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Everything posted by 2skillD4Uok?

  1. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    imagine this with the montage maker running it would make a cool clip just think. you are round a corner and you know someone else is round the other corner and you hear them walk but then you go round the corner and it is a quickdraw survival fight and you win it with one shot. you would be angry if that cool scene was lost forever and no one ever believed you when you mailed it up on the forum. but with the built in montage maker you would have it saved forever and all the worlds best players would see it and clans would form thanks to the montage maker idea that was started on this forum by us. then to make it too good to beleieve you coul dhave a cool voice like seananners doing his laugh and it would be featured on youtube straight away and on facebook.
  2. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i said at the start of the mail i have watch all the sniper montages so i kinda have played the game just not in my house i know all the cool spots for overwatch and even if i wanted to do lame hardscopes i would know where to do proning in a second ok. i love dayz it is so much better than cod or bf3 it will just be maybe the best game ever made if it has the montage maker built in just think of all the videos they would be about 90% of the whole of youtube it would be awsome.
  3. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    sorry you are mad bro but no need to swear if a kid is here you will be reported or banned try to stay on the topic of montage maker built in for dayz plz.
  4. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    awsome lots of support for this the devs will see and hope they try to start programming this in for real dayz if we try hard to get people to come here to this mail and say they want to have links to youtbe and facebook they will put it in for sure and we will have done something cool for all the players.
  5. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    lol yeh yeh cool i love to see montages even when they are done with a iphone 4 and videos with commentary are always best because they help new players learn the game ok so remember to talk a lot and explain how you are getting the kills so new players know.
  6. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    sorry to say it again but go to youtube and watch all the sniper montages they are great it takes skill and knowlege to be great with a sniper even with a thermal scope it is not as easy as good players make it look like. think how cool it would be if you could show your friends a link to youtube or maybe even facebook that could let them see how you own people hard in chreno and elektro they would srsly rush out and buy dayz. players means the game will get huge and be all over the tv and radio and newspaper this idea is totally fresh not even cod has thought of it which is hard becuase they have done everythin else before.
  7. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    awsome to see some support instead of h8 for a change but i dont think it should be in alpha dayz just the big game that comes out on pc and on consoles it will take time to get a contract with youtube and get the montage maker working so you dont get bugs or glitches in your clips.
  8. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i dont play cod or bf3 but i dont hate them they are full of good players if you dont believe me go see some videos on youtube but only the best players videos. arma is a ok game i not played it but i heard it is good but dayz can be the best ever if it has this in it. ideas are good they make money and bring players money means we get more awsome games like dayz2 and dayz3 and then there will be money for dlcs and content drops. you hate cod but lots and millions of players buy cod elite so why not have a dayz elite so no cod kids can do dumb stuff i would buy it and it all comes down to money that is the way games work.
  9. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    no after you have made you rmontage you delete the clips you just do your voice over the top talking about the guns. console has a hard drive to so why not let xbox use it just not cod kids.
  10. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    dayz is a fps becuase it has guns and you have first person view you can only see the guns so it is an fps before you say it is not ok.
  11. so i'm excited about the full release of this cool game whenever it comes, yeh so i know i havent played the beta but i watch all the sniper vids on youtube so i think i know what im talking about before you say i dont ok. what i think will make dayz take lots of sales away from cod is an awsome idea my friend and me had, even cod or bf3 dont have this feature we came up with. as i said way back at the start i watch lots of montage vids, everybody does when they want to see if a game is cool or not, to see if its worth buying or better than cod. i dont play cod but i dont hate it let me just get that said. dayz should have a built-in montage maker, something like when you get a kill the game automaticaly stores the clip starting from maybe 10 seconds before you get the kill and runs til about 10 seconds after the kill, and then you get to chose the music you want over the top of the clips or if you want to record your voice over it to tell people what rifle you used. likw i say cod or bf3 havent thought of this yet, it would bring millions of sales and make dayz into a real challenger for best fps on the market because we all know sales are the bottom line and the king of sales is cod no argument. so what do you think about a built in montage film maker even maybe with a direct upload option for youtube. good sniper montages would make millions of sales for dayz and even make the person making the montage famous if they are great at it liek seananners. let me know if you think it is a great feature we can get dayz to make it a prioritry.
  12. 2skillD4Uok?

    awsome idea for finished game

    awsome already someone agress a montage maker is what the game needs to take on cod and the cod kids.
  13. 2skillD4Uok?

    awsome idea for finished game

    so you are saying you dont want dayz to be the best game in the world? it will make no money if it cant get players from cod or bf3. it is a fps becasue it has guns and you are in first person vew which makes it a fps. what is de dust?