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About darquan

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. That. Maybe double/triple the damage a bleeding person receives? Or significantly increase the knockdown (aka going unconscious) chance for a bleeding person? that way smg's will become better since first 2-3 rounds will definitely make one bleed.
  2. I just cant understand what ppl dont like about pvp. Sure it pisses u off when u get sniped but then... it teaches u to find cover, look over ur shoulder and take care of ur position. When i get sniped i always ask myself: "okay, where was I stupid this time?" If it wasnt for snipers, the game would be too easy (i mean with zeds being too weak as of now).
  3. darquan

    Looking for a Deathmatch/PvP server!

  4. darquan

    28 DayZ Later

    I really hope Rocket and the team will make different maps for dayz standalone. City map included. Playing in a big city with really tall buildings will be fun - more places to snipe from, more places to run for cover, more places to run away from angry zeds.
  5. Some spawn points like kamenka or solnichniy are completely unpopular with most players. People just tend to die to zeds after spawning - since it is much better than run. Most popular spawns are balota, cherno and electro, of course. I have a couple of simple simple suggestions that can easily make Kamenka and Solnichniy much more popular with any type of players. It will require some work for devs though: 1) add a couple of military tents (2 or 3 tents, Stary Sobor type) to the west of Kamenka and to the south of Solnichniy. Military loot always attracts ppl - there is always some action at Balota. 2) add more bicycle spawn points or increase current spawn chance/rate (i believe bicycles do spawn there?). That way ppl will get a bike some of the time and going to a city wont take forever for them. These are just my thoughts though (like "what would i have done if i were a dev in dayz" :P )
  6. darquan

    Server Hopping: Good or bad?

    Some of the servers I play on (that are connected to the hive) have a feature (or a bug, dunno): when you log in, you fall unconscious for about 3-5 minutes. It has its drawbacks (such as - you have to log out only in really safe places. either in a forest or in a building - so that no zeds chew you down), but this actually effectively prevents ghosting and al+f4'ing. Also, a lot less cheaters on these servers. Yes, it is frustrating. Yes, it is inconvenient. Yes, it does not take any circumstances into account (omg, my internet just dropped and im in the middle of cherno!). But, hell. It works! :P Well, you still can ghost-walk into a wired fire station to get some loot... but logging in to a place full of armed people being unconscious will be the quickest trip to the beach. Personally i would have made it less than 5min blackout. Around 1 min is enough IMO. But still - a nice feature.
  7. darquan

    The worst murderer ever

    Have you never ever reached 0 humanity and become a bandit? this guy is no hacker. 1) your skin changes to bandit when you reach 0 humanity. 2) when this happens no one can see your backpack (a glitch), not even you. 3) your humanity slowly builds up until it reaches 2500 4) when your humanity goes up to some degree you are switched to the survivor skin again, your backpack becomes visible again. This happened to me like a ton of times. And you, sir, just called some other guy "a gay hacker" for nothing.
  8. darquan

    Suicide via weapon instead of "respawn"

    Well, you still can jump off of КОЛГАЗ or some fire station... Or blow yourself up with a satchel charge or a grenade... I wonder how this does not "promote suicide". Putting a drawn bullet into a drawn head of a drawn "you" is pretty much the same to me. the idea is worth thinking about.
  9. darquan

    Really, whats the harm in a no PVP server?

    I have one cool story that is close to the topic. Some time ago i parked my character inside one of the barracks at NWA and jumped from one empty server to another in search of loot (cheap, i know). I logged in to a server that had 1 (one) other player there. HE WALKED DAMN RIGHT INTO THAT BUILDING!! :o We both started shooting at the same time (really, the same second), but i had m4a1 and he had a damn PDW in hand - so he died. got myself a new backpack, silenced MP5 and two satchel charges btw :P now to the point: that was a god damn adrenaline rush (I imagine - for both of us). We both expected to find ANYTHING but another player there. That was really something - my heart almost jumped out of my damn chest when i saw him opening that door. My hands were shaking for like 5 minutes after the event. That hasnt happened to me in years. In no other game, multiplayer or no. That was when I actually realized that this game is something special. :beans: You cannot be safe anywhere - you have to watch your back wherever you are. Anytime even on an empty night-time server a player may log in close to you and start shooting. (actually, i was so fucking scared of him that i sprayed half the clip in his chest :P ) Before that I would agree that No-PVP servers are no harm, but now... The actual feeling of danger is a vital part of the atmosphere of DayZ. :emptycan: So NO. No can do. PVP absolutely must stay. :emptycan: I have no rights to tell you how to play a game you like, but in my humble opinion, you, ladies and gentlemen "i dont want no pvp'', are doing it wrong. Having non-PVP servers in Day Z is like the following: Its like playing racing and driving backwards. Or playing warcraft and building nothing but farms and peasants. Or playing DotA and wandering the woods all the time looking for treasures. Or playing Unreal Tournament and admiring the view. Really, what is the point in a survival game where it is so damn easy to survive? :huh: This game can only be made harder and more hardcore. PS: I dont mean that shooting people on sight is a must in this game. But the actual element that you may be shot on sight is. It makes the game more complex, more social.
  10. darquan

    is my pc good enough to run day z

    I got Intel Core i5 - 2.5 GHz, 6GB RAM and Geforce 540M (1GB) graphics card. What i experience are some FPS issues on SOME of the servers (not lags but actual FPS!). On some of the servers the game runs smoothly on medium settings. One of my friends has a top-of-the-line computer with Intel Core i7 and 16GB RAM (dont remember his graphics card though) and he has pretty much the same problem - on some of the servers game runs smooth while on others microfreezes like crazy. As for your PC... ArmA 2 (and DayZ) should be fine on low-medium settings as long as you stick to stable servers. However, be sure to use some perfomance increase guides such as this: I should warn you to expect issues nevertheless. All of DayZ players suffer from lags, desync and other things. Remember that this is alpha and do not expect it to be as perfect as other games you play.
  11. darquan

    Stronger Infected

    They are not undead, actually. I can hardly imagine a person still running at you after receiving 7 shots from a makarov - however crazy and numb he is. Nice idea. :beans:
  12. I created a topic for enhancing the melee system: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91420-advanced-melee-system-for-standalone/ Really, there are too many firefights and too few good old baseball-bat-fights.
  13. darquan

    Advanced melee system for standalone

    Actually in a movie called "survival of the dead" there was a zombie with steyr aug that actually shot people with it :P But I meant zombies armed with MELEE weapons! Like 50% of all zombie movies feature zeds having hatchets or something.
  14. darquan

    The "Zombie" Virus and You.

    :beans: Beans given good sir. But how about... controlling the zombie? Lets say, you can control yourself and bite anyone you see for some period of time? Why not, really? It'll be fun!
  15. darquan

    Perks of being a hero/bandit

    At -100 000 humanity a skin will be something like a crazy serial killer thing with blood all over your clothes and a necklace of ears you cut off from your victims. Hell yeah. Rubber bullets are a very nice idea, but they should not be a bandit perk.