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Welch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Welch (DayZ)

  1. 99X BANG! The future of rock and roll....
  2. Welch (DayZ)

    Better graphics

    GTA 4 was made in early (april 28) 2008, and look at those graphics!
  3. I want a radio so I'm not bored driving 9km with no sounds...
  4. Welch (DayZ)

    Better graphics

    I dunno if it's what you're looking for, but the British Armed Forces DLC for Arma 2 will make the British Military Offroad vehicle and Camo Clothing actually look good, instead of being all blurry. I think it also helps with the soldier outfit, but that's not seen very much in DayZ. And ignore these other posts degrading you, I thought it was a legitimate question. EDIT: Thanks Statik for expanding what I was posting, have some beans:)
  5. Wow abxyxx why would you generalize that we'd ask h- PLAY BALOTA BUDDIES IT'S SO AWESOME AND GREAT!
  6. Welch (DayZ)

    Things About The Mod That Suck Thread

    The buggy zombies in this new patch...
  7. Welch (DayZ)

    Underground tunnels in Namalsk?

    Only tunnels I seen are the ones that're collapsed.
  8. Welch (DayZ)

    Can we try spawning in the north?

    I wouldn't mind spawning up north, but if they did have that, it should be where NWAF/Stary/etc is the same distance away as if you spawning on the coast. So really it'd still be equal.
  9. Welch (DayZ)

    New player, Partner wanted

    Oop. You're right. I suck at paying attention.
  10. Welch (DayZ)

    Anyone noticed zeds 'camping' loot spawns?

    Well zeds are pretty buggy right now, so that might contribute to it. But I'm pretty sure a patch sometime before 1.7.7 they made zombies spawn in with the loot, in the building, so it wouldn't be too easy.
  11. Welch (DayZ)

    New player, Partner wanted

    C'mon man, don't be a bandit just because it seems like it's the idea of the game. As Gandalf once told Bilbo Baggins when he was but a wee little hobbit, "True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one."
  12. Welch (DayZ)

    DayZ Mil-Dot Tutorial

    I quit.
  13. Welch (DayZ)

    Random Events

    Everything in DayZ is a random event. The players define when they happen.
  14. Welch (DayZ)

    Why don't people leave the coast?

    Like the first post, fighting. And who wants to waste the ~15min run to the north only to get picked off? That's too much work, let's just sit on the coast and chill!
  15. It's all up to the server. As for running, I'd assume it'd be smoother than it is now.
  16. Whenever I attempt to join it just sits on the loading screen and says, "Waiting for server to start Authentication". Sometimes the timer will get up to 200, or sometimes it'll instantly take me back to the lobby screen where it'll just repeat the process. Any idea what this is?
  17. I think storing 24 cans of coke in your backpack seems pretty legit...
  18. Welch (DayZ)

    Questions about KoS

    I attempt not to shoot people who attack me, and it works well for the most part. But to answer your question, a gun is a gun, and should be treated as such, so I'd assume you would be KOS'd. You can kill someone with just about anything, so you've always got to watch.
  19. Welch (DayZ)

    Looking For A TeamSpeak Server.?

    Hey. If you could not make 4 threads in a row about the same topic, that'd be dandy!
  20. Welch (DayZ)

    Streamer friendly servers ?

    What, you don't like your viewers seeing the sidechats of DayZ, such as: "AW WHO SNIPED ME WTF NOOBZ!?" or "Hey, Aiekillu, I just fukkd your mom"?
  21. Welch (DayZ)

    Could it be possible to put a train in DayZ?

    People could just camp it, too. Although I do want to be able to tie a female DayZ survivor up and leave her on the track.... Muahahah!
  22. Welch (DayZ)

    Adding information to player list/details

    And appear as patches on clothing sometimes (depends on the clothes you've got on)