit! never found a hacker, or at least, didn't notice if it was one. and hell, people cry a lot about being killed. I kill on sight almost everytime. Two reasons: 1) To take what you have and I need... (food, water, ammo etc) 2) To protect what I have and you might want... (good weapon, bloodbags, tools etc) I won't kill you just for fun. And honestly I've never found anyone doing this. When you shot someone, you attract a lot of attention that you probably do not want. You waste ammo, and for what? Everytime before I pull the trigger, I ask myself. One bullet for what? If I'm on red food, red water, I don't even think. But if I'm just trying to stay safe without you trying to kill me, I will just watch over you as long as possible. Maybe follow you to be sure you left the town or some shit like that.
  2. Oliva

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    My preference: Night at full moon + good sights > Day light > shitty dark
  3. NO! People have a serial killer as neighbor since they born and still don't know it.
  4. Oliva

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    People with ideas like this should think only one thing... is there a way to justify it? How did every1 find a vault key, and why the hell can't I blow that vault down with my rocket launcher? Nothing is safe, because nothing is safe. Today we have safe vaults because of guards, banks structure of security and laws. After an apocalypse that burns all this shit, no vault is safe, so NO!
  5. rare or not, i don't agree overall. the energy drink is ok, but it should fuck you up in any way... let's say after the 10min effect your thirsty is immediately blinking. the 'magic' meds doesn't make sense. the bandage mechanic is already fast enough. remember you have to check the injury, clean the area so the bandage can stick, take the bandage from your pockets, open the package, apply the bandage and press a little... there is another suggestion to increase blood/hunger/thirsty limits due to cardio when you are alive lots of days... it's far way better than some sort of meds that upgrades you.
  6. Oliva

    Rocket, please re-enable Side Chat and do this instead

    please no. no global talk. that doesn't even make sense. this just happened twice, but not in the same places: me and a buddy went inside a market. side channel: "you there in the market, leave now or i'm gonna kill you" but we were in s sobor, and those tards were intimidating people in cherno.
  7. Oliva

    Player Revival

    i don't agree due to complications. someone who had been shot right in the chest by a 7.62 rifle, is totally dead. And i'm not counting on the .50 barret rifle. this 5min you want already exists... it's that blood deadline of 2000. below this, your mate is virtually dead. he can't hear, can't move well, can't see etc. if you manage to treat his injuries and bring him back to life, that's your ressurection mechanic.
  8. please no. +1 +1 +1 -1
  9. Oliva

    Survivor zombies...

    +1 to zeds with survivor skins --- this would add alot of tension to the game for sure. everyone would have to keep looking for a few secs to make sure it's really a zombie and not a survivor. -1 to dead players becoming zeds.
  10. Oliva

    Days Lived

    but this should only take in account the played time.
  11. Oliva

    Inventory/Backpack Space Utilization

    i don't agree with the tiredness due to overweight, just because it needs a very complex system. if you are carrying 70kg of gear, you will become tired very fast on the first day, but your energy will last much longer on the 10th day. you will just familiarize with the weight... then if you move from 70kg of gear to 10kg, you would be much faster than that one who always carried 10kg.
  12. Oliva

    possible solution to stop the mindless pvp

    no classes. people don't understand that there is no mindless pvp. i kill on sight, but that's just to don't give an opportunity for the others to kill me and take my 3 blood bags, my akm, binoculars, compass and all the stuff i have. i'd hate to lose them and i won't give a chance for this to happen :)
  13. Oliva

    Clan Colors and New Skins

    this isn't a team game. this is a survival game. you do not make a clan or a team. you group with others to survive together.
  14. Oliva

    New starting kit

    the servers could have a limit of spawns per player. like 3... and within a 30min cooldown. I wouldn't mind to spawn in the worst condition
  15. Oliva

    Is this feasible?

  16. Oliva

    Filling water bottle with rain

    could be 2mins waiting. we need some sort of stuff with these mid/long waiting times.