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About 2skillD4Uok?

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. So, Smorski, let me ask you a question. Do you agree that the DayZ standalone will pick up exactly where the mod is currently? By this I mean a city-based deathmatch with no incentive NOT to kill that unarmed new spawn? I think the DayZ experience we all had at the beginning is gone forever, and the mere suggestion of console ports is evidence of that.
  2. Yes, because all PC DayZ players are roll-neck sweater wearing, 30-something architects, sipping a cappucino & frowning as they whisper a 'tactical' command to their 'white-listed' 'squad'....
  3. You don't see the masses of CoD fans finding anything they will like? Then why are they here already? The hype train picks up everybody I'm afraid.
  4. That is pure, 100% certified fanboy delusion. That is EXACTLY what will lure DayZ onto consoles, the promise of hundreds of thousands of fawning zealots, blind to the birds & bees of gaming.
  5. DayZ is already mainstream. DayZ has huge potential for microtransactions & DLC. Rocket is a human being, human beings like money. Console gaming is more popular than PC gaming. Consoles are much less susceptible to hacks, scripts, bots & exploits. DayZ will end up favouring consoles. It's where all the money is, and you don't have to try as hard for that audience. Those drones will buy anything they are told to. Some of them are already wearing your precious DayZ merchandise.
  6. 2skillD4Uok?

    Consoles eh?

    Here is the truth. Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a console will result in a few people agreeing with you, a few people rolling their eyes, but the majority will not really care. Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a PC will see you instantly labelled as a basement/loft dwelling paedophile that attends 'cosplay' events. TL;DR? Consoles will always be the acceptable face of gaming. Also, PC gamers know this in their hearts. Of course, PC gaming is a vastly superior experience, but, in social terms, REAL social terms, it is a lonely one. I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.
  7. Perfect use of the forum, thank you for your work.
  8. 2skillD4Uok?


    But I want to be squad leader?
  9. 2skillD4Uok?

    Under 100K active players

    I stopped playing in order to regularly check the active player stats and then make forum posts about them 'ad infinitum'.
  10. 2skillD4Uok?

    How did this happend?

    HECK that's a tough break kid, HECK.
  11. 2skillD4Uok?

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    Kids love one-hit-kill weapons, video games are aimed at children, why on Earth would Rocket remove a cash magnet such as that, even in so small a manner as a server setting?
  12. 2skillD4Uok?


    Must...have....human contact....regardless.....of.......meaning
  13. 2skillD4Uok?

    The Trolling Of A Duping Squad

    Here, have an internet-based trophy of no significant value for your efforts :beans:
  14. 2skillD4Uok?

    Uk GMT players? Please read........

    Looks a bit fishy to me, why does the application ask for credit card details??
  15. 2skillD4Uok?


    Character Name: 2skillD Real Name: 2skillD How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since release What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm a coiled spring, a ticking time bomb, I NEVER relax, I'm always hungry for more, nothing surprises me, I expect the unexpected, I have real world experience of being hungry & thirsty, I am merciless, I take no prisoners, I am a natural born leader & follower, I am gone BEFORE you say go, I can navigate Chernarus without a compass or map due to my THOUSANDS of hours played, I am extremely capable with all weapon types, I never need more than ONE bullet, my extreme conditioning means I can play DayZ for literally ALL NIGHT until our enemy is neutralised. This is not a joke to me. Are You Prepared To Sacrifice Your Items To Save Squad Memebrs: Never. The weak are to be left to shrivel and die, you know this. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic. THINK THINK THINK. Time Zone: GMT +2 Age:41 Additional Comment: Know this one fact. If I am not WITH you, then I am NOT WITH you, and this is a problem for you as a group. Approach me for my services and you will be trained to move as a group WITHOUT NEEDING WORDS. Instinct will be our words, and we will all be fluent in instinct. This is not a joke to me.