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Everything posted by gesundheitk

  1. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    You forgot that the third anti-christ will appear before DayZ standalone is released, and because he died in Cherno, he will rage on by taking over the globe!!!
  2. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    You got me. DEAN, START THE VAN! GO GO GO
  3. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    Very happy indeed.
  4. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    rocket will have to owe me a dollar Just kidding, I'd be willing to pay up to 30 dollars. Any more is just asking for a bruising >:(
  5. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    This goes for me as well :lol: I have a feeling, at the fastest, by next week. Two weeks sound more plausible.
  6. gesundheitk

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    I thought the original idea was to release DayZ Alpha without any zombies; what's happening now? Are they tidying up the current ones to make them playable until they redo the new ones from scratch? Or are these the new ones? E: I would also appreciate it if someone can link me to the server they are currently testing to peak the number of players.
  7. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    I think it's because we (being myself) feel like we're entitled to this game when in reality, we're really not. He might as well have fun with it.
  8. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    That's gonna haunt me in my fucking dreams.
  9. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    How is that on topic?
  10. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    Because I'm afraid if I admit that, I will go back to contemplating burning my house down and being a serial kitten killer again. Don't make me do it, Aporis.
  11. gesundheitk

    60+ frames eludes me

    I wouldn't necessarily go for that build. It's over a year old in terms of performance, along with the prices being outdated. Not to mention, this video only list parts, and shows no proof that the build can willfully sustain itself 'maxing out every game you throw at it' no matter how credible it looks. Honestly, if you want the best PC build you can buy and not waste any money, I would simply wait until the standalone is released. I know what you are thinking, "Wait until the standalone is released? Are you mad? This money is burning a hole in my pocket and I need to spend it now!". Granted, I agree it can be extremely tempting to buy a PC as soon as you get the money/will for it, but once you see how DayZ runs on other computers, it will give you the confidence you need to assemble the monstrosity and get gaming. Besides, the first PC I've ever built, I remember two months in thinking "Wow, why did I do this? There is no one to talk to and these controls are blonkers!" because for some reason, we as humans feel the need for comfort as soon as change happens. I now don't regret turning over to the PC platform since I am settled in after meeting awesome people that allowed me to finally call this new place "home", you still might need some time to think through with it. I hope I helped, and you can totally disregard this advice. if it was me in your shoes about a year ago, I would have said f*ck you to anyone who said this to me
  12. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    Haven't seen the Steam DB changelist yet. Can someone show me it?
  13. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    From what I have seen, it's probably 25-50 meters. That's only coming from the video I saw of Dean being at Gamescom though (at least I think that's where I saw the video).
  14. gesundheitk

    November Round-up

    Not to sound greedy, but is 5,000 zombies out of the question? I was hoping for hells of a lot of zombies.
  15. gesundheitk

    Zombie Pack-Like Behavior

    An idea I would enjoy is that Infected simply follow the 'monkey-see, monkey-do' level of cognition that would then allow naturally for huge herds of zombies to occur. It seems to work best here.
  16. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I think, as a fanbase, we are lucky rocket is filling us in. I remember when GTA V was announced, and a trailer was shown, and then suddenly it became a drought year. That was no new information for over a year when they finally released the second trailer. Everytime you'd send them a message about it, you'd always get the reply "there is no information available to speak of at this time". It was quite the annoyance, but people need to realize we are not privileged to anything, and rocket had just as much power to stay quiet like R* did, but he didn't. We should be grateful.
  17. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I am fairly certain DayZ won't be releasing until Thanksgiving. If anything, that would probably be most convenient for me.
  18. gesundheitk

    dayz rules joke.

    #10 Don't play 80's music with the radio while Dean is on the server.
  19. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

  20. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I'm fairly certain the man on the ground is holding a Mosin-Nagant, but in better lighting. Pretty much anyone with something that looks like a rifle is probably a Mosin Nagant, even the man running.
  21. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    They seem rather different, at least to me.
  22. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I believe they're just checking to see if Multiplayer is stable at this point.
  23. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    The Steam Halloween sale has arrived, and I have had 30 dollars on my account for the past three months in anticipation for buying DayZ. Must... resist...
  24. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    DAYZ RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED! kinda Thanks, Fraggle! E: Post got screwed up. Point is Fraggle actually said in code that the release is TOTHAY. YAY!!! Edited October 29, 2013; 6:37 AM (EST)
  25. gesundheitk

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Not to rain shit on your parade guys, but I just feel as if rocket is only saying "need to make multiplayer stable" to buy some time to address other issues. I am worried that within a certain amount of time, they will once again say they need to work on something else and prolong the release.