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Everything posted by nepereta

  1. Today I got capped under a fir tree in a ghille at close range I think it was a m9sd to the head. My friend also got shot at too in a similiar situation (different tree)? I was listening carefully and we made or heard no sound for a while I did make some noise about 50m away and may have been exposed for a while previously. If someone is stealth killing legitamately like a ninja at close quarters why can I not find any good youtube video of similiar event? Are there any good close quarter daylight videos killing people in ghillies under fir trees and making no noise as they move about? Surely bandits are nothing if not boastful. If there are no amazing ninja videos I am likely to believe this is probably the invisibility cheat combined with something that reveals locations.
  2. no I only play hardcore no 3rd person no sights no tags
  3. how do you sneak making no sound? We had a wall maybe 5m behind us and other trees. No slope per se.
  4. I stay on the same server all the time I only DC in the quiet away from stuff. Today I was into some PvP hiding in a military tent in stary sobor after hearing shots in that big rusty warehouse. I am waiting for those in the warehouse to come up to the military base for pew-pew. I am deep in the tent I hear pop pop at point blank and I am dead. My friends report guy ( not the guys in the warehouse) leaving the tent I was in. I think some sensible spawning rules should be made up akin to that of other games. What FPS or MMORPG would allow that? In theory you could have teams of guys teleporting from server to server zero-ed in ready to shoot shit up? Is that the game we want? I am not bitter as this the game is totally rough around the edges.
  5. nepereta

    DayZ with futilez part 2

    awesome comedy
  6. nepereta

    Amount of bandits on each server now

    Simply need to team up more. As an individual you cannot observe every inch of terrain a bandit could reside in. You can reduce the odds of getting shot by the suggestions above. However simple fact is a Patient Hidden Bandit overwatching an area will ruin your day. Heck even a chancing bandit with a makarov can ruin your day coupled with the zombies. Your friend gets shot hide wait until the bandit starts looting his body and then unload. Your friend retakes his stuff and the bandits stuff.
  7. When fighting zombies in a flat It seems I can only fight them in the entrance . If I try fighting further up the stairs they seem to teleport behind me or next to me lacking the appearance of having crossed the intervening space. Is this caused by them being able to teleport upwards?