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Ciznit (DayZ)

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About Ciznit (DayZ)

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  1. Ciznit (DayZ)

    Loot spawn rate

    The enfield can kill in one hit. Even if the person survives the shot they usually go unconscious and bleed to death. It can be used effective up to 500m away as well if you have a spotter and is extremely common. The M14 AIM basically the Enfield++. The DMR and M24 are somewhat common and both kill in two hits and are accurate up to something like 800m away. My point with the above is that the .50 cals are not the only guns that are easy to snipe with. Removing them just means that people will start using the other guns. So no, I don't think they're too common or too powerful.
  2. Ciznit (DayZ)


    I like the idea, but I think it needs to be a little more robust so that players who are legitimately spawning in at the beginning of a session and not just server hopping don't get killed while they are still loading. First, it needs to be set up so that only after the loading player is actually in control of their character do other players around them get notified. Also, it may make sense to have some sort of subtle indicator for the person loading in that there is someone nearby, that way other players near the player loading in don't have the unfair advantage of knowing the loading player is in the area without the loading player being given the same information.
  3. The audio aggro for zed is too much at this point. Making the Zed more sensitive to sound isn't a bad idea, but how they react to hearing someone's footsteps needs to change. It seem a little ridiculous that we can break LOS with the zed and run away, but if they hear moving around with a couple of buildings between us they can automagically locate us and sprint to our exact spot. I think it might not be a bad idea to have zombies gain interest in a spot instead of identifying a player's location when they hear someone. The zombie AI should be changed so that sound will attract zed, but only a direct LOS with a player will make them attack. It could also add a new level of complexity to town raids as players would have to account for the slowly amassing horde of zombies that would be shambling after them in reaction to their footsteps as they moved between buildings.
  4. Yes, but maybe give a few random survival items instead (map, compass, heatpack, etc.)? Things people realistically might have.
  5. Generally signs used include the safety dance (QEQEQE) or a salute. You should use the safety dance however because it lets you keep your gun on the person in case they decide to open fire. Afterwards lowering your gun (2xctrl) and surrendering are good to keep from spooking people you meet once you've declared your friendliness. Even though someone might do these things you really can't trust if they're friendly. The most likely people you can trust are those that get the jump on you and don't immediately blow you away. Usually they say something like "Hey XXX in town YYY, I'm watching you. Friendly?" or something like that.
  6. Date/Time: Last night (5/23) and tonight (5/24) What happened: Last night my friends and I we're on a server when it crashed. We log on a different server and our progress is reset to when we first got on the original server. Also, we have copies of ourselves standing next to us which we can kill. We decide to log off for the night. Today: We log back and we are all on the coast, but with our gear. Two of us have random ailments (bleeding etc.) that we didn't log out with. All of our health is reset to 12000. Over the next couple of hours, anytime someone logs off their health is reset to something higher than it actually is, usually 12000. One player manages to bleed out down to -6000 health (he isn't taking damage from anything else). He logs off and comes back on and his health jumps to 5500. Later on in the night him and another one of us are killed, so this bug wasn't a permanent thing. Where you were: Last night - SW of Stary Sobor, Today beginning - on the coast, Today at -6000 blood - outside electro power plant. What you were doing: Last night - travelling/checking deer stands, Today beginning - starting to play, Today at -6000 - in a fight with another survivor. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Last Night - KOR 1, Today - FR3 Other Players involved: Stik, Pers, and Duke
  7. Ciznit (DayZ)

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    No, my friends and I were playing on a Korean server last night and none of us had issues with it. From what I can tell a lot of stuff in the game is handled on the client side so having a great connection isn't as important for this game as others. The place where it might become an issue is if you and someone else start shooting at each other at the same time. From my experience however, this doesn't seem like it happens too much in game as most PvP fights start with one player getting the jump on the other, making lag a moot point.
  8. Ciznit (DayZ)


    ^ Wow. Pretty self-entitled for someone who's ALPHA TESTING a FREE mod.
  9. Ciznit (DayZ)

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits.
  10. Ciznit (DayZ)

    Player kill registration removal

    That'd be cool to see standard in the game but they'd have to fix a person's body disappearing if they logout after dying.