A few days ago (8th June) I joined the DayZ (NY25) server as usual, in a matter of seconds I was kicked from the server and received a message that stated I've been banned. I've been in contact with some NwO (admins of NY25) admins and they dont seem to be able to address this issue. "couldnt even find you on the DB for both our servers, so it is all a HostAlt thing" The company hosting the server is named Host Altitude. "ME: Does the servers collect and save all guids for everyone joining the server? Helper: yes ME: Since i've played before, it should be saved? Helper: It is not there Helper: that is the wierd part Helper: its like you have never joined the server ever" I can join other dayz server just fine, I can find my GUID very easy when ingame. But as soon i try to join HostAlt servers I receives the message saying "You were banned." Some info on my profile Name: KoS | cpstörd PlayerID: 11773318 GUID: 813d92e96fb53db26e08b31fc40d5328 Kind regards, cpstörd.