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Everything posted by cpstörd

  1. Me and my friend ran to berezino were we spotted a ghillie guy from [AWOL] lying on the apartment roof with an AS50 AWS. We manged to get a shot at him with a cz but before he died he dced. Later on there was another AWOL guy in the supermarket, lying in the grass near the wall he killed my friend, while I watched my flanks, he managed to kill me from behind. * US 1347 * This happend around 22:30ish GMT+2
  2. cpstörd

    Artifacting fix, maybe?

    Is usually works for me by just changing to fullscreen or the other way around. No idea why you made this thread in the general forums. Also, that "fix" has been around since the release of the patch.
  3. cpstörd

    Ramdisk question

    The DayZ folder.
  4. Do you know what mfw means? You just wrote "my face when when"
  5. cpstörd

    No loot?

    No they dont
  6. cpstörd

    Number of vehicles on map.

    I would think its like 35 (including bicycles)
  7. cpstörd

    That one tent you don't expect...

    How can you pick up ammo boxes?
  8. cpstörd

    "Woof woof I am a dog" - Hacker

    What I know there is a bug were you actually can spawn as a dog.
  9. cpstörd

    Please don't tell me...

    You can swim without losing items. This was changed a while ago in the beta patch. So you should be safe to swim unless the server admin changed it in the config files.
  10. How can you wake up unconscious?
  11. It seems hard for you to enter a supermarket....
  12. cpstörd

    Helicopter fun

    Cool story bro :thumbsup:
  13. If you are solo there is only one thing to do, kill people, perhaps put up a tent or two. As a group, you should start scouting for vehicles, then later on camps. Then you go hunting people.
  14. I say thay are either easy or hard. They are just fucked. Sprinting faster than Bolt and impossible to shoot since they attack animation are just insane. If rocket change zombies to run inside buildings, without unfucking the zeds, this game is going to have a bad time.
  15. cpstörd

    Small pine trees are Zombie free zones

    The zombies doesnt work at all in this game, they are just totally fucked up. I want them unfucked.
  16. cpstörd

    IF this was an actual game...

    How would you rather pay for it? - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)s -DLCs Also: -studio developed? - Community or studio servers?-------- BOTH - Kickstarter I would also see more intense RPG in this game. As for now there is mostly no reason to enter a city since its just easier to kill people to get items Meaning, there should be alot more thing you can get, houndres, even thousands of loot you can pick up. Customable weapons, outfits and zombie raids.
  17. cpstörd

    A few changes I'd like to see...

    No safe zones. I agree on bikes should spawn like in every town, or even next to a random house in the forest.
  18. Us125 I think has it on.
  19. cpstörd

    Just banned 3 hackers

    That wasnt UAZ that is lada.
  20. cpstörd

    AWOL clan with AS50 AWS at US 1347.

    It is against the rules to have a hacked weapon equipped. If noticed in the logs, you will be banned You can complain about it and say you found it in a hackers body and this might solve the problem. And Phoenix, im not sure if you are just dumb or just stupid, I said that "you" managed to kill me from behind because I never noticed someone else around. Now that you said there were more people there I got the situation clear of what happend. I also didnt say that you cheated when I got shot. I am neither mad or "butthurt" so stop acting so fucking innocent. The main reason i made this topic is because im sick of people having hacked weapons. And I am fairly sure you have a camp with duped shit. So stop being "butthurt" and accept the truth. (Meaning that you are using hacked shit.) ps. I dont care that I lost my ghillie suit, and i am not afraid of dying ds
  21. What do you mean? Its hackers that makes the scripts.
  22. cpstörd

    AWOL clan with AS50 AWS at US 1347.

    Are you serious? How can you not understand what I am meaning. It's a shame I didnt have fraps running so I could have screenshoot that hacked weapon. I guess you are duping ur gear aswell.
  23. cpstörd

    AWOL clan with AS50 AWS at US 1347.

    Im not sure that you see my point. I told the story how I lived it. And I saw the guy on the roof dced, Carrying an AS50 with thermal scope. And you cant just "bandage yourself" getting shot in the head with and cz.
  24. Hiya! Whole server got teleported to "thunderdome" without gear. Some guy was playing music through the lobby, I even heard it when I was tabbed. Time: 01:10 GMT+2 Server: US 1347 Picture