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Everything posted by spankerfist

  1. spankerfist

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    I like it. Easy to warn about hackers and people seem to do more teamwork. Can be anoying when people scream in chat but mute ftw.
  2. spankerfist

    I cam across a hacked box

    i tried this serveral times nothing happend to the box
  3. -Name: Snakedoctor -Location: Denmark -Guid: b397f610356a8e57faed105432baf7be
  4. spankerfist

    Riding like a boss

    Riding like a boss
  5. very nice keep up the good work.
  6. spankerfist

    My Hand Shakes

    Could be this. Still happens to me from time to time. So far dayZ is the only game that has given me a adrenaline rush.
  7. spankerfist

    Problems with Versions of ArmA 2

    Download dayZ commander. It works great and updating is piece of cake.
  8. spankerfist

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Give Rocket and the guys time. I dont think anyone here want a half finished release like Warz did. I come here everyday to check for news, we just gotta have patience and faith in rocket wil deliver.
  9. spankerfist

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Tier 1 logo from MoH. Tier 1 is Special forces also reffered to as seal team six
  10. spankerfist

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Ir is mostly used for recon tasks, it probably would be the spotter who had binoculars with Thermal. Ir isnt very good in terms of accuracy and range
  11. spankerfist

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I think they should remove all thermal/infared guns. Also irl no one would use that scope on L85.
  12. spankerfist

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    zomg its the magical haxor penny of teleportation
  13. spankerfist

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    how is this an exploit ? what advantage do you get using this?. This is just retarded. This is by far not Close to loot bots or aimbot how can you even bring teleporting into this?. Alot of people get pains when having to press W for 10 min. Edit: Gj wont download since i just use the steam overlay
  14. spankerfist

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    oh yeah i like this keep the good news coming. I want your First Born rocket.
  15. spankerfist

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    as stated here thermal is big and shitty to run around with also its not a normal attachment to have. Gave you beans^. I would love if thermal got removed its too op.
  16. spankerfist

    Weird GPS messages...

    The game isnt going to run off scripts. Also i suggest you read the lastest post on the developer blog.
  17. spankerfist

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    Think i found Op´s Facebook picture.
  18. :thumbsup: :beans: Sounds great. Gonna try out a redux server.
  19. spankerfist


    I killed a bandit and found this item on him The item description is just simple stone. So im wondering is this hacked in or is it used for anything?.
  20. spankerfist

    Ok, so I destroyed Elektro's church....

    also happend to me in balota threw a smoke from the deerstand