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About JayDeath

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JayDeath

    No competent player should die

    I try avoid Cherno/Electro altogether. I go to Berezino for my supplies. It's not always empty of players but it is less crowded. Plus, the close treeline is nice for a quick escape.
  2. JayDeath

    To Day is no DayZ

    Keep reminding yourself that this is an Alpha!
  3. JayDeath

    Name and Shame: PvP Diconnectors

    I'm not condoning the disconnecting but some ppl just want to play and don't want to be involved in PvP. I am so tired of getting killed by someone that when I hear shots coming my way, I consider disconnecting sometimes. The PvP is great but balancing is needed. Very rarely do I ever some across someone who actually wants to team up. Now I try to avoid everyone.
  4. JayDeath

    Blood regeneration

    That's not what I'm talking about. Have the blood count tick up over time as you are playing.
  5. JayDeath

    I'm tired of this!

    I don't mind the constructive criticism but these complainers should constantly remind themselves that they are a playing an ALPHA and then maybe they wouldn't bitch so much. I have problems with the game too but then I remind myself that this is an alpha and I just deal with the problems. It's very rare that a game is released as an alpha as they are usually unplayable. Everyone needs to keep that in mind.
  6. JayDeath

    Blood regeneration

    The body makes blood so how about adding blood regeneration mechanic where your blood will increase over a period of time?