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About Peter1234

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I wouldn't worry too much about it, the game is about surviving and you done just that. Sure he might of been friendly but at any given time he could of wasted you if you had given him the chance. Trust no one. Even if they do have the hero skin. Unless you know them personally then it's completely random as to what would happen. Why risk that? If the dude had been a new spawn maybe you could of helped each other out a little, but as soon as a new spawn has a weapon I'd be very weary around them.
  2. Peter1234

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    The whole game might reflect us but like you said in bandit diaries you can't trust anyone. Helping a fellow human might get you further in the short term and I really do emphasize the might in this game. It being a sandbox game and you make of it whatever you want to a lot of people are going to do whatever the hell they want knowing little consequence will come to them, or very little consequence that they can see. If this situation were ever to arise where the world is quickly being engulfed by an infection where it turns our loved ones into raging flesh eating maniacs either our survival instincts will kick in or we'll be eaten due to being too shocked. There will be people that will huddle together and helping out other survivors that would soon get shot by a seemingly harmless individual. There will be people that will gladly shoot someone in the back to gain their supplies for their own survival. There will be raging lunatics running about murdering, raping, and pillaging. Then you'll have people that realize that men are more dangerous than the cannibalistic corpse's lurking about.
  3. Peter1234

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    Bandit Diaries was the reason I started playing Day Z. I come from EvE online as a pirate so the whole running about claiming people's gear and causing catastrophe is my type of thing. Not because it's dickish but because I genuinely do enjoy pitting myself against other players. In any situation. Whether it be through hunting a dude down or having a blazing gun fight. Obviously I wouldn't kill a medic, or a dude that's just spawned without any items. If I were to see another bandit, or a dude that is fairly well equipped I would take him out. Maybe don't stop the Bandit Diaries? Just start actually looting corpse's and helping out the needy. You get the best of both worlds in that case. Become the Robin Hood of Day Z
  4. Peter1234

    Possible server hack?

    Aye, I'm just wanting to be safe rather than sorry. I can't provide any screen shots though, the message vanished pretty quickly and as soon as I seen that structure I panicked and logged asap.
  5. Peter1234

    Possible server hack?

    How would I go about contacting them through a ticket? I'm fairly new to this game.
  6. I joined a server yesterday, not sure which one though. I got a message as I started up saying I had been using scripting and my name was being put forth for a ban. It being late I didn't come onto the forums to say as I was needing my bed soon. I started walking along when I seen this large structure in the middle of NW airstrip. I knew it wasn't suppose to be there so I immediately logged off. I was just wondering though would my account be safe? To be honest I'm not really wanting a ban.