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Everything posted by 2skillD4Uok?

  1. So, Smorski, let me ask you a question. Do you agree that the DayZ standalone will pick up exactly where the mod is currently? By this I mean a city-based deathmatch with no incentive NOT to kill that unarmed new spawn? I think the DayZ experience we all had at the beginning is gone forever, and the mere suggestion of console ports is evidence of that.
  2. Yes, because all PC DayZ players are roll-neck sweater wearing, 30-something architects, sipping a cappucino & frowning as they whisper a 'tactical' command to their 'white-listed' 'squad'....
  3. You don't see the masses of CoD fans finding anything they will like? Then why are they here already? The hype train picks up everybody I'm afraid.
  4. That is pure, 100% certified fanboy delusion. That is EXACTLY what will lure DayZ onto consoles, the promise of hundreds of thousands of fawning zealots, blind to the birds & bees of gaming.
  5. DayZ is already mainstream. DayZ has huge potential for microtransactions & DLC. Rocket is a human being, human beings like money. Console gaming is more popular than PC gaming. Consoles are much less susceptible to hacks, scripts, bots & exploits. DayZ will end up favouring consoles. It's where all the money is, and you don't have to try as hard for that audience. Those drones will buy anything they are told to. Some of them are already wearing your precious DayZ merchandise.
  6. 2skillD4Uok?

    Consoles eh?

    Here is the truth. Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a console will result in a few people agreeing with you, a few people rolling their eyes, but the majority will not really care. Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a PC will see you instantly labelled as a basement/loft dwelling paedophile that attends 'cosplay' events. TL;DR? Consoles will always be the acceptable face of gaming. Also, PC gamers know this in their hearts. Of course, PC gaming is a vastly superior experience, but, in social terms, REAL social terms, it is a lonely one. I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.
  7. Perfect use of the forum, thank you for your work.
  8. 2skillD4Uok?


    But I want to be squad leader?
  9. 2skillD4Uok?

    Under 100K active players

    I stopped playing in order to regularly check the active player stats and then make forum posts about them 'ad infinitum'.
  10. 2skillD4Uok?

    How did this happend?

    HECK that's a tough break kid, HECK.
  11. 2skillD4Uok?

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    Kids love one-hit-kill weapons, video games are aimed at children, why on Earth would Rocket remove a cash magnet such as that, even in so small a manner as a server setting?
  12. 2skillD4Uok?


    Must...have....human contact....regardless.....of.......meaning
  13. 2skillD4Uok?

    The Trolling Of A Duping Squad

    Here, have an internet-based trophy of no significant value for your efforts :beans:
  14. 2skillD4Uok?

    Uk GMT players? Please read........

    Looks a bit fishy to me, why does the application ask for credit card details??
  15. 2skillD4Uok?


    Character Name: 2skillD Real Name: 2skillD How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since release What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm a coiled spring, a ticking time bomb, I NEVER relax, I'm always hungry for more, nothing surprises me, I expect the unexpected, I have real world experience of being hungry & thirsty, I am merciless, I take no prisoners, I am a natural born leader & follower, I am gone BEFORE you say go, I can navigate Chernarus without a compass or map due to my THOUSANDS of hours played, I am extremely capable with all weapon types, I never need more than ONE bullet, my extreme conditioning means I can play DayZ for literally ALL NIGHT until our enemy is neutralised. This is not a joke to me. Are You Prepared To Sacrifice Your Items To Save Squad Memebrs: Never. The weak are to be left to shrivel and die, you know this. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic. THINK THINK THINK. Time Zone: GMT +2 Age:41 Additional Comment: Know this one fact. If I am not WITH you, then I am NOT WITH you, and this is a problem for you as a group. Approach me for my services and you will be trained to move as a group WITHOUT NEEDING WORDS. Instinct will be our words, and we will all be fluent in instinct. This is not a joke to me.
  16. 2skillD4Uok?

    Anybody know good "scary" sound clips?

    Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt that will work anymore, sorry.
  17. 2skillD4Uok?

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    I was going to meet this thread with a cup of nobody cares, but I find it bursting at the seams with 'white-knighting' and the overpowering stench of hormones.
  18. 2skillD4Uok?

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    First of all let me say I'm a former millionaire karate expert & animal rights lawyer.
  19. i mailed this idea on the general section of the forum but it got closed becasue people started saying it was a troll post which it isnt ok. so if any cod kids want to say im a troll then fine but im not. we had an awsome idea for a cool thing that would make dayz a million times more popular than cod or bf3 could dream of. i havent actualy played the alpha dayz but ive seen all the sniper vids on youtube and the game is amazing really intense and only for great players but dont say i dont know what im talking about because i do ok. so the great idea we have is a built in montage maker with a direct upload program for youtube. how it woudl work is when you get a kill it automaticaly records the action from 10 seconds before the kill to ten seconds after the kill and then stores it on your hard drive. then you can just add all the clips togehter to make a sniper montage and add music or talk over the top of it telling everyone what gun you are using and maybe laughing or cool stuff like that. cod or bf3 dont have this thing so it will bring millions of good players to dayz and more players means more money and more dayz like dayz 2 and dayz 3. it would make dayz the biggest fps on the market and millions of players would see the awsome sniper montages and buy the game online. also youtube can make you famous if you do good enough talking like seananners people will buy anything yuo tell them, can i just say i dont play cod but i dont hate it i wish dayz would be better than cod or bf3. what do you think a montage maker built in would be the best thing yes or no but dont do a troll on this mail plz.
  20. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i dont get it if you dont like the idea just say no and that will be ok why do you have to keep mailing troll troll troll when you dont like the idea i dont get it at all. if you keep saying troll all the time then a dev will come and wipe my idea away and lots of people want to hear it and some cool players have even made our idea better why can you not be like them for a change. if you hate our idea then say why dont just mail troll troll troll troll troll all the time please ok.
  21. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i mean beta sorry i said beat
  22. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i do not want to go off topic but i dont know what you mean sorry. you send a mail that said what if rocket likes our idea so i want to ask do you think they will read our ideas and at least maybe think about it or do a beat of it for us to try out.
  23. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    the dayz montage maker is free and fraps is not free. the dayz montage maker woul dbe easy to use for everyone on pc and console and fraps is hard to use i think. i know fraps is what lots of players on pc use and some on ps3 but the montage maker would be better and a million times cooler. it would help clans get matches and do tryouts and have practice matches. it would make people famous on youtube and maybe even rich like seananners everybody knows who he is so do you agree that fraps is not as good as the montage maker idea.
  24. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    look why do you keep sending mail here if you hate it sorry to say but you need to go to another mail ok this is one about the montage maker and all the cool stuff it can bring to dayz and good players like it ok. if you are a cod kid and you hate dayz or bf3 then that is ok but this is dayz community ideas forums and we are talkign about ideas ok.