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Everything posted by cpstörd

  1. cpstörd

    Thunderdome hackers in US 1347.

    How the hell can you have 01:30 GMT+1 When my time is 1:30 GMT+2 ATM? Where do you live?
  2. cpstörd

    AWOL clan with AS50 AWS at US 1347.

    Yea, I still dont understand that people are so scared of dying. I also wear my clan tag with proud. I just noticed its actually that is it AWOLs server. So I doubt they ban themself.
  3. I agree. Been trying to find a server without people having hacked weapons and without cheaters, but no luck so far.
  4. cpstörd

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    My group has changed server twice these last 2 days. At the first, I found an atv after like 5 min, grabbed my mate and we went scouting. Found A huge camp with like 30 tents with as50s, ghillie suits and shit like that. After that we found the blue van, URAL, a bus, another ATV and a tractor. We changed the server cuz things getting rollbacked all the time. After that we changed server to a newly started server, today, like 30h later we got: 2 Busses The V3S truck URAL Hutchback Huey UAZ 2 White Pickups 1 ATV We also know location of a broken lada, and a blue van thats got broken right after we found it.
  5. cpstörd

    Word to the Wise

    To make the game less PvP, dayz team can remove main weapons, and only have hand guns left and ammo for it is superrare. That would be fun!
  6. cpstörd

    Floating items outside dog houses

    Why do you even want that loot? Isnt it usually like road flares and tin cans? Doubt there is anything good
  7. Ander or whatever his name is said 1 chopper/server And therre has always been crashed helicrashed all over the map.
  8. I noticed that the servers you are hosting are crap. "no response for server" or whatever it says like all the time.
  9. What I hate atm is that there is no point sneaking into a town anymore, just run and fucking run to loot the place then get the fuck out. So not worth is by sneaking. It was before like a few month ago, not anymore.
  10. cpstörd

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So its the servers fault? I think the server has the right beta patch (95389)
  11. cpstörd

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Does anyone else having a problem with items not being saved in tents and vehicles? Or might it be a server problem? I found an URAL last night and put in some more weps and shit and when the server restarted (session lost) It got rollbacked to the same items it had when I found it.
  12. First of all norton is bad. And the files are safe.
  13. cpstörd

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    I hate that clan member (the server clan) takes all the fucking vehicles and doesnt use them. They might use them when there is like 10-20 ppl in and they often are 4-5 ppl using a shitty car aswell. Devteam should change that cars that havent been used in 24H should be relocated or respawned.
  14. I still have .3 and get stuck at loading screen, anyone with this? ps the server is also .3 ds
  15. cpstörd

    Server's down?

    http://i.imgur.com/1onzZ.png?1 You can connect to server by connecting by IP
  16. cpstörd

    GOLD GUNS!!?

    Ill like the part where you doesnt kill him /or the kill didnt count. I also like the part where you only loot his bag and not his gear.
  17. cpstörd

    The Bright Side...Of being Dead

    "beat the game" Wth are you talking about? Perhaps you would "beat" it if you have all vehicle, including choppers and a camp with every weapon and ammo. Then you would prolly have nothing else to do if not killing players.
  18. cpstörd

    SVD Camo

    I feel that the AS50 is a much better choice, perhaps the SVD would be good if you are camping and the server doesnt have the rangefinder by scrolling.
  19. cpstörd

    Random Tent Wipes?

    http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tent "WARNING as of patch tents will often reappear empty after server restarts regardless if the save command was used. "
  20. cpstörd

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    Why doesnt tents nor vehicles show up atm?
  21. kamenka and run north, use a browser map if you cant navigate without map.
  22. cpstörd

    Lost 3 tents

    Yea has happend to me aswell, also with cars.
  23. cpstörd

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    OP hasnt stated he doesnt have NVG? This dude Drakargh doesnt even know what an ATV is. Are you playing with Drakargh Syntraxx? And last, why are you crying over a lost atv, and who the hell cares if he states its "his atv", ofc it is his when he took it.
  24. cpstörd

    ATV at Black Lake?

    Past few days I've had like 4-5 ATVs and blew up 2 enemies ATV's