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Everything posted by 2skillD4Uok?

  1. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    if rocket says they like it then we can be proud to have had our awsome idea and thanks to the guys that had good ideas about the montage maker it is cool to meet great players. i dont think the rocket team will have seen my idea yet but when they see it they will see the good points mailed and maybe will see how much money they will make.
  2. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    fraps is not free and the montage maker idea we have had must be free with the big dayz game when it is out on console and pc. i am not spamming but someone mailed about getting a pirate copy of fraps and i said no because all the players that use pirate thimngs are hackers and would probably get a pirate copy of dayz as well. our dayz community has no time for hackers or pirates so no the montage maker would be free but fraps is not. so maybe even the dayz montage maker idea could be sold to other games like cod or bf3 making even more money for dayz do you agree.
  3. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    awsome i can give you beans it is good to see support lot of people on this mail just talk about cod and not bother talking about our awsome idea. vbs,redlof.b if you are a clan leader or you know a clan leader could you ask them to say if they think the montage maker is a great idea for clan tryouts and for having clan matches against other clans please. i want to know because lots of people say they are cool with sniping but they never prove it but with our montage maker they can give proof 100% all the time.
  4. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    did you read the montage maker idea or the clan try out idea at all what do you think.
  5. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    also thanks to the guys that have sent me beans i would send you beans back but i dont have any soryy.
  6. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    yes ok that is fair a lot of them are bad but with the montage maker all of the montages will be great. bad montages are made becuase people dont really know how to do it so it looks like a film but with the montage maker everyone will be able to do it and make montages. also with our great idea you woul dnever have to worry about turning fraps on the game would have taken care of it for you and your brother no problem. the dayz players would love to see what the rocket dev thinks about this is it even possible or maybe will it be an idea for dayz2 not being a cod kid but it would be great to get some sort of mail.
  7. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    bobcomms in your mail it says at the bottom you have a dayz youtube with your brother so you are exactly the right person for the montage maker do you agree. lots of people have sent mails here saying that there are no montages on youtube but you have just sent proof that they are 100% real. so imagine if you and your brother had the monatge maker and everybody followed you on facebook would that not be awsome.
  8. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    also i am not spamming but if there is not supposed to be montages then why are there lots and lots of montages i know its a bit off topic but it doesnt make sense i have seen them they are real. if we get the montage maker then the montages will all be cool and we will all get a shot at being famous players like seananners i mean everyone knows who he is. the montage maker will make bad noob cod kid montages just go away forever. so the community and dayz wins do you agree.
  9. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    thank you for adding to the mail but the montage maker would be free and built in to the big dayz release game for pc and console. fraps is not free and someone in another mail said get a pirate copy but that is bad advice becasue if you get a pirate fraps then you are also the sort of person to get a pirate dayz and that woul dspoil it for all the good players. pirates are hackers and we dont want them in our dayz community sorry to say. so what do you say to the montage maker being free and alredy in the game when it is released on console and pc.
  10. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    that is a awsome idea thank you for adding to the mail with that idea. every game has a thing that everyone just turns off if they dont like it like inverted controls or colorblind mode so you would be able to just switch off the montage maker if you arent a sniper or you dont want to be famous on youtube. i also was thinking that the montaghe maker would be great for the best players to study how they play and get even better like if they lost a match against another cherno sniper they could watch the clip over and over until it would never happen to them again.
  11. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    the idea about using the miontage maker for clan tryouts is a good one if anybody reading is a clan leader and they have to play in tryouts for dayz can they make a mail saying yes or no to the montage maker it would make joining clans way easy and you could do lots of tryouts at once. they could just watch all the montages instead of waiting around at home all day for the tryouts to start.
  12. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i dont want to go off topic so i cant really answer you in detail but the zombies are there for when there are no players around to fight with they make getting ammo a bit harder but not a lot really if you are not a cod kid or a noob. you said yourself there are lots of players that brag about kills so you are saying that will be lots of players that would totally love themontage maker do you agree. would it be ok if i give you beans for adding to the mail.
  13. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    you dont have to like the idea or add mail to the discussion but you do have to behave in a reasonable way i think what you are doing is just wrong for dayz and the community forum sorry to say. do you not have any thing to add to the montage maker idea try to think you might come up with something awsome if you try please.
  14. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    ok if it is not the point of the game then why are there sniper rifles and ammo everywhere and why do people shoot other people. if you are right then there would not be a single video on youtube with anybody shooting but there are thousands of great montages full of kills do you agree. i see you are saying the point is not to kill people but the game is packed full of ways to kill people so you kinda dont make sense sorry to say.
  15. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i said i am not reporting anyone and cod has nothing to do with the montage maker idea sorry.
  16. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    why are you not talking about the topic instead of just trying to cyber bully me it is making you look bad i am sorry to say. did you not read my mail about how clans would benefit from the montage maker do you not agree i see you are a clan member.
  17. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i will not report you because it is just as silly as attacking someone on an internet forum so how about you tell me why you dont think the montage maker is a good idea. take a look at my other mails there are hundreds of ways the montage maker could make dayz awsome.
  18. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i am not 10 but if i was then you would look more stupid than me because you are insulting someone on an internet forum ok you look ridiculous sorry to say. sorry for going off topic but there is no need to abuse my life is there the montage maker is a great idea many people here have agreed one person said they would quit the game if it wasnt put in so please dont be trying to ruin the discussion with your swearing ok.
  19. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    also dovahkiin i see you are in a clan do you not agree that a montage maker would be great for your clan because people coul dsend try out videos to you to join. you could get the worlds best players joining your clan and maybe even win a tournamemt one day sounds good do you agree. the montage maker would be perfect for clans to show other clans how good they are and maybe even steal the members if they message them on facebook using the montage maker built in things.
  20. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    thank you but i am not a cod kid and i know all thhat stuff you mailed but thanks for being cool about your mistake its good to see someone with sense. can i ask how you knwo it wont have a sequel that seems like you think that it will fail before it has even started. pc games are not even 2% as popluar as console but i dont want to go off topic ok but thats how it is. pc games are things like chess and sims but when a game makes a big hit on youtube it is always a fps like dayz and cod and maybe skyrim in places do you agree.
  21. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    why do you want dayz to be not famous again if there was no youtube videos there would be no need to make a big game for consoles it is fact. the game is brilliaint and better than cod it is realistic so thats why millions of people cant wait to play. all i think we need is a montage maker to bring more money and players because only the big games get new players old games are forgot and just die they need youtube and facebook now its how it is.
  22. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    i see what you mean but then why are the montages so famous and why do they show sniping and i have not seen a singe famous video about finding a shelter srsly it is always kills that make a game famous they are all that matters so our idea is worth it it will bring millions of players do you agree sorry to say you are wrong
  23. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    everybody knows that if you want a game to be big and make money it is on a console they are the biggest games liek cod and bf3. the big dayz game will have a different town when it comes out i think i might be wrong but i think so. all games when they make lots of money have a number 2 and a number 3 version it is just how games are now. can i just ask is it true that the rocket team read this and they even make a mial sometimes if they like the idea please can i have a mail from the devs to let us know they are maybe thinking about our idea it would be cool and ea or activision woul dnever do that they are evil companies that make cod the same all the time.
  24. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    you have to pay for fraps and why do you not want new ideas to help the game i dont get it do you hate dayz.
  25. 2skillD4Uok?

    great brand new idea for dayz

    dayz is a fps so it is about getting kills because if you dont then someone else will maybe a cod kid just spraying like a noob so you cant let them win. of course you dont kill your clan they are there to help you and find a car but all other players are trying to shoot you do you agree.