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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. I have just gotten a private server with HFB Servers and only been playing maybe 3 days tops until the new patch and I updated with Six. But my HFB has updated the standard servers but not the private. I sent a ticket but being told that "The update isn't available for Private servers yet." I feel like I got took for my $40 bucks and getting a horrible experience with the whole thing. I can't find a way to rollback my patch either without going through file after file and deleting and copying and pasting a bunch of stuff. Is there an easier way to fix my problem besides NOT renewing my subscription next month?
  2. My private server won't update anytime soon. I need to rollback inorder to play on it. Other servers I go in and out of just fine. But I want to play on what I pay good money for. Any idea on HOW to roll back until the server updates?