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Everything posted by darquan

  1. darquan

    Thats it, i QUIT

    Some servers are extremely laggy. i get around 2 or 3 fps on them. Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: go to another server with a better connection! :lol: I was killed by a hacker a couple of times... Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: go to another slightly less populated server! :lol: I got some graphical issues with artifacts... Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: read a guide about it and wait for a hotfix! :lol: Really, this is tiring - so many ppl saying things like: "omfg, hackers, bugs, lags, fps, trololo". So many ppl just dont get what an alpha is. How many of you guys out there actually saw an alpha version of some other game? I've seen some. Hell, i've even seen the alpha version of DOOM I. No collision, No AI, No weapons, No scripting. Maybe it was a mistake of the devs to run an open alpha test after all - seeing how most ppl react. Hopefully such ppl just leave and take cheaters with them on the shiny road to GTFO - that will surely make the community a bit more stable.