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Welch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Welch (DayZ)

  1. Welch (DayZ)

    Scavenger animals. Also some infection stuff.

    Med-mask/biohaz suits sound like a fantastic idea.... And I want a coonskin hat, so plz coons!?
  2. Welch (DayZ)

    Birds fly off with loud noises

    Yeah I thought I saw it somewhere, Lok. Just in case I didn't, I posted this...
  3. Welch (DayZ)

    what server do you play on?

    CA#1 baby! In my sig. Play!
  4. Welch (DayZ)

    Audible gunshots

    I think that gun sounds in general need improvement. The M4 sounds like an airsoft gun. I wish it'd be manlier sounding...
  5. Welch (DayZ)

    Is this rare?

    It depends what kinda server you're on. If you're playing like hardcore vanilla then yes, but if it's 1000 CARZ 100 HELIS FOR DAYS! then no.
  6. Welch (DayZ)

    Why People Shoot On Sight And How To Fix That

    You cannot make zeds more dangerous until they're fixed and pretty much perfect. Who's going to play DayZ when the zombies are powerful, but they can also hit through walls and hit you from a distance, like it is now. Otherwise, I'm down.
  7. Welch (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    And what server do you play on...?
  8. Welch (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    I see it now, my brightness is shit. That's funky, dude!
  9. Welch (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    I don't see anything. You bullshittin' us?
  10. Welch (DayZ)


    I feel like if it went Xbox, it'd go the same way of Minecraft. A bunch of 10 year olds would come to PC and gameplay would drop significantly. No.
  11. Welch (DayZ)

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    That's what I was thinking, like basically tutorials for super basic stuff.
  12. Welch (DayZ)

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    I've wanted SP stuff for a while. Like little scenario missions where someone's in trouble, or survive waves like COD Zombies (only without wall guns and shit). Sometimes my internet goes to shit, but I still want to play DayZ. IS THAT SO WRONG!?
  13. Welch (DayZ)


    We could get some Metro currency shit going on.
  14. Welch (DayZ)

    Situational awareness chart

    I like it, a topic actually worth discussing for once! But what's Magoo mean...?
  15. Welch (DayZ)


    There already is magazine combining in this latest patch. I doubt they'd implement it into the mod and then just dump the idea for SA.
  16. Welch (DayZ)

    Stockpiling for log-outs.

    That's very unhealthy...
  17. Welch (DayZ)

    Simple idea

    He added the idea of another comment that replied to the first idea. And yeah, sharing ideas is great, but if you're going to straight up copy something, you can atleast give some credit.
  18. Welch (DayZ)

    Simple idea

    This guy's just a phony. He says he doesn't read the DayZ subreddit, but his suggestion was word for word with one of the top comments to a thread on Reddit. I don't know why y'all are still giving him pats on the back for shit that he didn't think up. And yes, the reddit comment was made first. Yeah. You're full of shit.
  19. Welch (DayZ)

    Simple idea

    Maybe you shouldn't take this word for word from the Reddit thread about the new dev blog, pal.
  20. Welch (DayZ)

    New 3-player team tips

    1) Find eachother by contacting one another through something besides Side-chat. Everyone can see Side-chat and it'll give your positions away. 2) Advantages are definitely more firepower when in gunfights, more loot if you guys loot individually, faster repairing of cars, etc. Disadvantages would be needing more food/drink/meds in order to support the group, and that's basically it. More usually means better in DayZ. 3) Don't trust people. You won't really need to if you're in a group because as a group you can do things better than one person can. If one dies and there's no cover, use the dead body as cover. Yeah it's weird, but it works, bullets don't go through corpses. Have fun and try not to argue over sharing loot, there's so much to go around! 4) It doesn't matter, you've got to go into both regions sometime, just don't be careless in big towns. (By the way, sorry for being a douche-canoe, but if you need a server, try this one: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143390-ca-1-california-dayzchernarus-1771-regular3donchon-gmt-7-anti-hax-auto-refuel-donator-loadouts-active-admins-great-community/ There are a lot of awesome people and it definitely would help you guys as new players.)
  21. Welch (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Oh my lord. Those pics <3