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About funionz

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  1. I love you beautiful bastards. Let me know when another spot opens, i'm fresh out of med school and ready to experiment.
  2. People still argue this crap? We did this dance over a year ago
  3. Tester group you say... and how does one get access to said group? Would love to help test, been playing since April 2012.
  4. You sir have earned yourself a tin of beans
  5. funionz

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Lol good quote, but seriously, the guy who manages all the data in the database can post facts and these people will tell him he's wrong or the numbers are skewed somehow, it's pointless. Also, ITT : People who took a semester of statistics trying to sound smart
  6. funionz

    Standardized Server List

    You're supposed to have issues, that's what an alpha is for. If he pushes a release and it deletes our characters and makes servers crash, then he's doing his job, and we are doing our job by finding that out. The problem is, most people want to hold onto their loot and characters too much, so they get paranoid about updating. Most admins are just generally lazy/inept is what it boils down to, as made evident by the lack of following directions for server tagging. As for server names and such, if there were a way to autopush implemented, it wouldn't be that hard to have control over the name of the server also, besides that, saying you have a job is a weak excuse. I have run many a server, and while at work, could reboot it with remote rcon or even a cpanel from my phone. Not to use tired old rhetoric, but this is an alpha, it's not supposed to be comfortable or easy going. It's supposed to be the computer software equivalent of a demolition derby.
  7. funionz

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    It's a hopeless cause ZDB, these are the same people who will look at Ander's statistics and say they are somehow incorrect
  8. This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for posting it. Seriously though, I like this idea. I think it's a fair compromise.
  9. If there's one huge thing that annoys me as of late, it's how completely out of control the server browser is. The current rules set in place are not concise enough, nor are they being enforced at all. Here's a random picture to illustrate the current condition : As you can see, it's a complete clusterfuck. First off, come up with a proper naming convention to start with. Is it 'DayZ' or 'DayZ Zombie RPG'? Second, listings should be done by country & number, everything else is irrelevant. An exact city/state isn't needed and only clutters things up as people select servers by ping anyways. Also perhaps when you have a server go through the whitelist process and you process their application, you should be assigning them numbers to use, instead of people just randomly choosing numbers arbitrarily. As for version, at least in my opinion, once a release is out to the public, a server should have an allotted amount of time to update (would be nice for an autoupdate feature for all servers too methinks) otherwise they are blacklisted. The newest version has now been out for almost 4 days, the fact that there are still servers running, all the way back to, is ridiculous. The dayzmod.com tag near the end that some people use also could be cleaned up, as anyone playing the game already knows where to get it. The whole 'hosted by blahclan.blah' that people tack-on, I realize people just want to get their name out there and get people involved in their communities, but isn't that what the MOTD is for? I see plenty of servers with long MOTD explaining rules and mumble servers, etc The game mode description is a tough one, until rocket decides what his permanent ruleset is going to be, if he makes one standardized version (heres hoping for veteran 3dp off ch off nt off as standard) then it will be slightly cluttered, though i'm sure we could come up with something that's a little more standardized. Implementing all the changes and enforcing them would lead to a better looking overall list, not to mention the ease of use would go up, I can't even count how many times i've tried to get a friend to connect to a server only to have him digging through the list for 10 minutes trying to find it, all because some spacing was off or it had some weird format. With all these changes in place, the server list would go more like this; DayZ - US101 (v1.7.2/94444) [VET 3DP:OFF NT:OFF CH:OFF][GMT-6] DayZ - US102 (v1.7.2/94444) [VET 3DP:OFF NT:ON CH:ON][GMT-5] DayZ - US103 (v1.7.2/94444) [REG 3DP:ON NT:OFF CH:ON][GMT-3] In a more perfect world, with enforced naming rules/update rules and standard rule subset for DayZ, it would be even more simple DayZ - US101 [GMT-6] DayZ - US102 [GMT-5] DayZ - US103 [GMT-3]
  10. Why is it every time someone takes issue with the game, an mmo is mentioned?
  11. funionz

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    Most companies go by fiscal quarters which vary from company to company, sometimes Q4 stretches into the next year
  12. You gotta say his name 3 times to summon him
  13. It was fixed the first day the website was revamped, someone must of dun goofed and put the old image back
  14. Wait... what? So you're saying Rocket's vision for his own mod is....wrong?
  15. ^ this. Also, shouldn't this be in a different forum?