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Cappy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cappy (DayZ)

  1. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    When the last time anyone got killed by a zombie? seriously? shooting zeds is like putting down a retarded 3 legged dog, yeah you can do it, but not exactly a challenge. Even before the zeds were slowed down they have become an irrelevant backdrop, with no consequence to game play what so ever as all you have to do is run a few feet to loose them. who ever is sitting on the current dev team and thought that previous zeds were too hard and needed slowing down needs to sit down in front of the game and play abit. They need to be made harder, faster, stronger. Dayz started by changing ARMA2 into something totally different,. now in the hands of you half wits, you've turned it back into ARMA2. well done. i propose changing the name to 'Day-(arma2 but with some zombie looking characters running around causing lag but with no real effect on game play)-Z'
  2. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    My problem with Taviana is that is a level, not a map. it looks like it was made by some teenager who plays far to many arena based FPS's. It has no atmosphere, no style, no depth, it is by far the most terrible excuse ive seen for a 'map' (level), reminds me of a halo map or a similar unimagnitive design.
  3. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    the point i was trying to make was that i'm playing and commenting on the mod, to which this website and forum is for, ergo commenting about the stand alone is irrelevant. And there is a 'dev' team for the mod, yes a community one, but a select amount of people none the less, and those people, not the community and accountable for this mess and yes i do watch the SA update,. but again,. they have nothing to do with this mod, like you say the original team is making the SA, however its not the 'community' that is making this mod now, but a 'community mod team' of a few people. the way you put it is like everyone who plays gets to input, whereas its a select few people
  4. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    that exactly what i've been playing,. however the mod is now dead and no longer playable sadly
  5. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    the community has always QQ'd about such things, the Dev team did'nt have to listen to them. there is no money in this mod, so why sell themselves out. To put it simply there cowards. its wasn't done for money, or game play, but for the sole purpose to keep the masses happy, shit guys, go and work for EA or something
  6. Cappy (DayZ)

    Killed by Zombies???

    I'm sorry but I'm not talking about the SA, mainly because i don't play it. i play the mod, and the mod sucks balls atm, any talk about the SA is irrelevant as none of us can/have played it. and to assume it will be 'fixed' without any experience with it seems very presumptuous. the fact is zeds on the MOD are far too easy, this could be fixed very easily, however it is not, and that annoys me
  7. Cappy (DayZ)

    Graphic Glitch: The Fractal Nuke

    Nope, but its being worked on now. Should be fixed in next patch, or look skyward and hope no one is about
  8. Cappy (DayZ)

    i know its alpha but come on..

    OP knows this is an alpha, but clearly doesn't know what an alpha is.
  9. We don't wait for it to respawn. We go to several locations clearing the cities out as we move. Like I stated, We go to several hotspots, looking for PVP and clearing out cities as we move. I'm not assuming anything, i'm aware that if loot has already generated that new loot won't spawn in. My point is that if there's nothing but tin cans, so be it. That's not essentially a bad thing, empty tin cans have uses to, they are loot to, not great loot, but loot all the same with a purpose. And so what if a super market only has tin cans in it, why farm when you can simply go to another town as it was intended. I'm sure if someone has no loot and ammo some tins cans would be useful. granted not as useful as ammo and guns, but hey, that's the game. If a supermarket has nothing but tin cans in, and will never spawn in better loot, how is that a bad thing? You seem to be forgetting that tin cans are loot to, maby the worst, but there still loot. If that's all you have then you use them, it'd be a fun situation that you wouldn't intentionally put yourself in. your exploiting the mechanics, simple
  10. Not at all, where did you read that?
  11. The fact you make this 'guide' makes me laugh We all know that loot re-spawns in a certain way, you not clever for figuring it out ( although posting this thread seems that your looking for congratulations or admiration ). However most of us who play know that the reason for loot re-spawning isn't that so it can be farmed by a single group that stay in one place, its so after a location had been looted and left by a group/person, it will re-spawn random loot again for the next player who comes across the location. Consider this, for loot to re-spawn you have to leave the area by a certain distance, why do you think that is? to make you farmers get exorcize? of course not, its a mechanic to make loot appear for the next person your simply abusing the mechanics of the game, your a cheater, plain and simple. Yes it can be done,. just like you can snipe people as the spawn in off the coast,. but should it be done?? fuck no.
  12. Op you are dead inside,. your a husk of a gamer that could have been. Why even play the game, to be honest I'm not even sure you do. Do you just stick to one spot, farm up everything you need,. and then,... what? The main reason for traveling to dangerous places and about is to acquire loot, while making a choice between risk and reward, you have none of that. you've taken a fantastic and trilling experience and made it dull. hello i am fun, you have killed me.
  13. Cappy (DayZ)

