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manraj (DayZ)

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About manraj (DayZ)

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  1. manraj (DayZ)

    Need Squad!

  2. manraj (DayZ)

    Looking for a clan

    i thought u were in mine :(
  3. manraj (DayZ)

    Need Squad!

    Hey man^ Skype name?
  4. manraj (DayZ)

    Need Squad!

    11 people now :D gonna stop bumping the thread at 20
  5. manraj (DayZ)

    Music you listen to while playing.

    Good rap (Tupac Eazy Biggie Big L JayZ etc.) not dat ymcmb crap
  6. manraj (DayZ)

    Need Squad!

    add me on skype :P
  7. manraj (DayZ)

    Chernarus Mafia (Clan)

  8. manraj (DayZ)

    Chernarus Mafia (Clan)

    Requirements: Atleast 14 years old Somewhat good in DayZ A sense of humour@! Skype with a mic(my skype is tsgryan) Must be signed up on our website(http://dayzmafia.enjin.com) I normally role with my irl friend but we need more partners so if you play DayZ and you know it JOIN!These are the ranks Don: Underdon: Made Men/Soilders: Associates: As you can see there are barely any ranks Website:http://dayzmafia.enjin.com add me on skype:tsgryan Members at the making of this post Application(I will provide some example answers to help you out :P): Gender:Male (and 100% straight) In-game name:TehWretched Skype name:Tsgryan Guns:None(I just died) Favourite Gun:AS50 and M4 CCO SD Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?: Sniper Age: 16 Lingor island vs Chernarus(This one is very important since this is how we will choose which one to play more):LINGOR FTW!
  9. manraj (DayZ)

    Need Squad!

    Requirements: Atleast 14 years old Somewhat good in DayZ I normally role with my irl friend but we need more partners (we currently have 9 discluding me) add me on skype:tsgryan Application: Timezone: In-game name: Skype name: Guns: Favourite Gun: Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?: Age:
  10. manraj (DayZ)

    enyone wanna team

    Hey if you join Crimson Gaurd United then me and my friend will talk to you on skype while were also on ventrilo so we can talk to the other people when it's important and talk to each other casually. We normally play in groups of 10-12 but even though we stick together in large groups we kinda have smaller squads that we operate in. If this is confusing i'll explain more on skype skype:tsgryan
  11. manraj (DayZ)

    Crimson Gaurd United

    Hey guys, If your looking for a big clan join us this is not a recruitment thread but if you want join look at this thread:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/82586-crimson-guard-united-dayz-clan/ If you decide to join look for Da Rock316 in the ventrilo(me) and maybe we could team up in a smaller group(I will still play with the big group though since its alot of fun!)
  12. manraj (DayZ)


    *Application* Ingame name: Skype Username: Tsgryan Age: 15 Favourite Weapon: M4A1 CCO SD but due to it's rarity and my style of play I also love snipers(doesn't matter which one really) Preferred role: Scout/Sniper Timezone: EST How often do you play a day and at what times: I play about 5 hours a day(will be about 3ish when school starts) and I don't really have specific time I'm from Ontario,Canada
  13. manraj (DayZ)


    Character Name:I've spent the past month at my cousins playing there (I mean alot!) but he doesn't play and I've gotten the game myself now just need a new video card which my dad and I are going to get tommorow Why are you a good team player? I can cooperate and accept all opinions. How many hours per week do you play? Honestly, about 14-21 hours a week. Real Name: Manraj Singh What is your favorite weapon? M4, but I'm good with any sniper If I get accepted as a sniper as I've found sniping very fun and it is definetly what I am best at. How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a monthish What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I can offer the clan some excellent scouting and assault skills, also I love socializing and hope to have alot of fun with you guys! Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes. What is most important to you in Dayz? Just plain out having fun and doing what I like. I used to play solo but I've been watching videos and rolling with a clan looks awesome :D Time Zone:EST Age:15 Additional Comment: I'd love to join :D! and I really love being a bandit even though I don't have the skin :( My humanity is almost low enough