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About Gorski

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Gorski

    Gorski's Origins Group

    Read for new TS
  2. Gorski

    Gorski's Origins Group

    Anyone can drop by
  3. Gorski

    Gorski's Origins Group

    BUMP still looking for 2-3 members
  4. Hello, I currently am creating an origins group for us to play on together. We will be using teamspeak. We will create a clan tag as well once the group is formed. Currently looking for 2 group members. It is somewhat role based group Define roles for me? Simple.. etc... this isn't set in stone, it's just so I know what you prefer. Leader Eskimo - Leads the group to accomplish the mission at hand - Taken Pack Monkey Assault- Tends to be a hoarder, likes to constantly loot, and seems to always have backpack space. Constantly aids in most construction / Repair. Otherwise, it's an Assault. Skippity Scopes Eskimo - Support, you don't do much else. ( There are some extra things I'll clarify here because this pisses me off the most. Bring your tents and marshmallows. ) Assault Eskimo - Aids in the actual close quarters attack, shadows leader mostly. Quick FAQ on Roles. No these are not set in stone, it's just fun to think about. No you are not going to get every sniper weapon just because you're our best sniper shot. No you are not limited to use just this or that weapon. No you are not limited to do other tasks, as I mentioned, it's just fun to think about so I understand your playstyle. Requirements:------------------- MUST HAVE MIC + TS 16+ Preferred, I am 18. Decent sense of humor. Just don't be boring to talk to. Please be USA EASTERN time zone based so we can play at similar times. ****** MUST****** Please have Dayz experience.I don't want you to say to me you are great, and then have you completely suck at common dayz knowledge. This is more or less a pro bandit group. I have over 15 months of leading experience. Please understand these terms and conditions -> We are a vote group, we don't do things without each other's consent. Such as base location or today's goal. I just lead to get the job done. We will build houses in order that people join the group. Please listen to directions. If I tell you defend X while player A and B loot, you are going to defend location X, and then receive your share of the loot. Eskimo's are also known for magic words. ----------------------------------------- It will be a quick interview style thing, I'm trying to find someone who can fit what I'm looking for so don't be shy post here please! Fill this forum out! It takes only a minute or two! Name in game: / Name you preferred being called. DayZ Experience: (Roughly how many months etc ) Age: Preferred Role: (Use your imagination. If you state Sniper which I assume 90% of you are going to say, I highly doubt you are the BEST SNIPER OF ALL TIME, so please be creative ) Do you own a mic + TS? Do you have MORE THAN 2 MONTHS origins Exp? (I will confirm in an interview with a few minor questions) Are you able to pull your own weight in contributing to the group? if so how? What is the magical word? Do you meet the requirements? There are 3. Do you understand we are eastern time zone based. If so what times are you on? What days?
  5. Thanks for the people coming so far!
  6. Just type in your arma 2 oa filters " [MI]" it should pop up
  7. Server is currently up Would like to mention if you have any questions or comments feel free to post.
  8. All Origins gear is the same for every server, we however since are somewhat new, are willing to help dedicated players or players who have played for several hours.
  9. Hey everyone, first off, I'd like to thank you for for taking some time too read this thread. Our brand new server [MI] Malicious Intent is looking for new players on our server which restarts every 6 hours. The server IP is and if you don't see any [MI] members online, double check you are on the right server since Dayz Commander sometimes connects people to the WRONG server in which if this is the case, just type [MI] in your Arma 2 OA search filters. We are offering a promotion with the following for (3) teams Join the server and play with a team of 3 or more and play for (4) hours we will supply you all the materials to build 1 level 1 house (Hero OR bandit) If you join the server with more than 4+ people, we will supply your team with Night Vision Goggles (Includes a level 1 house however, teams of 5 will receive 2 level 1 houses.) For those players who prefer solo for (5) players, we will offer NVGs for players who spent AT LEAST 4 hours of gameplay. THIS WILL BE CHECKED Why join our [MI] server? First off, I'd like to state we are planning hosting events which may be PvE or PvP related every Friday depending on the amount of people on the server such as team salvation island raids where the whole server will participate in ( in 1.7.5.) We also are fairly new and are still looking to increase our numbers. We are willing to help you start on our server as well. PvP events will include a mix of PvE such as repairing a certain car at a certain location and escorting it to a certain location. The location of the car will be exposed 30 minutes prior event starting. The car WILL BE PROTECTED YOU CANNOT REPAIR THE CAR, OR BE WITHIN 500M prior event starting, if you see a player before the event, they are killable. If you decide to join your server and start racking up hours, just join the server, look for [MI]Roadhouse and say "Gorski was here" Thanks alot for your consideration to join our new Origins server
  10. Pretty good server so far.