    g36-c SD

    Well he didn't make the script/hack,. little pus just downloaded off some site. He can't even cheat right, total fail lol
  14. Cappy (DayZ)

    A small improvement that would bring big changes

    Don't log off in buildings ( that whole thing is kinda lame ), don't log off in high traffic areas, stick to 1-2 servers rather than hopping. This is a non-problem,.. just don't log off in dumb places,. .fixed.
  15. Cappy (DayZ)

    Does DayZ ned more vheicles?

    I believe car spawns are fine However until recently people would store/whore up all the cars they could and hide them in the out-of-bounds grass plains outside of the map, making it very difficult to locate once someone had repaired them. But now they are deleted after 24hours if they are in the flat green fringes of the map, so hopefully we should all start seeing more cars about.
  16. Cappy (DayZ)

    COMING SOON: Six Launcher Replacement

    Yeah just realized that, edited my post. But YES!! please add the option to show servers that 'exclude' those options, that would be fantastic. Incredibly useful to me, and i'm sure many others
  17. Cappy (DayZ)

    COMING SOON: Six Launcher Replacement

    WOW,. just amazing For me personally finding a server without 3rd person/ cross-hairs/ tags is very difficult, some say it on description, other don't. The fact you have them as filters it just fantastic. I want it, i want it now!!! Great job! Thank you so much. EDIT:- If checking the relevant boxes only shows servers with 3rd/tags etc, could you add an option to only show servers without? unless thats already the case
  18. Cappy (DayZ)

    DayZ! The Review! --- Just give a read, and troll it.

    You can't have it both ways guys. Complain about being killed by players/saying its a death match, and then moaning about it not being a survival game. How many times have you died to zeds compared to how many times you've been killed by players? Point being if players didn't kill each other hardly anyone would die, and if people don't die its not much of a survival game is it?
  19. Tryed this, works well, Haven't seen much difference between this and a SSD. (had 32GB of ram so loaded full arma 2 onto it) A great use for the RAMdisk software too is to make a RAM partition for your pagefile also. For people wanting to use it with steam you need to download 'symlink' software, where you can move folder to the RAMdisk/SSD and link it to you steam folder so it reads ARMA2/DayZ from your SSD/RAMdisk as if it was within the steam folder.
  20. Its toast, had the same thing happen. You'll still get option to repair with parts, but doing so will do nothing.
  21. It should just switch the weapons over, tryed it the other day and worked fine, didn't loose either guns. Not sure about the ammo tho, you'd expect the ammo to stay in active inventory, but who knows, give it a try.
  22. Cappy (DayZ)

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    100% agree with op,. personally i'd like a 60sec timer. Yes, sometime people will loose power/DC and die, but that will be a small percentage, but if it means that the people who log off to avoid death will die, its worth it. You can't argue against a mechanic because of your RL issues with connection, power outages and alike. Yes its will be a shitty way to die, and that's a shame, but it will stop the alt-f4 crowd. Its not the games/dev's duty to support your bandwidth/connection stability/PC, But rather your responsibility to make sure you have an adequate connection/PC to run said game,. if not, then you simple cannot play, sorry
  23. Cappy (DayZ)

    Servers without friendly fire, aka pvp killing

    To ask why we can't have FF off servers is not understanding how the game works at all. You really can't submit ideas such as this on a whim, you need to read a lot more about how the servers works, and the game.